
[Wono Country] A country that cannot be described in words, because too few people know about it... Although it is a country, there is no alliance country, and it has no connection with any country at all, only the [Wono country] 】One thing that the people of the [Guangyue] family know, a country named [Zou] is their ally, that's all.

Those who do not join the world government naturally belong to the so-called out-of-zone countries', but although there have been pirates invaded in [Wano], none of the pirates have successfully done anything to this country... But... ...This is also limited to the fact that there is no person in [Wanokuni] who colluded with the pirates... And more than ten years ago, there was a [Wanokuni] who colluded with the pirates... So, [Wanokuni] completely It has become an existence that blocks the news of the country even more than before.... After being separated from the [Red-Haired Pirates] for a few days, Su Qiu has been walking in the direction of the [Record Pointer]... But now...... looking in front of me With the huge waterfall, he said that he was right... Because according to what Karp told him, the small island where Wano is located in the whole new world is a special area. After going up to the waterfall... I entered the sea of ​​the small island where [Wano Country] is located... I looked at the huge alpine waterfall in front of me, and there were more than a dozen carp the size of a three-masted sailboat in the waterfall, and they continued to climb up against the current. Climbing waterfalls... He has seen too many strange things in this world, and now he is no longer surprised to see the existence of carp above the sea and mountain waterfalls in front of him... But... What Su Qiu cares about is... Right by his boat... Or at this moment on his small boat, two major admirals of the navy headquarters are standing there... And beside the boat, a warship It's there...and one of the two major generals even has a phone bug in his hand..."The Warring States Marshal said that he hopes you will carry this phone bug with you, because it will contact you at any time."

One of the major generals looked at Su Qiu and said... "I refuse."

Su Qiu answered directly.

"Marshal of the Warring States said that if you refuse to accept it, you will be cancelled... your leave..."

Even as a navy, this major general who has been in the navy for more than ten years is still at a loss for things like... vacation.

However, considering Su Qiu's achievements, even though he was very puzzled at this time, he still stood aside respectfully.

"I'm on vacation, so..."

Just when Su Qiu spoke... As if he had been ready for a long time, another major general took out the phone bug from his arms, and respectfully said to Su Qiu: "Please pick it up... …”

Looking at the phone bug, Su Qiu pushed his glasses and picked up the microphone.

"You bastard!! You left without taking any phone bugs! Do you think I'm giving you a vacation, do you really let you go on vacation completely!!"

But it was just the moment Su Qiu picked up the microphone, just like the warship that had been waiting for Su Qiu's arrival at [Wanoku], and the Warring States period was obviously notified that Su Qiu was found there. , so I was also waiting to scold people.. Just as soon as I picked up the microphone, I immediately heard the roar of the Warring States period! "It's just that I didn't tell you clearly what happened in the [Wanokuni] place, and I started your conversation again. …”

Slap! Just as the Warring States period was just talking, Su Qiu hung up the phone bug.

Then he looked at the two major generals who were dazed because of Su Qiu's sudden action... But the next moment, these two major generals felt their bodies float up! And in the confusion between the two, there was also a warship. In the astonishment of all the sailors above, the two returned to the warship...but just when they were about to speak...they...saw Su Qiu flying up...and taking the boat together...flying up .

"Please also tell Mr. Warring States that I am on vacation."

As he spoke, he saw Su Qiu standing on top of the sloop, and at the same time the sloop floated straight up. Watching this scene, let alone the seamen opening their mouths... It's just ...Those... carp, also opened their mouths to see this scene!!  …

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!

Chapter [-]? Red hair and white beard! !

Marine Headquarters Marine Fando "Pffhahahaha!!!"

In the office of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, just like before, Garp's laughter came out from the office again... And then naturally came the loud roar of Sengoku! "What's so funny!! Garp! !The world has become because of that bastard: more turbulent than ever. .

"Hahahaha, his vacation is also approved by you. If you had known earlier, you should not approve it."

Garp laughed and said this, and because Su Qiu directly took charge of Duan Warring States' phone call, the expression on Warring States' face made him laugh and tears came out! "Even if he approves the holiday, it is not for him to act recklessly. !! And before you went to [Dressrosa], didn't you say you would follow that kid! That's why I asked you to go too, so why did you come back alone!"

Sengoku, who was already very angry, looked at Garp's schadenfreude, and even more angry, pointed at Garp and scolded him.

"Wow, hahaha, go around my old bones... that kid is so strong, even if I follow him, if he wants to run away, I can't catch up with him!! Hahahahaha!! "

Karp continued to laugh and talk like he didn't care at all.

"Shut up you old bastard!! If it weren't for the fact that you have a [Navy Hero]..."

"Marshal of the Warring States!"

But at this time, Colonel Brannu of the Navy Headquarters was standing in front of the Marshal's office, panting.

"Call......call the Warring States Marshal! Lieutenant General Garp!"

Warring States turned to look at Brano who was saluting, although he was angry, he controlled his emotions and looked at Brano.

While Garp continued to laugh, he also looked at Branno.

"Information just received!! Above the waters of Portna, [Whitebeard Pirates] and [Red-haired Pirates] met!!"


After hearing Brano's words, Sengoku was stunned.

And even Garp and his adjutant sitting beside Garp were all stunned.

"Are those two guys finally unable to sit still? Well, they are obviously the two most reassuring guys."

Garp said this while biting off the senbei in his mouth.

"This kind of thing..."

Guo put his hands on the table, looked at Brannu with an ugly face and asked, "Why didn't you receive any information earlier!!"

"It seems that the two met directly without any contact before, so they got the information just now. In addition, the surveillance fleet seems to be... It seems that it has been eliminated."

Brando spoke up immediately.

Hearing this, Sengoku stretched out his hand to support his forehead: "If those two guys suddenly do something, things will become even more difficult! Those two bastards!!!"

After speaking, he immediately raised his eyes to look at Brannu: "I don't know what will happen! But immediately enter the highest alert state, and everyone is on standby at any time! In any case, why those two guys meet can't be taken lightly!"


Brando saluted immediately and left the office immediately.

"At this time, the only people who can stop them are [Shibukai] and [Headquarters]..."

The brows of the Warring States period were completely twisted between the brows.

"Do you want me to go to Warring States?"

Garp looked at Sengoku and asked.

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