"Still, didn't you say that no matter what I did wrong, you would forgive me? You said, if I cry, you will forgive me, then I cry, I cry OK? No matter how long you want me to cry or how many tears you shed, you can forgive me. "

He said, tears gushed out of his eyes and filled his beautiful face.

Ling still only felt that his heart was blocked by something, which made him feel uncomfortable.

I never thought that one day when I saw him cry, it would be under such circumstances.

His tears, along his cheek, constantly flowing down, dripping on her and his hands, burning badly.

Her other hand, which he didn't hold, couldn't help leaning towards his face. Just when her hand touched his face wet with tears, a feeling of nausea, which had not been seen for a long time, surged up.

Ling still fiercely covered his lips, pushed away Yi Jinli, ran into the bathroom, and threw up on the washing table.

She hasn't vomited like this for a long time since she passed the period of pregnancy and vomiting. But today, she vomited again, and it was like she was going to vomit everything in her stomach.

"Still!" Yi Jin from looking at Ling still spit like this, suddenly anxious, subconsciously raised his hand, stroked Ling still back, want to help her Shun gas, let her comfortable.

But when his hand touched her back, she vomited even more.

"Don't... don't touch me..." Ling still took a breath, raised his hand again, and pushed away Yi Jin's hand.

When his hand no longer touched her body, she vomited and slowly stopped.

Ling still pale raised his head, wiped his mouth, looked at Yi Jinli, that pair of apricot eyes, like a flash of irony, satirize him, also satirize herself.

Her lips, slowly open, and he, suddenly seems to guess what, face brush all of a sudden, become extremely ugly.

Don't say... Don't say!

He screamed wildly in his heart, but what he heard was her laughing and saying, "even if I... Can tell you, I forgive you, but... My body, it... Seems that there is no way to forgive, you tell me... How to do... How to do...

as soon as he touches her, she will feel sick and vomit, even if she tries to suppress it This kind of feeling, but the body, seems to be instinctive in triggering this reaction, simply can't control.

Yi Jin from the body staggered for a moment, this moment, his face, full of despair!


the doctor came in the middle of the night and gave Ling a check. The final conclusion is that this should be some kind of instinctive resistance consciousness of the body, and there is no way to use any special medicine, just like when people encounter danger, the body will instinctively protect itself.

Hearing the doctor's conclusion, Ling still had a bitter smile.

Is it because this body has suffered too much in prison? This body, firmly engraved those non-human pain, so when she knew the truth, the body would be so resistant to ah Jin's touch.

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