"No It was not Zhuo qianyun who answered him, but ye Wenming.

Ye Wenming went to Xiaoyan and said to his son, "she must be alive."

Xiaoyan seems to have obvious resistance to Ye Wenming. After seeing ye Wenming coming, she subconsciously blocks Zhuo qianyun. She seems to be afraid that this daddy will be bad to Mommy again, and he wants to protect Mommy.

It is clear that he is only a 4-year-old, but he is on guard.

This makes Ye Wenming feel bitter, but he has no way to vent his bitterness, no way to complain, because all this is his own creation!

At the beginning, Xiaoyan had been attached to him, and also had a parent-child smile on him. He would ask him to hold his head high and ride his neck, and would shout for daddy to take care of him.

But now... Everything is different! It was his stupidity that pushed Xiaoyan away from his side.

"Don't worry, Daddy won't hurt Mommy, no matter what." Ye Wenming murmured.

He knew that he would spend the rest of his life in atonement.

Zhuo qianyun takes her son's hand, turns around and leads him to the bus station.

Ye Wenming's eyes flashed a touch of sadness, and then he stepped up to follow.

The three walked like this, two before and one after, until the bus came. Ye Wenming suddenly couldn't help saying, "don't you... Have anything to say to me?"

Zhuo qianyun turns her head and looks at Ye Wenming faintly. "You are willing to help me find it together. I thank you, but before you and I, we have nothing to say."

After all, she gave him nothing to say.

When the bus goes away, ye Wenming is still standing in front of the bus station, and the bitterness is spreading.

When he has too much to say to her, she no longer wants to talk to him.

But at least... She's still alive.

Perhaps her life is the greatest gift from God to him.

Ye Wenming thought of seeing Yi Jinli before. He was haggard, and his body was filled with a strong sense of depression. He was just supporting himself with strong willpower.

It is quite different from what he saw at the beginning. In a short time, he can completely destroy a powerful man who can almost control the financial lifeline of Shenzhen city.

Yi Jinli's strength in the deep city is obvious to all. No one would think that this man would be defeated so easily, but in fact, as long as a woman disappears, this man can be completely destroyed.

If you find Ling in the future, but it's really just a corpse, then Yi Jinli... I'm afraid there's no difference between living and dead.

And the financial empire of such a large e-group may collapse.

Will the future of Shencheng change? Ye Wenming sighed in his heart.


time goes by day, but Ling still has no whereabouts. Although the scope of search is constantly expanding, and even the area of sea area search has expanded to neighboring cities, everyone has no hope.

No one thinks Ling is still alive. Now, it's just that the body will be found sooner or later.

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