In the middle of the night, Wang Yuxin slept very restlessly.

Large beads of sweat appeared on his face, and his mouth kept sending out helpless intermittent, "Don''t...don't come here.... .. don't... Mom, don't die, please... don't, don't die..."

Yi Qianmo leaned over, wanting to see Wang Yuxin's situation, but when he raised his hand close to her face, his hand was already grabbed by the other party.

She gripped so hard that it hurt his wrist.

But what made him more uneasy than this pain was that even in her sleep, she looked desperate.

"Okay, everything is over, it's over, no one will hurt you again in the future!" Yi Qianmo softly soothed Wang Yuxin in his sleep.

It was just his comfort, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Her head shook even more, as if she was desperately trying to get rid of something.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly, like a drowning person grabbing the last piece of driftwood, she suddenly reached out and hugged Yi Qianmo, pressing his body firmly towards her.

Her rapid breathing sounded in his ear, he could push her away, but he didn't push her away, instead he hugged her body.

"Have a nightmare?" Yi Qianmo asked softly.

"I'm... so scared..." Wang Yuxin muttered.

"Don't be afraid, everything is over, I said, no one will hurt you again." He said.

"But I'm still afraid... I'm afraid that I will die like my mother, and I don't understand!" Wang Yu said with a trembling heart, "When my mother, Gu Xiyao, wanted to stop me when she beat me, As a result, Gu Xiyao was pushed off the balcony. But... but she killed my mother and refused to give up, and she also... hit me to death, I... ...I almost literally got hit by a car..."

With that trembling voice, her body trembled violently.

Yi Qian's eyes sank, "Your mother was pushed off the balcony by Gu Xiyao?"

"Yeah, it's clear that Gu Xiyao is the murderer, but the Gu family has a way to make my mother's death an accident, and Gu Xiyao doesn't even have to take any responsibility!" After saying this, Wang Yuxin suddenly called Yi Qian Mo hugged tighter, and said terribly, "Will there be an accident when I die one day, and the cause of death is also an accident? Just like my mother..."

The last words were lost in the choked voice.

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