"Association?" Yi Qian's eyes flashed, looking at the person in front of him.

"Yes...the relationship, also...it's not that kind of formal relationship, it's just that the two of us privately...well, spend more time with each other, if you can, Mr. Yi If you usually spend some time with me in private, maybe after spending some time together, you will know whether you like me or not." Wang Yuxin quickly explained.

Yi Qianci pondered, as if thinking about what she just said.

"Of course, if after a period of time, Mr. Yi, you think that you don't like me, then I will leave obediently without disturbing you, and I will not say a single word to the outside world for this period of time." Wang Yuxin Continue.

"What about you, do you like me?" Yi Qianmo asked abruptly.

"I like it." Wang Yuxin said without hesitation, "I am afraid that there are very few women who don't like a man like you, not to mention, you have helped me a few times, maybe I was grateful at first, but slowly Slowly, I found out that I like you."

As she spoke, the cold sweat on her palms seemed to increase.

She didn't know what she said, Yi Qianmo would believe it a few times, but the "favorable feeling" in her words was true. Yi Qianmo helped her a few times, and she also found out that he and the Yi Qianmo she had originally remembered were true. My eldest son, something is different.

"But if you like me, then even after getting along for a while, I find that I don't like you, so shouldn't you try hard to keep me, or even use all your means? It's really like you said, so simply Are you leaving? There won't even be any entanglement in the future?" Yi Qianmo asked back.

There are some charming peach blossom eyes, but at this moment, they are so sharp that they can see through people's hearts.

"That's because I have self-knowledge. If you don't like me, Mr. Yi, then it's useless no matter how much I entangle me, and I'll even bring shame on myself, right?" Wang Yu thought.

Yi Qianmo stared at her and said slowly after a while, "If you want to get along for a while, then you don't need to call me Mr. Yi."

Surprise flashed in Wang Yuxin's eyes, so this meant that he agreed to her proposal!

"Then... when there is no one else, can I call you Qianmo?" Wang Yuxin said obediently.

"Let's call it that." Yi Qianmo said, "I hope I won't be disappointed in the next time we get along." He also wanted to know what kind of feelings he had towards the woman in front of him.

After Wang Yuxin waited until Yi Qianmo left, her heart was still beating extremely violently.

Who would have thought that Yi Qianmo would actually agree to her ridiculous proposal.

Getting along with Yi Qianmo...even if it's not a real relationship, it's the only opportunity she can seize now.

Looking at his mother's posthumous photo, Wang Yu said in his heart, "Mom, if you are alive in heaven, bless me, so that I can use Yi Qianmo to get justice from the Gu family for you, as long as I can get this justice back, no matter what Whatever I do, I will do it.”

Even if she uses someone who helped her, even if she is full of sins, but... other than that, now she has no other way to help her mother get justice.

Mother is not to die!

What's more inappropriate is that the murderer who killed his mother is still at large!

She will make Gu Xiyao pay the price!

As for what price she has to pay to Yi Qianmo in order to achieve her goal, she doesn't care!

By now, she has nothing to lose!

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