"What do you bastards think of the navy?" Zefa put one hand on his forehead, looking like he had a headache.

"A very good job." Su Qiu answered bluntly.


But when Su Qiucai finished saying this, he saw Zefa suddenly stand up and patted his hands directly on the marble table.


Cracks appeared in an instant on the originally smooth and flat tabletop.

"The navy, but protecting people in this world from the threat of evil, represents the existence of justice! Work... yes, for many people, it's a job, but for more people, it's a job. It's not just a job, it's a dream, it's an honor!

Just the two words 'justice' written on the naval headquarters base, the largest building on the island!Those two words represent not only protection, but also the hope of people all over the world in this so-called 'The Age of Great Pirates' that appeared because of One Piece Guer Roger!Protect their hope!It's their sense of security!

And these are things that every ordinary sailor and every naval general supports, so the navy is not a job, but a protector in the hearts of all ordinary people, so that they can live with peace of mind in this evil era spiritual sustenance!Because they know that the navy is fighting against those pirates and protecting them! "

Zefa's tone became more and more serious, and he became more serious, and his eyes were fixed on Su Qiu, dignified and serious.

"Once, there was a student of mine who was a student in the Naval Academy just like you. He had a more sense of justice than anyone else. He was thinking about becoming stronger and protecting ordinary people all the time. Proud of the navy! But because of my carelessness, they died, but I will never forget that kid, the smile every time he told me to be a hero in people's eyes, so I don't like how you treat the navy now , to this professional attitude in your mouth!!"

Zefa stared at Su Qiu with a more serious and serious tone than before.

Su Qiu never avoided Zefa's gaze from the beginning to the end, but just kept looking at Zefa.

When Zefa finished speaking, Su Qiu spoke.

"Mr. Zefa, you have misunderstood one thing. I don't disrespect the profession of the navy, and there are guys around me who are as enthusiastic about the navy as your unfortunate students, and try their best to protect ordinary people. , I understand him very well, but I can't be him, because I respect my work, so I will try my best to do my job well during working hours, and it is precisely because I fear my responsibilities in this job, I I will do my best to do whatever my boss asks me to do right.

But just like your student and the person around me, their goal is to become stronger, then to protect more people, to destroy more pirates, because of justice in their hearts, this is their dream Also an idea.

I will destroy pirates, because I am a navy, and I will protect those who deserve my protection and who need my protection, because I am a navy, and I will also help anyone who needs my help, because I am a navy .The most important thing is that I am strong and will get stronger, so I can do far more than the average seaman can do, and I want to do it, not only because it is my job, but also because I am navy.

But while I fear, respect, and take this job seriously, all I want is a [-]-to-[-] life, including weekends of course, because that's my dream. "

Zefa listened to Su Qiu's words, his eyebrows became more serious, and he didn't speak, just stared at Su Qiu very seriously.

However, Su Qiu still did not escape, and looked at Zefa with the same seriousness, and the reason why he was willing to say this was not only because he went to tell Zefa, but because he did not avoid Zefa's gaze, it was to clarify his attitude to Zefa. .

All four look at each other.

Also known as big-eyed and small-eyed.

After a while, Zefa returned to the chair, frowned and looked at Su Qiu, "I see, I deliberately postponed the matter of going to Sakaski's place to your work time, but it's no longer a matter of two hours. Days and time, I will tell you the specifics later.”

Su Qiu responded frankly without hesitation, "Okay."

"Okay, my affairs are like this for now. Now let's talk about your affairs." Zefa rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Su Qiu.


PS: I am asking for collections, flowers, and evaluation tickets. I have nothing to say. Thank you for your support. Please continue to support. Updates will always be written hard, and the quality of each chapter will always be guaranteed!


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] Tomorrow is a weekend, I rest

Su Qiu is not a person to beat around the bush, so after hearing Zefa's words, he took out the envelope directly from his arms.

When Zefa saw the envelope, he recognized it at first sight. After all, it was something he prepared himself.

"No?" Seeing Su Qiu putting the envelope on the table, Zefa asked suspiciously, feeling a little fortunate, not because [-] Berry returned to his trouser pocket, but because he suddenly wondered if Su Qiu wanted to change Signs, after all, last night, I kept talking about overtime pay, and I will refund overtime pay today!

However, Zefa did not show his expression, and he still looked very puzzled.

"No, you paid too much. I worked forty minutes of overtime today, and the overtime pay was [-] beries. You gave [-] beries. Here is the [-] that was returned to you. Hundred Berry, considering the probability that the overtime pay of [-] Berry last night will not be received when the salary is paid, so I temporarily took it out of this money, if there is my normal salary in the salary The overtime pay is here, and I will return the [-] Berries to you, so here is [-] Berries, please accept them.”

Su Qiu pushed the envelope back towards Zefa, and then explained to Zefa very clearly.


Su Qiu looked at Zefa who was staring at him, "Excuse me, is there anything else? Teacher Zefa."

Zefa originally wanted to scold, but in the end he held back and put one hand on his forehead, "No, you go to class. Now Ain is teaching you strategic knowledge in the theory classroom, which is in the large classroom on the left hand side of the second floor. "

"I say goodbye."

After Su Qiu bowed to Zefa and I, he left the office.

In the office, Zefa looked at the envelope on the table, hesitated, and then poured out the berry inside the envelope. Including the [-] berry coin, it was exactly [-] berries.

"That bastard!!"

Seeing the money, Zefa's joy completely dissipated in his heart just now. As for the remaining emotions, he was probably helpless.

But even so, after pushing the money aside, Zefa took out the phone bug in the drawer.

It was only after the call was made that the voice of Warring States, Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, came from the other end of the phone, "What's the matter, Zefa."

"That kid, no... it's the captain of the Navy Headquarters, Su Qiu, who passed the test. But..." Zefa said here, looking at the [-] Berries on the side, "I need you to arrange him immediately. With Sakaski, it's going to change his nine-to-five philosophy no matter what."

The Warring States did not respond immediately, but after a long silence, he said: "I will notify Sakaski, he should not refuse. Just, do you really want to give him to Sakaski? You Knows the character of that Sakaski guy better than I do."

"It is because of understanding that the child was handed over to Sakaski. Considering the child's strength, only Sakaski can correct his philosophy." Zefa said firmly.

"What if it can't be corrected?" Warring States asked bluntly.

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