Every year, Aqualagna will come, just like the tide, it is impossible to predict at all, it can only be judged by observation and survey of the weather, but from the previous year, the scale of the Aqualagna has far exceeded the past. "

Speaking of this, the huge and heavy gate of the No. [-] dock and the city wall are located, "Those... The city wall was led by Mr. Esbagu to raise it together, just to prevent the change of Aqualagna. have to.……"

When Barry paused for a while, he heard Hadley on Rob Lucci's shoulders say: "Although tsunamis come once a year, the height of the tsunami was several meters higher than the surveyed the year before, and the entire city was at that time. The outer areas have all been washed away, and last year it was several meters higher than the year before. According to the guys who surveyed the weather in the city, this year will be a new scale..."

"I...I seem to hear about this, but I've never heard of that...The tsunami can be so bad because what I hear is that every year the water capital is baptized by the water god, and then the water god leaves behind a considerable amount of sea salt . . . "

After listening to Rob Lucci's words, one of the sailors immediately spoke.

"That kind of thing is there, and although Yaqua Lagna gives us a lot of headaches every year, but...every time he leaves, the places it swept away left quite a lot of high concentrations of sea salt, processed After that, those... sea salt can become quite a seasoning."

Barry said immediately.

When he finished saying this, Barry took the cigar from his mouth, "Although Mr. Esbagu usually looks very unreliable, that man, as long as it involves the safety of any small part of the city, is the The first to come forward.

Especially with the...Aquaragna thing, he's been thinking about what to do."

The sea breeze blew by, the cool smell of sea water, and even more moisture... "In short, these things are not secrets, people in the entire water capital know about it, so it doesn't count to tell you. what."

Barry picked up the cigarette in his mouth again, "Anyway... Whether it's your navy or the guys from the World Government, they all know about... this matter, and maybe they know better than me..."

Buzz buzz buzz but just before Barry's words were finished... Sirens sounded over the water capital.

Hearing the sound of the siren, Barry immediately looked up at the loudspeaker of the nearby telephone bug, and his face was solemn.

Even more so for Rob Lucci! "Attention everyone, this is the Weather Bureau of the Water Capital... Now a warning for the whole island of Aquala Lagna!! Repeating one side, now a warning for everyone of Aquala Lagna! All citizens are asked to run to tell the residents at home, and tourists who are not aware of this incident on the street, please cooperate with us!"

"Repeat one side, it is very likely that Yaqua Lagna will land in the water capital tonight. The exact time cannot be predicted, but please prepare early... Repeat one side"


The siren repeated many times before it stopped.

And the boatmen in the whole dock, after hearing those words one by one, didn't have any surprised expressions on their faces, just a little surprised.

"Does it feel like it's a little early this year?"

"Looks like this..."Stop standing there!! Seal up all the wood!! Don't let the water soak them!"


As if they were completely used to it, the crew members looked indifferent, and one by one, they put down their work and started other things immediately.

"It's really just what you say..."

Barry frowned and muttered such a sentence, then turned to look at the navy: "If you want to go to the sanctuary, if Aqualagna is here tonight, even if she leaves now, it might not work. Encounter, that... tsunami is an existence of a completely different level from other tsunamis, and no ship can safely pass through its storm area, so go to the shelter and wait for it to pass."


Chapter [-]? The capital of water, dried up

"Is it really safe to stand here?"

"I don't know what the capital of water means, but what is Aqualagna..."

"Can you really meet Aqualagna? I've heard people mention the spectacle of an extraordinary tsunami that engulfs half of the city every year in the Water Capital, and then recedes immediately."

"Although it is a tsunami, is this a bit too much of a fuss."

"The wind has become: the older it gets, the bigger it gets, and it feels like the sea doesn't want the calmness it used to be."

"Why do so many people stay together, can't we be alone, safe, and a place where we can enjoy the whole process of the tsunami!"

"Excuse me, has anyone seen such a big little girl?"


Located at the highest point of the Water Capital, that is, on the high ground below the huge fountain in the city core, which is higher in the dock and the city wall, almost all the people in the city are placed here, and behind them is... Refuge for Aqualagna.

And here, everyone has different expressions on their faces. Some of them voluntarily followed the residents of the Water City, some were forced to bring them, and some of them were curious about Aqualagna, some were afraid, some were indifferent, and some were Some nobles in gorgeous clothes made things difficult, and there were even mothers who were separated from their children because there were too many people... In short... Above the refuge at the highest point of the entire water capital, the people in the water capital Basically everything is housed here.

And the people who are in charge of the security and maintaining order are naturally the boatmen of the water capital [Karel Company].

Huhu is a short time in an afternoon... The sea breeze gradually evolved from a fluffy sea breeze to a manic and howling wind, and there is even more rain falling from the sky, dancing violently in the violent wind, and finally constantly beating on the ground of the sea and the capital of water, above the house.

In addition, the sea water is like, someone is rolling, the big waves are stacked one after another, constantly hitting the port.

"It feels completely different from tsunamis at other times.."

Among the navy, there are sailors standing on the high platform, looking at the sea outside, and the sea water in the aqueduct that runs through the streets and alleys of the entire water capital just below them.

Although he didn't know if it was his illusion, he always felt that, the seawater in those... water channels and channels seemed to be gradually decreasing, although the speed was very slow, but if you looked carefully, you could still feel that something was wrong.

"Aqua Lagna was completely different from other tsunamis."

Perhaps an old man heard the words of the sea soldier and said so.

"I have lived in the Capital of Water for [-] years. Even if I see it every year, I have already adapted to its arrival, but..."

When he said this, the old man's eyes focused on the sea that was roaring in the wind.

"No matter which time you see it, let it be. Sooner or later, the city of water will be completely engulfed by it."

Hearing the old man's words, the sea soldier pursed his lips.

"Please don't be alarmist. How could such a thing as a capital be possible! Even if it overwhelms the Capital of Water every year, it will soon retreat."

Some citizens responded to the old man's words with a smile.

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