Addicted to you

47 Walk around naked

'tsk! waste of time.' Calin scoffed ignoring the call.

Initially, she felt a bit anxious of her decision to start a rumour about Shin and her rather than waiting for the official announcement of their engagement. What if Shin will publicly deny it? even if she can pushed the blame to her dumb assistant, its still a slapped on her face.

However, days has passed by and there's no words from Shin and the Keir family. Ha! it only means whoever that b*tch is, she's nothing but just a past time to Shin! he did not even bothered introducing her to the public, with Shin's status its only expected that a woman like her should be the one next to him! yet, Calin still don't like the fact that there's other women lingering around Shin. As the future, Mrs. Keir it's her job to take care of this, she is confident with her looks but it can't be helped that there's always b*tches who will try to climb his bed.

As she thought about this, the call she's expecting showed on her phone screen.

She immediately answered it. "so? did you found out who she is?"

"im sorry miss, we cannot find any leads at all about the woman in the picture, we thin-"

"f*ck! your all f*cking idiots! you can't even do a simple task! i just want a f*ckin name!" she shouted in fury.


"if your not capable then just tell me, i dont wanna waste my money on imbeciles like you!"

"miss, we think that Shin Keir is involve-"

"hahahaha! well obviously why would he exposed some unknown b*tch to tarnish his name?! you idiots! i still want to know who she is but make sure Shin won't find out about this"

The man on the other line went silent, they've been working with Mr. Wang for years now so when the youngmiss of the family contracted them they didn't hesitate, who would have thought that the heiress of a prominent family is this ill-mannered. If there going to dig further there's a possibility that they might get caught, since there's no single trace of information about this woman, it only proves how formidable and efficient the people working behind Shin Keir.

'why is she even hang up on this when she will be married to him anyway' the man thought.

"are you f*cking listening?! do what i ask and don't call me with nothing again!"

"yes miss" the man conceded.

After the call, Calin is still fuming mad. Once she find the b*tch she'll make sure to make her suffer!



It's Saturday morning and Yeri woke up early hoping to catch Shin but she only saw the usual maid preparing the breakfast.

Normally this maids will only show up once the misogynistic jerk left for work, but since she arrived a week ago, as per Shin's instructions there aloud to stay around in case sheneeded something, even her foods were obviously catered by a chef.

Yeri slumped on the table were breakfast is ready, the food is even too much for a single person.

"good morning young miss, is there any specific food would you like to eat?" aunt moli asked, she's the oldest amongst the maid around.

"im not hungry, where's Shin?"

"uhm, the youngmaster left earlier for work...he also said that there's a party tonight that needs his attendance so you don't have to wait for him." aunt moli's voice sounded hesitant.

There are 4 maids that Shin assigned to stay at his place, 2 of them is on there 50's and were working under Shin for more than a decade now while the two remaining maids were still on their early 20's. Since her confinement, she already notice that the 2 young servants don't like her, she would notice them snickering whenever she's not looking but Yeri couldnt be bothered by it, as long as there not doing anything that would trigger her.

No matter how many reasons or things she would do just to get a hold of Shin (-except for breaking things or going ballistic, she's not barbaric afterall and its not just her forte.), they would always insist that the jerk is busy at work. However, she cannot afford to dilly-dally anymore, today marks her 1 week stay and she's already missing a lot at school, her parents might be looking for her now orthey would start to suspect that she's gone missing since she's uncontactable.

A sudden idea crosses her mind, it sound's crazy but Shin is crazy anyway so it might just work.

A day after Tristan's visit, she was allowed to access the amenities outside Shin's place. Although she dont know if Tristan has something to do with it or just Shin's own accord, it's not much of importance.

On the same floor, just across the hallway is a gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, garden and other amenities... aside from cctvs, this place is were most of Shin's bodyguards would do a routine check or standby.

Yeri put down her coffee and walked towards the headbodyguard who happened to pass by after talking to aunt moli, the bodyguard also halted upon noticing her. "young miss, do you need something?"

"hmm, tell that jerk boss of yours he have 1 hour..." Yeri smiled sweetly, "after that i'll walk around naked for all i care."


The bodyguard retained his stoic expression but he suddenly felt his stomach churning, he clearly recalled what the Boss said sometime ago...

"If i caught anyone of you staring at her for more than 3 seconds, i'll gouge your eye out and fry it with your own blood, plate it to your hands and serve it with your ears as a side-dish!"

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