Mother felt that he was more emotionally deficient than humility, and that it was the impact of the five years she was not with him at the beginning.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong with his psychology and personality.

After welcoming the guests, Yi Qianmo finally had some time to rest. He walked to the back and courtyard of the hotel.

Today, because of the second brother's century wedding, the hotel is also very lively. Then, the courtyard is relatively quiet, which can make your ears clean.

Leaning against the wall in the corner, he raised his eyes and could see the sky through the huge transparent glass above the courtyard.

A wedding... It's really tiring.

From now on, a man and a woman will form their family.

His parents' love and adherence to marriage made him never take marriage lightly.

If that person is not the one you want to love all your life, then you won't get married easily!

And modest, small brocade, the people they love, all grew up with them from childhood, childhood, long-term love, everything seems to be so natural.

On the contrary, he seems to have no special childhood sweetheart. Even if he wants to find a childhood sweetheart now, it's too late.

Yi Qianmo couldn't help laughing at the thought.

What is he thinking, childhood sweetheart? Did he ever really need any childhood sweethearts?

Just like love, it is necessary for some people, but it does not mean that everyone needs it.

Even if I haven't fallen in love with someone in my life, will it really be a regretful life?

At this time, a crisp slap suddenly sounded here in the courtyard, which also interrupted Yi Qianmo's reverie.

He turned his head and saw not far away at the entrance of the courtyard, there were two girls. One of the girls' face was slightly tilted to one side, and there were obvious red marks on one side of her face, which was obviously the one who was beaten.

And the other girl, with her back to him, he only heard the girl scold, "you're so shameless. You came here with your mother. I warned you not to come! Can you attend today's wedding?"

"Dad asked me to come." The beaten girl's voice was faint and authentic.

"Shut up! You're not qualified to call my father like that. You're just a mop brought by your mother! You'd better get out now. If you show up at the wedding banquet, you'll only disgrace my family!" The girl who hit shouted.

Yi Qianmo raised his eyebrows, and the wedding... As far as he knows, there is only one wedding in this hotel today - the wedding of the Yi family.

Are these two girls also guests to the banquet?

Suddenly, Yi Qianmo was stunned, just because the beaten girl was looking at him through the beating girl standing in front of her.

This girl, see him!

The two of them looked at each other with four eyes, but the girl's eyes were just a flash of surprise, and then they returned to the original state. Instead of looking at him, they gently lowered their eyes, "OK, I won't attend the wedding banquet, but you should apologize to me for slapping me."

"Apologize? You want me to apologize with you? What are you!" The other side was furious.

"Then I'll go to the wedding site with my swollen face. Guess what everyone will think? It will only be more humiliating then. I can afford to lose this face. How about you, can you afford to lose this face?"

"You..." the other party stared at the person in front of him with hatred, and was so angry that he almost stamped his feet.

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