Addicted to you

46 Coincidence


'hmm he hung-up? such ill-tempered brat' Tristan thought but then ignored it and gaze at Yeri. "guess im going now, contact me if you like to take the deal once your out in here."

"aren't you gonna help me out since you want my assistance? Yeri snickered.

"no can do, ill be the primary suspect if you manage to escape here" he winked at her. "like i said earlier, Shin is easy to coax if it's you, so there's no need for any help."

Tristan is almost at the door when he remembered something and looked back to Yeri. "also, seeing you all in one piece means he never once bared his fangs to you and the way i see it you don't harbor any ill-will towards him despite of your situation would be great if both of you would get along soon." Tristan softly said and left.

Yeri is stumped for words and just watch him leave, she at least know that Shin like her, duh! who can resist her beauty?! but his somewhat right, despite Shin's annoying attitude and the way they are now, she don't feel any resentment or hatred to the point that she wanted revenge or want him dead...ha! maybe because his way too handsome? yeah that's right! how can she hate such yummy food? nevermind that his crazy -_-! his still the best steak so far, Yeri nodded convincing herself. 'that smell and body~' Yeri grinned from ear to ear, if someone can just read her lewd thoughts, they would probably passed out.

Outside, Tristan is walking along the hallway when he received another call. The calm atmosphere dissipated and his eyes turned cold.

"found him?"

L felt a shiver down his spine although it's just over the phone, "B-Boss, that Grego Dayton was seen last weekend at a famous bar called Gaia pandemonium but they were alerted when our men barge in the place that night. They probably move to another area now"

"our men? what do you mean?" Tristan coldly asked.

"I dont know either Boss, it seems like King Hades (-Shin) was looking for a different person that time and nothing to do with Spiros."

Tristan rubbed his temples, f*cking coincidence! he perceived the turn of events. It will be a bit complicated uprooting those pest now that there wary they have been found out. "that's it?"

"uh- well we did captured one possible member of there organization but" L pauses, 'this is such a blunder' he thought. "Red beat him up to death."

The corner of Tristan's mouth twitched, "it seems like you all think this is just a simple hide and seek, give me positive results for the next 3 days and tell Red i'll personally dye his hair to pink since he is this useless."

Tristan abruptly hung-up and proceeded to his car.



At the Wang's residence, Calin look radiant as she happily admire her face in the mirror while applying her daily face regimen.

News of her relationship with Shin is the most trending topic now, she received a lot of compliments and even the most famous celebrities and politicians flattered her, different companies wanted her to be there model and her own agency is also planning a celebration for her and Shin.

Now everything fall into place, after years of waiting and almost giving up.

A knocking on the door disrupted her thoughts and her dad open the door.

"Calin what is the meaning of this? why didn't you tell me that you have met Shin?" he looked infuriated holding a newspaper, in it is a picture of Shin and Yeri from the blind article.

"Is there something wrong dad?" she asked acting innocent.

"of course there is! that bastard! meeting you in the middle of the night at a hotel?! you shouldn't have entertained him. what will people think about you? does he really think you are someone easy?"

"Dad! we didn't do anything wrong! do you also think im an easy woman?" she asked with painful expression from her father's hurtful remarks.

"Never!" Mr Wang sighed feeling calm now, "I'm sorry honey, you know how much we love you...I just don't want people to think badly of you and even if you love Shin don't just follow his every whim"

"Dad don't worry, i know what im doing" she smiled and wipe her non-existent tears.

Mr. Wang sighed again looking at his fragile daughter, how dare that guy took advantage of her feelings. If he hurt his precious daughter, he will never spare him even if his a Keir!

Then Calin's phone rang and took the opportunity to end their conversation. "Dad i have to take this call"

"Alright, come down to eat after your call and your mom wants to talk to you about elder Madam Keir's banquet this coming weekend"

After her father left the room, Calin gaze at her phone and her expression swiftly changed.

Stan's been calling her almost everyday since there break-up. She already have an inkling why his calling again. Atthe time where Shin was seen with that b*tch, she was withStan, but so what? even if Stan is aware, he will never do anything that would hurt her and in case he slip his tongue, no one will believe him.

She was very careful with their secret relationship that there's no evidence to connect the both of them.

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