But the beaten girl still just stood quietly, like a hunter waiting for the hare, just waiting.

"Why do you want me to apologize? You're just as cheap as your mother..."

"If you go on, I will attend the wedding no matter whether you apologize or not!" The beaten girl raised her eyes and looked at each other coldly.

The other party smothered, and finally said, "yes... Sorry! Well, I apologize, Wang Yuxin, you are not allowed to go to the wedding banquet, otherwise I want you to look good!"

With that, the other party left in a hurry.

And the beaten girl, until then, her eyes once again looked at Yi Qianmo standing in the corner.

Yi Qianmo came out of the shadow and looked at the other party, "why didn't you ask for help when you were just beaten?" After all, the other party has seen him.

Wang Yuxin asked, "for help, can I ask you for help?"

"At least you can try." Yi Qianmo said.

"It is said that the eldest young master of the Yi family will only pay attention to the people and things he is interested in, and will not pay attention to those who are not interested. I don't think you will be interested in things like that just now." Wang Yu thought.

"Do you know who I am?" Yi Qianmo narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, who doesn't know about the triplets of the Yi family who came to the wedding today? Besides, you are still today's best man. You accompanied the groom to meet the guests before." Wang Yu thought.

But Yi Qianmo has no impression of Wang Yuxin.

When he greeted the guests before, many guests, especially those female guests, just looked at them and forgot them.

"The wedding banquet will begin soon. Do you want to stay here?" Wang Yuxin said aloud.

Yi Qianmo looked at the time. It was really time to pass, but... The redness and swelling on the face of the girl in front of him made him feel a little dazzling.

"What about you? If you don't go to the wedding banquet, will you go home directly?" He asked.

Home? Wang Yuxin's eyes darkened. For her, the family that really belongs to her has long disappeared.

"No, I'll stay here for a while before I leave." If you leave now, it will be bad if someone finds out. It will embarrass your mother and stepfather at that time.

So it's best to wait until the wedding banquet officially starts and then leave quietly.

Yi Qianmo was silent, staring at the redness on Wang Yuxin's face.

"Won't you go?" Being looked at so straightly by the other party made her a little uncomfortable.

"I can ask the doctor of the Yi family to show you the wound on your face." Today's wedding banquet, the Yi family is also equipped with medical staff, in case of any unexpected events at the wedding.

Yi Qianmo seldom cares whether someone he doesn't know is injured or not.

But the redness and swelling on the girl's face in front of him made him care inexplicably. Maybe it was because after she was slapped and looked at him, she still calmly pretended not to see anything, let alone ask for help, so he had some curiosity.

"No." Wang Yuxin said faintly, "it will be fine in two days. At that time, even traces will not be left."

He frowned slightly, and her words seemed to be experienced in such things.

However, at this time, he can't stay here anymore. Yi Qianmo didn't say anything more, and turned around and walked towards the exit of the courtyard.

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