"You take care of your daughter. What's her mother's legacy? We agreed at the beginning that everything in the family will be given to Xiaotian in the future. Xiaotian is your own flesh and blood. As for your daughter, in the future, it's just water thrown out." The woman said angrily.

"Well, if we go on, we'll let others see the joke!" The man comforted the woman.

And the little girl is now turned around, small hand gently attached to the little boy was slapped on the face, face, full of heartache to ask, "pain?"

Ling still didn't see the little boy's expression, but seeing the little boy shaking his head, he must have answered that the little girl didn't hurt.

Looking at such a pair of brothers and sisters, Ling is still in the heart can not help but spread a touch of heartache.

From the conversation just now, it seems that the woman is obviously a stepmother, her own child, only the fat one called Xiaotian.

As for the little boy and the little girl, they are more like the old wife's oil bottle brought by her husband.

However, the relationship between the little boy and the little girl should be very good. When the little boy is beaten by his stepmother, the little girl will stand up and fight to protect him. When his stepmother wants to beat the little girl, the little boy will suddenly become aggressive.

It's just... These two kids are too young! In such a family, I'm afraid the situation will not be very good.

It can be seen from the clothes on the little girl and boy that they are not children of the same family compared with the clothes on the little boy.

And the little boy looks like he's only four or five years old. As for the little girl, she's only seven or eight years old. Children of this age need guardians everywhere.

Ling still can't help thinking of herself. At the beginning, she was also her mother. After her father died, her father married her stepmother, and her life was not easy. Fortunately, she had her grandmother to protect her, and her stepmother could do some superficial work, so her situation at that time was not too difficult.

Although, in this world, not all stepmothers are bad, there are still many good stepmothers, but now this one is obviously not a good stepmother.

"Mommy, what is spilled water? Am I spilled water, too? " Yi Qianjin asked suspiciously.

Ling still rubs her daughter's head, but before she can answer, Yi Jinli says, "no, you'll never be the one who spills out. You're my baby and your mommy's baby!"

And Yi Qianmo is very serious to a, "I just won't let you throw out." That tone, the right overbearing brother.

Yi Qianjin smiles again, but then her smile disappears. "That little sister is so pathetic. Will she be thrown out later? And the younger brother, is he going to be driven out of the house? "

"No way." Ling still said, "don't you think that young lady has been protecting that younger brother? So my brother won't be kicked out of the house. "

"Well, just like my brother protected me!" Yi Qian brocade way, small face finally did not have that kind of worry, and began to look around happily.

And Ling still, but can only sigh, every family has this difficult to read, but at least, that pair of brothers and sisters can become each other's dependence.

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