Zixin asked for leave for a period of time and went back to school again. Only then did she know what her friend had experienced during this period.

Unexpectedly Almost buried in the rubble! What made her gasp was that Yi Qianci risked his life and went in to save Zixin.

When listening to Zixin say this, Yu Qingqing feels like she is listening to a love movie.

What a thrill!

After learning that her good friend and Yi Qianci were finally reconciled because of this, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

At last, things came to a good end.

"Yi Qianci, you and Zixin are boyfriend and girlfriend now." Yu Qingqing said bluntly.

"Yes." Yi Qian answered quite simply.

"In the future, you won't break up with Zixin casually. Do you know how sad Zixin is when you break up with Zixin casually, and how ugly some words of those people in the school are!" Yuqingqing feels sorry for her friend.

But today, Yi modestly came to the school to pick up Zixin himself. Presumably, the school's gossip against Zixin can also be eliminated.

"In the future, I will not break up with her." Yi Qianci said in a positive tone.

Yuqingqing didn't expect Yi Qianci to give such a positive answer, so he subconsciously said, "that is to say, will you get married?"

"Yes." Another affirmative answer.

Yuqingqing immediately looked at her friend with envy. Is this the right result of love? "When you get married, you must treat me to a wedding wine!"

"Don't worry, it will." Yi said modestly.

Hezixin blushed and followed Yi Qian to get on the bus. He couldn't help saying, "what you said to Qingqing is too much..."

"Do you think we won't get married?" Yi asked modestly.

Hezixin, of course, didn't think so. After experiencing so many things, she decided that the future was with him, but "You just said that to Qingqing. It feels like we will get married soon. It's a bit exaggerated."

"After we graduate, we will get married, but in another year." Yi said modestly.

"Cough!" Hezixin was almost choked by his saliva. "Are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm telling a lie?" Yi asked modestly.

"But don't you think it's too early?" When she graduated, she was very young, and he was two years younger than her Few men in the city get married so early.

"Since you have decided that you are the one to spend your life with me, what is so-called too early? Sooner or later, won't you marry you?"

He said, looking straight at her. "How about you, would you?"

Somehow, at this moment, hezixin just felt that his heart was beating faster and faster. It seemed that this question was not just asking whether he was willing to get married.

His eyes seemed to be asking her whether the promise she had given him was still valid and whether she regretted it? Whether there is a trace of reluctance.

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