"Of course I trust her. She will be my wife and the person I will stay with all my life. If I don't trust her, do I still trust you?" He said coldly.

This sentence, but like a sharp sword, stabbed her severely.

She thought that, even if he said cruel and poisonous words, she had been numb and had no feeling, but it turned out that... Such a simple sentence, she would still have feelings.

"Ye Wenming, I beg you to check if it is OK. I just want to know if she has taken Xiaoyan away. If not, I will go right away, which will never hinder your eyes."

"If you want to check? Zhuo qianyun, who do you think you are? " Ye Wenming said sarcastically.

Zhuo qianyun's face was pale. The man in front of her didn't even know how to ask for it. Maybe, even if she really died in front of him, the man didn't matter.

"Ye Wenming, I know we are fighting for Xiaoyan's custody, but at least now the case has not started and the verdict has not been handed down. At least for now, don't take Xiaoyan away from me, OK?" She was almost begging in the most humble tone.

He has a cold face. She used to be in front of him, can say so resolutely on the Yin and Yang Road, never meet again and so on, can also take the broken glass directly to the abdomen, but now, for the sake of her son, she can be so humble.

How many faces did she have that he had never seen?

"Ye Wenming, please... I beg you." Her dark eyes are full of moisture.

At this moment, she was as fragile as if she would collapse with one more stroke.

"Otherwise, I kneel down, I beg you, I kowtow to you, as long as you return Xiaoyan to me, at least before the lawsuit is judged, give Xiaoyan back to me..." she saw that she really wanted to kneel down. He almost took her hand in an impulse.

"Enough!" He gave a low, inexplicable, do not want to see her this fragile appearance.

He picked up his mobile phone and dialed a phone number directly. After a few orders, he said to Zhuo qianyun, "you wait here, and you will have the answer later."

She said, "OK, I'll wait, I'll wait." Then he stood quietly and waited.

Ye Wenming looked at the man in front of him, dressed in cheap clothes, and his long hair was simply tied with the cheapest rubber band. Her skin doesn't look as white / white and tender as it used to be, and the hands hanging on her side are even more rough, which is quite different from the simple hands in his impression at that time.

Now she was created by him. If he was willing to let Ziyin settle out of court and withdraw the complaint, she would not have been in prison for three and a half years, let alone now.

Just looking at her like this, why does he have not happy, but a kind of heartache?

Finally, ye Wenming's mobile phone ring rings, Zhuo qianyun's body suddenly startled, nervously staring at the mobile phone.

Ye Wenming picked up the phone, after listening to the other party's reply, said to Zhuo qianyun, "Ziyin didn't take away Xiaoyan."

No? Zhuo qianyun couldn't say whether he was relieved or more nervous. If it is not Kong Ziyin, then where will Xiaoyan be?

"Thank you for checking." She said, turning to leave.

He grabbed her arm. "Do you know where to go?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find it!" She said, "and the police will look for it together."

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