It's like she looks at his eyes, will have such a moment of ecstasy, like and his incomparable close,. But at the next moment, her eyes seem to return to the usual kind of desperate to leave her eyes.

But different from the past, now it seems like a struggle.

For a moment, she did not know how to answer him, only under his gaze, her face became more and more red.

"Why don't you look at me? Sister, I want you to look at me! " He came close to her with thin lips that exhaled like blue. She seemed to be bewitched by his voice, and her eyes fell on his face unconsciously.

At the moment, the man is looking at her tenderly. There seems to be a yearning and attachment in his eyes.

His bangs are combed back, showing a full forehead, but in her mind, it seems that she is overlapping with the "a Jin" in her memory.

The original a Jin, also once looked at her like this.

"Do you like me a little?" His voice whispered in her ear again.

There was a flash of emptiness in her face, and she opened her mouth to deny, but the denial seemed to be stuck in her throat.

Does she... Like him?

Ling still asked himself. If he is only ah Jin, then maybe she will like him, maybe not just treat him as a younger brother. But if he is Yi Jinli...

"you like me." His voice, with a certain certainty, drifted into her ear.

It was as if her expression had given him the answer he wanted.

His lips, raised a smile, and this smile, but also throughout his eyes.

She only felt that his smile was so beautiful.

After returning to Yi's house, Ling was still following Yi Jin to the living room when he said suddenly, "that... You helped me so much today, how do you wish me to repay you?"

After all, in this world, there will be pay if there is a gain. Even if he really wants her to pay anything, it should be.

He paused, turned to look at her and said, "how are you going to repay? Stay with me forever, or sleep with me? "

She bit the lip slightly and took a deep breath. Just as she wanted to open her mouth and say yes, his fingers were on her lips. "Don't you forget that when you asked me for 50 million yuan, I already said it. I don't want to."

She looked at him doubtfully.

"Even if I can really get you, it's not enough for me, you know? I want more than that. " He said, elegant voice, floating in the living room.

So what exactly does he want? She asked in her heart.

"I want you to like me, not just a little, but a lot." He slowly bent down, breathing and spraying on her face, "sister, I want you to like me so much that you can't lose me."

Her heart suddenly trembled, beating fast, even the whole body's blood seemed to be accelerated by his words.

His fingers gently caressed her face, "yes, I can let you promise to stay with me forever, or directly ask for your body, but if it's not you willing, then what's the point?"

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