When the doctor and nurse left, Ling still looked at Yi Jinli who was still standing in the ward.

At the moment, he was standing not far from the hospital bed, surrounded by loneliness and despair.

Ling still pursed her lips and said, "after the baby is born, I want to move out of the house."

Yi Jinli suddenly raised her head and looked straight at her. Her face was a kind of consternation and panic, "do you want to... Move out of the house?"

"Well." She said, "because I don't know how to face you. Maybe it's better for us to move out of E-House."

Although, she can find many reasons, for example, at that time, he did not really get along with her, she was just a small person to him; for example, he was cold-blooded, how could he sympathize with a small person; for another example, he just stood by and did not really participate in it...

she can find more than one reason But I can't convince myself.

Her belief from childhood to adulthood is to uphold justice. Therefore, she will choose to become a lawyer and fight with law as a weapon for her own justice and fairness.

But it happened that the person she loved the most, had been so indifferent that she was wrongly imprisoned.

That prison almost changed her life, this kind of pain, this kind of injury... Maybe only time can slowly subside.

"What do you mean? It's better for us. I never thought it would be better if you moved out of E-House!" Yi Jin left the way, quickly stepped forward, went to the bedside, hands subconsciously want to catch her, but just about to meet her, stopped.

His hand is only a few centimeters away from her shoulder. As long as he extends forward, he can touch it. But this short distance, for him, seems to be thousands of meters away.

The scene that she vomited before, and the appearance of her body trembling / shuddering, were clearly engraved in his mind.

"Then you were better to me at that time, and... I also want to change my place when I was discharged this time. You can help me find a small apartment. It's better to be near the hospital for labor, and it'll be more convenient for me to have a prenatal examination at that time." Ling still said.

Now that she can't face him, let both sides calm down. For her, now the most important thing is the belly of the children, she must let the children come to this world safely.

But what she said only made him think of one possibility.

"So, are you going to divorce me?" Hoarse voice, spit out from his mouth, with a trace of tremor.

Ling is still in a daze, divorced from?

She didn't know how to face him, but she didn't want to divorce. He knew that when he said this, the fragility on his face hurt her heart.

Even if the truth made her suffer, even made her hate him, why he was so indifferent in those years, why he refused to give her a little pity and sympathy for that innocent person, but... He was her favorite man after all! It's the father of the children in her stomach.

She once said, to give children a warm and beautiful family.

But now... She didn't know how long it would take.

"I didn't think about divorce." It's still a long time for Ling to say that.

But her answer didn't make him feel better. His eyes fell on her bulging abdomen, "is it for the children? So, you won't divorce me, but... You don't want to look at me more, and you don't even want to live in the same place with me, do you? "

"I..." for a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

"In this case, you can live in Yi house, I'll move out. As for divorce, since you said you didn't think about it, you should never think about it."

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