The next moment, her eyes met those black eyes.

He didn't sleep, but kept looking at her.

"Thank you..." Wang Yuxin pursed her lips.

"You really should thank me well, so in the future, you must repay me well." Yi Qianmo said calmly.

"How do you want me to repay you?" To repay, it would at least make her feel better.

If Yi Qianmo doesn't need to repay, then she will only feel more ashamed of her.

Just now, she really had a nightmare, but after she took the initiative to hug him, she slowly woke up.

And what she said to him later was not out of fear, but she deliberately said it to Yi Qianmo.

But to her surprise, Yi Qianmo promised not to let Gu Xiyao go unpunished.

With his words, it is almost equivalent to sentenced Gu Qianyao's future fate!

Before long, she should be able to see the appearance of Gu Qianyao being imprisoned.

She should be happy, because her plan was successful, and her revenge was about to be avenged, but at the same time, she felt guilty for Yi Qianmo.

From beginning to end, she was just taking advantage of his goodwill towards her.

"What do you think? How should I repay me?" Yi Qianmo asked back.

"As long as I can give it, I can give it all." Wang Yuxin said eagerly.

"All right?" He raised his eyebrows, as if waiting for the small prey to jump down.

"Well." She promised that even if he planned to take her body now, she would not hesitate.

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