However, Jello looked at the student and said directly, "It's useless."


After hearing the man's words, all the students who had a glimmer of hope in their hearts looked at Jello, because that man was right.

Su Qiu is not an existence that they can beat. They knew this very well when they experienced their first defeat, because they didn't even know how to faint at that time.

But since I can't beat it, then if I use other methods, such as one person talking to Su Qiu, and another person touching it when they come over, wouldn't this pass?

Although this method is very bad, what Teacher Zefa said is to use all means.

But now, Jello actually said it was useless...

"Mr. Zefa can't just make such an arrangement for us, Su Qiu definitely has other purposes for the exam..." Jello looked at everyone, "Because that teacher is not just considering the grades themselves. "

Jello was thinking about what Zefa had just said when he watched him at the academy training ground about his performance in the first assessment, so he was very sure, that teacher, it is impossible for a simple exam to be as simple as this.

It is so to them!

For special enrollment Su Qiu, it must be the same!


Just when Crofts hadn't finished speaking, everyone heard Su Qiu's voice.

Look at the source of the sound in unison.

I saw that Su Qiu appeared beside them at some point, and was still squatting on the ground, looking at them indifferently.

Apparently it was already there.


PS: I am looking for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets, and various kinds of things~~~~~~ I came back from work today, I am still writing, and there will be updates later! ! !So please ask for the flower evaluation tickets in your hands


(month day to month day)

Chapter Nineteen Let Me Reject

"You don't seem surprised at all that I'll find you alone."

In the office of the chief instructor of the Naval Academy, Zefa looked at Su Qiu who was sitting at his desk with a calm face.

Su Qiu looked directly at Zefa, "After what happened just now, no matter what you think, you will find me alone, and I happen to have something to talk to you alone."

"You also want to find me alone?" Zefa smiled lightly, "I'm curious about what you are looking for me for."

Su Qiu said directly: "It's just a trivial matter. Teacher, you can first talk about the matter you are looking for me."

The corner of Zefa's mouth rose slightly, then took off his glasses, took out the cloth and wiped it. Although he didn't look at Su Qiu, he asked, "When did you find out the real purpose of this assessment."

"I was just suspicious at first, but after I asked them questions and got the answer, I confirmed this matter. As for mine..." When he said this, Su Qiu put on his glasses again, "I started to have a little doubt, But when I was eating ramen, I suddenly thought of it, and after I came out, I heard their analysis, so I confirmed this matter. In other words, I got their help, so I determined my real assessment. "

Zefa put on his glasses again at this time, looked directly at Su Qiu, and said with a smile, "I really didn't see the wrong person."

Zefa continued: "You have already guessed it from the beginning, because you are a person who attaches great importance to your companions. Last night, you obviously didn't need to do that, but you still gave your clothes to Jello. It's because you know that he really wants to be a Marine of the Headquarters, so he did it on purpose. But now, he obviously guessed it from the beginning, and it turned out to be known from the analysis of Zero and the others, so the credit will be given. This is given to them because you know that the way I give the grades is not the result, but based on their performance on the test, your intention is to get me to give them more points."

"That's it." Su Qiu pushed down his glasses, "I can't help you if you think so. But you didn't come to me just to talk about it."

"What a stubborn kid." Zefa looked at the young sailor who was cold in appearance but attached great importance to his partner, and the admiration in his eyes increased a bit, but since Su Qiu changed the subject, he naturally would not continue. Speaking of these.

So he changed his mind and said, "Well, the real reason I'm looking for you is to want you to go to Sakaski's tomorrow to be the general's assistant for two days."

"Tomorrow?" Su Qiu looked at Zefa and asked.

"Yeah." Zefa looked at Su Qiu seriously, "I know, you just rejected that guy's invitation yesterday, but... it's best for you to learn from that guy. Although Sakaskina Guy is pretty paranoid about some things and to the point of being annoying but trust me even though his paranoia got him doing a lot of bad things growing up as a navy but you are There is a lot to learn from him, as for the other two guys, it will only help your current character, and for now, Sakaski will stay at the headquarters for a while. So, you don't need any concerns, I'll say hi to him."

"Do you want General Sakaski to teach me for two days?" Su Qiu looked at Zefa and asked.

"That's right." Zefa replied.

"I see, but..." Su Qiu looked at Zefa seriously, "Let me refuse."

Zefa frowned, "If you're worried..."

"No, I'm not worried, because I rejected General Sakaski last night, so when he was around, he would deliberately make things difficult for me. Because I don't think he is so stingy, otherwise there is no way he will become Admiral, it's not that I don't want to go again, because it's within the scope of work, and you are my boss, send me anywhere during working hours to do anything, I will do my best to complete it, because this It's my job."

"Then who are you?" Zefa looked at Su Qiu suspiciously.

"Because tomorrow is the weekend weekend."



PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for all kinds of support! !This is the addition of more than five people who have been rewarded! !There will be an update later, and we are working on it! !


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] Because I'm a Navy

Hearing Su Qiu's words, Zefa stared at Su Qiu, the lavender pupils behind the glasses were a little confused.

I saw Su Qiu pushed off his glasses and said, "Every day I go to work at nine o'clock in the morning and leave work at five o'clock in the evening. Overtime work is calculated at double pay, and I am forced to work three times overtime, but overtime is based on whether I am willing or not, and on weekends. I definitely don’t work on Saturdays and weekends. So I don’t refuse you to send me to General Sakaski, but tomorrow is a weekend and my holiday.”

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