"How do you prove that there is such a possibility?" Yi Qianmo asked.

"If you don't mind if I offend you..."

Before Wang Yuxin's words were finished, Yi Qianmo said, "Yes."

"What?" She blinked.

"You can offend me, and I also want to know if I like you." Yi Qianmo said.

Wang Yuxin took a deep breath, since he had already said so, then she also gave up.

If Yi Qianmo really likes her a little bit... But as long as she can seize the opportunity, then maybe she can use Yi Qianmo to seek justice for her mother and let Gu Qian Yao paid the price he deserved.

No matter - she will pay any price!

Wang Yuxin slowly leaned towards Yi Qianmo, and the faces of the two gradually approached.

Yi Qianmo's beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't stop, but stared straight at Wang Yuxin, watched her face get closer and closer to his, and then kissed his lips.

She sucked his lips awkwardly, sticking out the tip of her tongue, trying to take a step closer.

This kind of kiss between lovers is unfamiliar to Yi Qianmo.

Although there have always been many women interested in him, he has never liked the approach of those women, and naturally he will not want to have any intimate actions with those women.

It is precisely because of this that even the family members suspect that there is something wrong with his orientation.

But at this moment, being kissed like this by Wang Yuxin did not make him feel disgusted. Instead, he felt a tremor-like feeling that stretched out from his spine, and his lips were also subconsciously opened, letting him go. She deepened the kiss.

When the kiss ended, Wang Yuxin's face was already flushed. After all, it was the first time she had kissed a man like this.

"Do you hate me kissing you?" Wang Yu thought.

"I don't hate it." Yi Qianmo replied, "It's just that if you don't hate it, does that prove that I like you?"

"But you won't let other women kiss you like this, right?" Wang Yu thought, after all, among those rumors about Yi Qianmo, there were rumors that he didn't have any "love history".

There are even gossips on the Internet saying that some women once wanted to kiss each other while Yi Qianmo was drunk, but the result was that Yi Qianmo pressed her head directly on the table.

Therefore, some people joked that it was difficult to go to the sky if they wanted to kiss Yi Qianmo.

But now, Wang Yuxin kissed Yi Qianmo like this.

Although she didn't know if Yi Qianmo had kissed anyone before, but at least, he was willing to kiss her, and in the process of kissing, there was no resistance, so she must be somewhat special.

As long as...she is special to him, she will work hard to seize this opportunity!

"Just because it didn't exist before, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future." Yi Qianmo said lightly, "If you think that just a kiss can prove that I like you, then this proof is too weak. To me Speaking of which, a kiss doesn't mean that."

"Then how about dating me for a while!" When Wang Yuxin said these words, her heart was pounding, only she herself understood how nervous she was at the moment, and was afraid of being rejected by the other party.

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