Either way, he doesn't like it!

Hezixin suddenly looked at the expression on Yi Qianci's face, "are you... Jealous?"

Yi Qian was so caught off guard that he stifled his words. Then he raised his hand to cover his lip flap and looked away slightly. It seemed that he didn't know how to face her eyes.

"Jealous?" But she still asked persistently.

“......” Yi Qian said nothing.

At the next moment, a surprised "eh" came from hezixin's mouth, followed by a warm hand, caressing Yi Qianci's ear, "modest, your ear is red."

Yi Qian's body froze. "Don't touch it."

At the moment, her hand touched his ear, which made his ear more sensitive and sensitive. At the same time, a strange feeling in her body seemed to explode.

If he let this feeling go, he would

"Your ears are very soft and feel very comfortable." Hezixin seems to be addicted. His fingers continue to knead and knead his ears.

This touch, uh It really makes people love it! Why hasn't she found out before?

It seemed that it was not enough to touch the pinna of his ear. Between her fingers, she began to scratch the inner wall of his ear.

However, at the next moment, everything was whirling around. When hezixin reacted, her body had been overwhelmed on the back seat of the car by Yi Qianzhi. Then, between the original front and rear rows, an isolation screen slowly rose.

"What's the matter? What are you doing?" Hezixin didn't understand the tunnel, but he was pressed by Yi Qianci, and the front and rear seats of the car were separated, which made the back seat here form a closed and narrow space, and made hezixin feel that the surrounding air seemed to be heating up.

"What do you think I would want to do?" Yi Qian's voice was a little hoarse, his upper body bent down, and the two bodies stuck together. His fingers stroked her ears, "ears, is it fun?"

What a death! Hezixin's body trembled. He felt that the blood on his body seemed to concentrate on his ears, and even his toes would curl up.

"Now... It's in the car, and the driver is still driving ahead..." She said reluctantly, feeling her ears burning.

When I touched his ear, I didn't feel anything, but now, the person who touched his ear changed to me and found that this feeling It's really hard to describe.

"It doesn't matter. The driver doesn't care what happens behind him. Besides, it's separated now. He can't see anything." Yi said modestly.

But even if you can't see it, you can hear it! Hezixin thought to himself.

As if he had guessed what she was thinking, he said in a low voice, "if you really don't want the driver to hear anything, then it's good as long as you don't make any noise."

"Hey?" She was stunned, and then her body trembled.

Therefore, Yi Qian's lips have kissed her earlobes, and the close fitting of her body also makes her obviously feel the change of his body and the increasingly heavy sound of breathing and breathing.

Suddenly, she understood what he had just said.

No sound But the problem is How could it not make a sound!

Hezixin's face flushed, and he began to regret that he had rashly touched his ear. If he had known this, he would have touched it at least in a place where no one was there!

"Don't bite your lip. You'll break it." Yi Qian's low voice sounded in her ear.

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