From the beginning, all he wanted was her willingness.

But now, as time goes on, he wants more.

Want to get her more and more like, want her in addition to his accident, no longer like other men.

Even he can't accept that there will be another man besides him in her future. Every time he thought of this possibility, his heart would be filled with a feeling of jealousy.

Envy... Because of her, he finally understood what it was like to be jealous.

Ling still raised his eyes and looked at Yi Jin carefully. His hand was close to her cheek. It was hot. These days, the little things he got along with constantly appeared in front of her.

Even though... She still has some fear of him in her heart, maybe as he said in the car, she likes him.

Maybe when he was a Jin, I liked him.

"Do you really want me to like you?" She asked in a low voice.

"Yes." He replied without hesitation.

"What kind of feelings do you have for me? Because I feel fresh? So... Is it a good game player? " She plucked up her courage and asked what was in her heart.

His eyes sank and he sneered abruptly, "if I just take you as the object of the game, why am I here?"

His hand clasped the back of her head and drew the distance between the two closer. "In my life, there are not many people who want to love. Maybe you are the only one left except my father. What kind of feelings do you think I have for you?"

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Her heart, beating more intense.

Ling still gently raised his hands and pasted Yi Jin's cheeks, as if to feel his presence more clearly.

His body suddenly froze, looking at her eyes, it seemed that he was a little surprised, but also a little faintly excited and eager.

"Ah Jin, I like you." She heard her voice say that.

This is the first time she knows his real identity, in front of him, admit her love!

The next day, when Ling still opened his eyes, he saw Yi Jin sitting by the bed.

A white shirt, wearing Beige pants, the morning sun fell on him, making him look more clean and fresh, just like the prince in the fairy tale world in the eyes of every girl.

Then her eyes, on his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Elegant voice sounded in her ear.

She is a spirited, suddenly sat up body, some Leng Leng ground looks at him, "how are you... Here?"

"Because there are some things I want to confirm with you." He said, leaning down, raising his hand and gently pulling the strands of hair on her cheek behind her ear, "so I'll come to your room in the morning."

"Sure what?" Suddenly she was a little thirsty, so looking at him at a close distance, the visual impact would be greater, his eyes, his breath, his voice, as if they could easily stir people's hearts.

"Last night, sister, do you remember that you like me?" He murmured.

Her face was red again, and last night's memory began to flow into her mind, "remember..." she mumbled back, biting her lips.

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