A lot of wood, huge machinery, as well as countless strange tools and countless boatmen, all at once entered the sight of the sailors.

"It's spectacular..."

"Although I have been to the Water Capital a few times, I have never seen this place..."


Looking at the scene in front of them with a different view, the sailors sighed again.

"It is completely different from the lumber mill in the headquarters."

Su Qiu pushed his glasses and sighed.

"Hahaha, don't forget that this is the main dock of the world's largest shipbuilding company."

Barry said with a proud smile with his hands on his hips.

However, when everyone was overwhelmed with emotion, no one noticed that Rob Lucci passed by the colonel as if he were passing by.

The moment Rob Lucci passed by, the eyes of this colonel shrank and widened, and the next moment his lips moved, and the expression on his face immediately returned to the previous one, although it still had the strange surprise just now. There is a sense of fear... The huge dock can't be visited in one and a half minutes, but under the leadership of Barry and Rob Lucci, Su Qiu and others walked the most visually and sensually in the dock. where it hits.

After being surprised all the way, everyone sat down in a place for the boatmen to rest.

"Those guys on the boat will definitely regret not following."

"Absolutely, this is not something you can see casually."

"The Demi Karubalin cannon just now was made of copper, and it looked so majestic."


Sitting in the rest area, the sailors are talking with each other.

"By the way, Mr. Barry, what is Acquaragna?"

At this time, someone looked at Barry and asked.

Hearing this name, whether Barry, or Rob Lucci, who was discussing with Su Qiu about the carpenter's work, all looked stunned and looked back at the sailor.

"Mr. Esbagu and Miss Kalifa just heard the name and left after hearing it. Is it someone's name?"

The sailor continued to ask curiously. . . .

Chapter [-]? Tsunami in the Water Capital

"That's what they said"

Hadley, the white dove on Rob Lucci's shoulder, looked at the sailor and asked.

And it can be clearly seen that Rob Lucci's expression is serious and solemn.


The sailor was stunned for a moment, then glanced at his companion and continued: "Miss Kalifa just received the communication and said it. After hearing the name, Mr. Esbagu and her... just left."


When Barry on the side heard this, his brows furrowed and he turned to leave immediately.

But Rob Lucci grabbed Barry's shoulder, and although he didn't speak, Hadley on his shoulder immediately said: "Calm down, Barry, if Mr. Esbagu needs us to do anything, we have already informed him. , but there is no news so far, indicating that it is only some information about Aqualagna."

"Mr. Esbagu said before that this year's Yaqua Lagna is very wrong, you should know about it, Lu Qi."

Barry bit his cigar sideways, and said solemnly.

But Rob Lucci, who had a hand on Barry's shoulder, still didn't speak, but Hadley said immediately: "Even so, don't act on your own to avoid causing trouble to Mr. Esbagu, and don't forget , Kalifa is by Mr. Esbagu's side, and if there is anything, we will be the first to know."

Barry's brows were completely twisted into a ball, and his fists were clenched at this moment, but after a while, his brows stretched and his fists loosened.

After noticing this scene, Rob Lucci retracted his hand and looked at the marines.

"I'm sorry... this fool scared you."

Rob Lucci looked at everyone, only to hear Hadley say immediately.

"It's scary...no, just...what the hell is Aqualagna..."

One of the sailors spoke again, but when he finished speaking, he realized it immediately, so he quickly said: "It's nothing if it's inconvenient to tell us..."

After all, no matter where they are, there are secrets that belong to them, even in the city of water, of course.

"No, there's nothing inconvenient. Everyone knows about this kind of thing, so it's nothing to tell you..."

Barry sat on a stool to one side, leaning back.

Puff A smoke ring was gently exhaled from Barry's mouth.

After a moment of silence, Barry looked at the... marines: "You should know that the city of water is a water city built on an abandoned city submerged by sea water."

All the sailors nodded immediately.

And Su Qiu stood there, quietly listening to Barry continue.

"It wasn't like this a long, long time ago... Although it was a long time ago that it was still a city built on the foundations in the sea, but a long time ago, it wasn't as small as it is now..."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were stunned.

"Aquaragna, not a person's name, but the name of the tsunami, our water gods.

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