"Yes." This is hezixin's answer to him.

Yeah, why wouldn't she? When the man rushed into the scene of the explosion and desperately tried to save her, at the last dangerous moment, he would rather die at the scene than ask her to run away.

At that time, her heart had understood what kind of existence he should be for her.

That is more precious than her life.

"Then we'll get married as soon as we graduate. There's no problem." Yi said modestly.

“......” Hezixin hesitated, "my father and stepmother..."

"I've already dealt with it. They shouldn't bother you again." Yi said modestly, "I think they should understand what you want to sever the relationship."

Hezixin looked at Yi Qianci suspiciously. She knew the character of her father and stepmother very well. If people like them knew that she and Qianci were together again, or even talking about marriage, how could they easily give up.

"Didn't you pay them off? How much did they ask?" She asked hastily.

"I know you don't like it. How could you do it?" Yi said modestly that although it was easy to get rid of greedy people with money, he didn't want to do anything that made her unhappy.

"Did you Lynch them?" Hezixin continued to guess.

At this moment, Yi Qian said, "it's not a lynching, but it's stepping on your father's foot."

Hezixin blinked. Was he uncomfortable? She seldom saw such an expression on his face.

"Nothing else?" She said.

"Just a few more words... Threatening words." Yi Qian replied, and his expression began to become embarrassed.

"Oh." Hezixin responded.

Her bland response surprised Yi Qian, "aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry? Because you trampled on my father? Of course, I don't want to call him father. I think if I follow you, I might catch up with him and beat him up!"

When her father asked those gangsters to ask her for money, the last trace of affection in her heart was gone!

My father should have known what kind of people those gangsters were. If she really fell into the hands of those people, she would have ended up ruined all her life.

But my father probably just wants to use the hands of those gangsters to make himself a good tool to beg money from the Yi family.

Hearing what hezixin said, Yi Qian's expression was back to normal.

"Now let's find a place to have lunch, and then see if it's going back to yizhai or..."

"I have a place I want to go this afternoon." Hezixin interrupted Yi Qian's words, pursed his lips and said, "I want to go to the detention center and meet Song Yu."

Yi Qianci suddenly frowned at his words. "Are you going to see Song Yu?"

"Well, next time, the court session will begin. I want to see him again before the court session." Hezixin said.

"What does he have to see?" Yi Qianci was obviously unhappy in his eyes, "or do you still feel sorry for him? Blame yourself for his suffering? Or do you feel guilty for him?"

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