As for the dark place not far away, several bodyguards look at each other, this is... Yiye?!

I always feel that after my wife and first lady come back, Yiye is different from the past!

When a family of four entered the playground, Ling still whispered to Yi Jinli, "you just... Er, actually you don't have to do that."

"But we are a family, aren't we?" Yi Jin left the way.

Ling is still slightly stunned for a while, and then he sees his deep eyes, looking at her tenderly. In the light of those eyes, it seems that he is imbued with too many thoughts.

Somehow, she would feel that his eyes looking at her now were different from before, as if she were his whole world.

"Yes, we are a family." Ling still murmurs.

The main guide of the four in the playground is Yi Qianmo. After all, he has been to the playground once, but for Yi Qianmo, this time he felt totally different from last time.

A lot of people around, there are a lot of small pot friends, even when playing some game facilities, they have to queue up, but... It seems to be more interesting than before. He didn't have any interest in rockets or ponies before, but it seems that playing with his sister will be more interesting.

Just as they were standing in line, there was a clear slap, followed by a female voice full of disgust, "how can you scratch Xiaotian? Don't you know who you are?"

Ling is still looking along the voice, only to see that it is a well-dressed woman, carrying a bag, at least ten thousand pieces of that, now she, a face angrily staring at a little boy in front of her, from the perspective of Ling is still, can only see the little boy's back.

Wearing a relatively old clothes, the height of Xiaomo Xiaojin is almost the same, but obviously much thinner.

Just now... The woman should have slapped the little boy, but the strange thing is that the little boy didn't cry and didn't even raise his hand to touch his face.

On the contrary, another fat little boy standing next to the woman was crying and shouting, "it hurts, Mommy, it hurts. He hit me just now. Mommy, will you drive him away?"

"Who dares to drive him away! Xiaoci belongs to our family. No one can drive him away! " At the moment, another little girl stood in front of the little boy, with the appearance of a hen protecting her cubs. "If you dare to drive away Xiaoci, I'll go with Xiaoci and take my mother's legacy!"

When she said this, she immediately made the woman angry. "You dead girl, what's your mother's legacy? What do you think your mother left for you? It's all earned by your father!"

"Uncle lawyer told me that my mother left them for me! It's mine The little girl yelled.

"You -" the woman's eyes were full of disgust. She raised her hand and planned to slap the little girl again.

At this time, the little boy, who had been quiet all the time, suddenly made a wild animal like roar at the woman. If it wasn't for the little girl's pull, he would have jumped at the woman directly.

And originally standing on one side - the children's father also hurriedly said to the woman, "OK, OK, children's words, how can you take it seriously? Today, I just want to have fun and come out to play. Why should I be angry?"

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