"Is... Was secretly put in the door of the security department, put down the child that person, monitoring, like secretary Wang." The housekeeper said, and then he couldn't help saying, "this child... Looks very much like young master when you were a child."

At the beginning, when Yi Jin was born, the housekeeper had seen her.

He still remembers that the little young master, held by the young master, was crying at the door of the house.

At that time, the master always hoped that the master would accept his wife in the face of his children. But who knows, the master has a heart of stone and doesn't care for his grandson at all. By the way, he doesn't even want his son.

At that time, the old man only said, "you can take your child back to Yi's house, but that woman, don't want to enter Yi's house!"

In this way, the master left with the young master.

At the moment, the housekeeper looked at the little baby in his arms, as if he had seen the young master.

Yi Jin from the body stiff up, that pair of dead eyes, suddenly stare big, as if to see something incredible, "and I... when I was a child very similar?"

Dry hoarse voice, every word, as if with a touch of tremor.

"Yes, very much." Said the butler.

Yi Jinli's body shakes for a while, and he walks towards the housekeeper with some staggering steps. At the moment, Gao Congming gasps for breath, feeling that he has finally come to life.

The baby in the housekeeper's arms was still crying. Her little body was wrapped in the blanket, and the skin on her face seemed to be pink.

Is it possible? Could this child be his?

But... Still pregnant with triplets, why only one? What else? Where is it still?!

At this time, Gao Congming's mobile phone suddenly rings, and Gao Congming's face suddenly changes after he answers the phone. He says to Yi Jin, "Yi ye, it's secretary Wang who called. He says he has something to say to Yi Ye."

Yi Jin left facial expression to change, immediately way, "let him say!"

Gao Congming quickly pressed the hands-free button, and the voice of secretary Wang came from it, "young master, you must have seen the child now. This child, but your child, who has been in the incubator for more than a month, has no disease and is still healthy."

Really... It's his child! Yi Jinli's eyes suddenly turn scarlet. She rushes to Gao Congming, grabs her mobile phone and shouts to Secretary Wang at the other end of the phone, "still, where is it?"

At the moment, his most concern is still!

"Do you want to see Ling?" Secretary Wang's voice came, "well, I'll give you an address, you come."

When Secretary Wang reported the address, Yi Jinli almost ran out of the room, and Gao Congming also quickly followed.

The housekeeper stayed in the same place, looking at the crying baby in his arms, the child... It's really the child of the young master!

But the young lady is not pregnant with triplets, why only this one?

Yi Jin stepped on the accelerator from her foot and drove to the address that Secretary Wang said. Even if Secretary Wang arranged to sink in, he didn't care. He just wanted to see it quickly, and still wanted to see it madly!

Gao Congming and other bodyguards can only follow Yi Jinli's car as far as possible now.

Along the way, Gao Congming prayed secretly in his heart, even if only one triplet survived, it doesn't matter, as long as Ling is still alive!

But when they arrived at the address, they found that Secretary Wang was standing there, holding an urn in his hand!

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