Hearing this, Su Qiu pressed his fingertips on the middle bracket of the frame, and squinted at the red-haired Shanks: "Well, okay."

Hearing Su Qiu's reply, everyone in the Red-haired Pirates was startled again and agreed.... This guy actually agreed... But Su Qiu, who had said that, returned to the cabin and came out again. At that time, with food in hand, and sat directly on the deck.

And Shanks, who saw this scene, grinned and sat directly opposite him: "I have traveled all over the world's seas, and I have drank wine from many places in the world... But in the end, I still think that there is nothing better than that. The wine in my hometown is better, try it. …”

While speaking, Shanks filled Su Qiu's wine cup with wine.

And Su Qiu also rudely picked up the wine and took a sip, but did not make any comments, but said directly: "What is Uncle Cole's order..."

When Su Qiu asked this question, Ben Beckman rushed over, and the carpenters on the red-haired pirates carrying some planks and tools had already walked to the cabin of the sloop, and these people were even closer Looking at Su Qiu's appearance... But at this time, Shanks spoke up.

"The old man has always been considered a lunatic by the residents of the town where he lives, but the people in the town don't know that now they only rely on the fertile sea offshore for stockpiles, all because it belongs to the old man. Credit, but the old man doesn't mind these things at all... He has been giving silently, so he is a person who is quite admirable... Because after learning about the danger of [Wano], the old man wanted to stop it no matter what. You go, so we help him come to you, tell you about the [Wano country] and stop you from going... However, after seeing you, it seems that we are overthinking, with your ability, this world There's nowhere to put you in danger, but..."

When talking about this, the red-haired Shanks took a sip from the wine cup and raised his eyes to look at Su Qiu: "From my standpoint, it may be a bit outrageous to ask this, but... [Wono Kingdom] It is the country guarded by the person I admire. Although I have been separated from him for more than ten years, and I have not heard back from me, and because of his relationship, I cannot step into that country, but it does not mean that I will not set foot in the outside world. … ...So, you can tell me, as a navy... no, it can even be said that you are a powerful lord in the [World Government], what's the point of going to the [Wano] In this crazy era, the [Navy] suddenly Going to [Wano Country]... a special country, I really doubt that [Navy] and [World Government] will go there with goodwill..."

When he finished speaking, the red-haired Shanks picked up the wine cup on the side, filled Su Qiu with wine, then filled himself up, and then said: "As I said just now, my position is to ask your Excellency this. It's really inappropriate, but in any case, since you know about it, you can't just sit back and ignore it, so please answer me."

"I refuse to answer."

After Su Qiu pushed his glasses, he took a sip of wine...

Chapter [-]? The crushing overlord color collision! !

The difference between the wine in this world and the previous world is not very big, especially this kind of sake... Su Qiu used to have a drink occasionally, so drinking is not a big deal.

But at the moment... He thinks this wine is a bit delicious, especially after getting out of bed in the morning, the cool sweetness makes him feel very comfortable.

Shanks looked at Su Qiu in front of him with a smile, and of course he drank it lightly with a wine cup in his hand... But... hum!! An invisible sense of oppression suddenly appeared from Shanks!! This In an instant, everyone who felt the oppression emanating from Shanks, Su Rian did not pass out with foaming at the mouth, but many people still swallowed their saliva, and their bodies trembled unconsciously... …And the members of the red-haired pirates who were repairing the door of the cabin stopped their movements at this moment, kept sipping their saliva, and while looking at each other, they regretted coming here to repair the ship.

"If that's the case, it's still impossible..."

The red-haired Shanks opened his mouth softly...but it was only halfway through the sentence....From the beginning to the present, the [Four Emperors] red-haired Shanks with a confident smile on his face suddenly froze. ...The inexplicable wind appeared at this time.... The red-haired Shanks' black windbreaker was blown up.... The flag of the Red-haired Pirates was also rustling at this time.... And not only the red-haired incense Kes, his crew members, were also suddenly startled at this moment...because...they felt that the domineering arrogance emanating from their captain...disappeared...and they were very clear. They felt that they were swallowed up by another tyrannical arrogance! It was like a 'king' was conquered after meeting another 'king'! And what shocked them even more was... They felt the moment when their captain's tyrannical look disappeared, and their hearts were trembling... The original reaction that appeared because of fear! But because the more powerful tyrannical arrogance just disappeared in an instant, so the There was no other feeling... But it was such a moment that I felt this sense of fear from the soul... And that overlord is domineering... It's like... to suppress the overlord of their captain. Domineering is the same. As for... who is that domineering domineering, everyone knows very well.. Gu Dong this time not to mention the crew members, even... The cadres are also staring at Su Qiu with shock... ...they, who had already regarded Su Qiu as their captain, did not dare to slack off on Su Qiu. ... And now! They are even more sure about this! "Because we are having breakfast, please be quiet. Come on, don't do superfluous things."

Su Qiu still had a calm face, as if he didn't do anything just now, after calmly drinking the wine in his hand, he looked at the empty cup and continued: "And answering questions like yours is the Navy's business. .

Although I am in the Navy, I am currently on vacation, so I refuse to answer your question.

This is also one of the reasons why I don't do anything to you..."

After saying this, he immediately added: "I just did something to you, just because I got up."


Listening to Su Qiu's words, the red-haired Shanks was completely stunned.

And even the other pirates are looking at Su Qiu one after another.. Vacation... Get up and all the pirates look at Su Qiu with a bewildered look... They have never heard of the navy being able to take a vacation... But when they get up, they are angry. What is it... But the captain just got angry with them!! If someone else got up with this anger, it would kill everyone. All the pirates pursed their lips and looked at Su Qiu even more strangely.

"So it's like venting anger?"

Ben Beckman was sitting on the edge of the fence, watching Su Qiu while smoking a cigarette, and at this moment, he opened his mouth like this.

And the red-haired Shanks, who was still in: stunned, was stunned when he heard this, and then the corner of his mouth raised: "I see, it looks like I'm going to apologize to you again."

While speaking, Shanks poured wine for Su Qiu.

And Su Qiu, who was holding the wine, looked at the clear sake in the glass, and continued: "However, you can help me tell that uncle that I just went to [Wanokuni] to repair the knife, thank him for his concern, after that, I will I will expand the patrol scope of the 5th base here to eliminate the sea kings. I will let my subordinates take action. After all, 'protection' is... The work of the navy, please let him do what he can... repairing swords... Everyone suddenly thought of the broken blade in Su Qiu's hand just now... The red-haired Shanks glanced at the [Sandai Guitou] who was on the side, remembering the appearance of the samurai sword just now, so he smiled He opened his mouth and said, "Do you repair knives hahaha... He is indeed a man who is completely unpredictable, but I still thank you very much. I will tell Father Cole what you say."

And just after saying this, he immediately said: "Although I don't know how my friend is doing now, but after you arrive in [Wano], if you need help, you can go to him, his name is [Guangyue Yutian] ], is the general of [Wano Country], that man likes to make friends with people like you..."

But after saying this, the red-haired Shanks picked up the wine cup in his hand and looked at Su Qiu and said with a smile: "However, since we have already talked about this step, let's have a rest, maybe Next time we meet, we will really see each other by arms!!”

"I reject."


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Chapter [-]? Please also tell Mr. Warring States that I am on vacation

It was originally a rough sea....in an instant, it became a sea full of laughter....Everything seems to change with the situation, it looks very casual, and very casual... And just above the sea, The pirate ship [Redford], which was enough to shock and fear many people just by its appearance, still floats quietly on the sea... On this ship, which is famous for the people on board, [Four Emperors] Red-haired Shanks stood at the bow of the boat, and the pirates behind him were holding wine glasses one by one... "Although this encounter seems a bit inexplicable, it should be said that it really makes people sweat. opponent."

Standing on the bow, Shanks said this while watching the sloop that had already sailed away.

"It's the first time I've seen a man whose overlord can outshine you."

Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the Red-haired Pirates, took a sip from the bottle in his hand, and then his own captain said this.

But he just finished speaking, and immediately said: "However, going a little bit makes people care about the purpose of his going to [Wano Country], although it is right to repair the sword, but the Warring States period is not... that kind of... I will let it be my own. The people whose subordinates go to places like [Wano Country]..."

Shanks smiled lightly, and then said, "Let's go....I'm going to go back to Father Cole, but does anyone want to send me a letter to [Whitebeard]?"

"【White beard】"

Rakilu chewed on the meat and looked at the redhead.

"Well, after seeing such an amazing young man, even in the navy, I want to chat with someone who has fought with him. Besides, isn't that guy Ace doing well at [Whitebeard]? Look at him."

Shanks turned to look at his subordinates, and spoke very casually.

"If we contact [Whitebeard]...you think the world government will sit back and watch...


Ben Beckman looked helpless, but he also asked as if he had expected it.

Shanks smiled lightly and said: "The world government can't stand idly by... But... When do pirates do things, when do they need permission from the world government..."

"Let's go!! Go and prepare the first-class wine, and find the old man [Whitebeard] for a drink!"

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