Gao Congming gently pushes away the room, looking at Yi Jinli in the room, the man at the top of the deep city, now is so embarrassed to curl up on the ground, holding the clothes Ling still used to wear tightly in his arms.

All around the floor are photos of Ling still, photos of different ages, from small to big. The people in the photos are smiling.

However, the sweeter the smile in this picture, the more sad it is.

"Yiye..." Gao Congming said softly, "on the side of the group, you still need to preside over the overall situation. Some projects that are going to be launched also need your approval. If you go on like this, then..."

"is there still no whereabouts?" Dry dumb voice, interrupted Gao Congming's words, Yi Jinli murmured to ask, but his eyes did not open, is still closed state.

Just like at the moment, he is hugging the person he loves most. The tip of his nose is full of the breath of that person.

I don't want to wake up from this illusion, because once I wake up, it is endless pain.

"No..." Gao Congming said that it had been more than 40 days, and even the people of the search team had said frankly that they were probably eaten by the large fish in the sea, and there was no bones left.

Just this sentence, Gao Congming is how dare not say to his boss.

I'm afraid I'll be crazy!

"Still, can you tell me where you are?" Yi Jin held her clothes more tightly, and her face was almost buried in those clothes. "You said, I want to live well, but if I can't find you, how can I live well? How can I live well..."

"Yi ye, please wake up. If my wife is really alive, she will be sad to see you like this." Gao Congming couldn't resist the tunnel.

But his words seemed to violate Yi Jinli's taboo. At the next moment, Gao Congming's whole body was stiff.

Just because Yi Jin leaves that pair of eyes that originally closed, already opened at the moment, just stares at him.

And in that pair of black eyes, it was bloody and... Murderous!

"What is there in heaven? She's not dead. She's not dead. Do you hear me?" Yi Jinli suddenly gets up and knocks Gao Congming to the ground.

And his five fingers, is suddenly grabbed Gao Congming's neck, that appearance, it is like to kill.

Yi Ye is... Going to kill him?!

Gao Congming was so excited that he immediately regretted it. He should know that Yi Ye's mental state is a bit wrong now, and he can't be stimulated at all.

Just now, he shouldn't have said that there is a spirit in heaven. Isn't it obvious that Ling is still dead? Master Yi needs to be able to bear it.

But at this moment, even though he wanted to say something to remedy it, his neck was pinched like this and he couldn't speak at all.

If he wants to be strangled like this, Gao Congming thinks he is the most unjust person.

But at this moment, Yi Ye's hand strength is amazing, he... He can't break off Yi Ye's hand at all!

At this moment, suddenly a baby's cry, sounded in the air.

Yi Jin's body suddenly froze. Who is it? Who is crying? His fingers are stiff. He turns his head and looks behind him. At this moment, the housekeeper is standing at the door of the room with a baby in his arms.

"This child..." Yi Jinli looked at the crying baby.

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