All the time, he actually felt that Ling was still not worthy of Yi ye, but when Ling still took the initiative to choose the moment of death, he admired the woman in his heart.

It's not difficult to love someone, but how many people can give their life for each other.

"Madam, I love you! In the end, she wants you to live well. " Gao Congming.

Yi Jinli's body trembled for a moment, with a hoarse voice and a strong cry, "she loves me... Yes, she loves me! She loves me! Love me... But why didn't I believe it before! "

Why, at that time, when she said she was willing to forgive him, not for the sake of children, he refused to believe her?

He always thought that she loved him too little, not enough!

But in the end, she used her life to tell him how much she loved him!

"Yi ye, madam, she hopes that no matter what happens, you will live well. She loves you, so she saved you with her life. You must not let her down." Gao Congming is afraid that his boss will be stimulated too much at the moment, so he can't think of it for a moment.

Then, there was a hoarse mockery in his ear, "Cong Ming, you said if I lost it, how can I live well?"

Gao Congming only saw the man at the top of power and wealth in the deep city. At the moment, his beautiful face was almost twisted because of pain in the moonlight. In his black eyes, there was almost no star, just like a... Living dead man.

All of a sudden, Gao Congming has a feeling that if Ling is still not in this world, even if Yi Ye is really alive, he is afraid that what he is alive is just a body.

Qin Lianyi couldn't believe it, but she still fell into the sea. On that day, they still talked on the phone and talked about new year's greetings. How could they be gone?

But the police and Yi's side, have thrown down a lot of manpower and material resources, but never found Ling's whereabouts.

Even ye Wenming has come here and used his contacts to look for it.

Even if Qin Lianyi tells herself over and over again in her heart that her good friend will not die. After all, she has not found anything, has she? Maybe it has been saved by someone!

But another voice in her heart told her that her friend fell off the cliff with a car. Even though her friend broke the rope at the last moment and left the car from the skylight, the possibility of rescue was too low.

After all, if it's still alive, why hasn't it appeared for so many days, and no one called the police to say that they saved people.

It's a big news that the police and the Yi family are looking for people in this area. Even the ordinary people in Shenzhen know about it.

On the other hand, Zhuo qianyun and Xiaoyan are anxiously waiting for Ling's whereabouts. Xiaoyan asks several times a day if she has found her aunt, but Zhuo qianyun can only say bitterly, "it will be found. You see, so many people are looking for their aunt. How can they not find it?"

"Will that Aunt die?" At the gate of kindergarten, Xiaoyan asked, worried on her face.

He heard from adults that his aunt was probably dead, and now he was looking for a corpse. Although he was still young and had a vague concept of life and death, he knew that if he died, he would never see his aunt again!

He doesn't want to see his aunt. He also wants to play with his aunt. He also wants to be a good brother to his younger brothers and sisters!

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