The cost of the table has changed from the previous Berry to the free now, Master Revel is such a nice guy.Now I only need to spend an alarm clock on Berry, but I can't keep it going for a long time. Therefore, after mastering the craftsmanship of carpentry, I decided to learn how to make an alarm clock. Although it is a rest day, such a day is very fulfilling and worthwhile.


The rest day is over, and it's natural to return to Monday's day.

Su Qiuxin's week officially started after he threw the shattered table into the trash can without any hesitation.

Immutable self-training.

As always, Coach Dunbar was angry about the end of self-training, because Su Qiu had not left before nine o'clock.

And never before...

When Su Qiu returned to the academy on time after breakfast at nine o'clock, he was angry with Coach Dunbar's yin and yang.

"It's finally here, everyone has been waiting for you for [-] minutes! But there's nothing you can do. Who asked you to be a special recruit, and as a navy, you want to go [-] to [-]. It's amazing."

Just when Su Qiu returned to the queue, Coach Dunbar said this in a strange way. Although he didn't name his name, of course everyone knew who he was talking about.

Hearing these words, everyone thought they didn't hear it. After all, they were all adults and all of them at the school level. They understood Dunbar very well. Who would like to have a disobedient person under him, and he couldn't do anything to that person. ..

In this regard, Su Qiu pushed his glasses, but did not show any attitude.

But the yin and yang strangeness is aimed at individuals, and no matter what kind of person Dunbar is, as an instructor, Dunbar is quite a competent person, otherwise Zefa would not have handed over the morning training session to Dunbar.What's more, in two days, all the students have no complaints about his training methods.

"Since all members have arrived, let's start today's morning class and swim ten laps around the small island of the headquarters base, Marin Vando, in small groups!"

Hearing Dunbar's words, all the students were startled.

"I know that devil fruit people must never touch the sea water, and in the current group, there is at least one devil fruit person in each group, and some groups have no one, but... don't forget who you are It's the navy! When you compete with pirates, do you still ask those pirates to fight on land with you because you are devil fruit capable!

Put away your childish mentality! !As a navy, the moment you eat the Devil Fruit, you must face this reality and think of this step!If you get it, you will lose it, and if you don't have it, it's not complete!So don't tell me anything about unfairness, and most importantly, as I said, in groups!Team members can help each other completely. "

The person who originally wanted to refute loudly heard what Dunbar said behind, and stopped speaking, but looked at his teammates beside him.

Basically at this time, everyone is in this state.

The group of people with Devil Fruit abilities began to think quickly about what to do, and even began to communicate secretly.

However, the group of those who did not have the ability of Devil Fruit was excited and eager to move.

"Same as the previous two days, this time, points are still obtained in the form of a competition. The results of the competition will be scored by the group and recorded on your personal score and sent to Teacher Zefa. Of course, as a punishment, the last place in today's score is not only Need to clean the toilets of the students, scrub all the training equipment in the academy and clean the training ground!"

As soon as Dunbar's words came out, everyone was immediately refreshed, even if there were some groups who were planning to think about what to do according to the situation at that time, they also began to discuss fiercely at this time.

Especially some groups, all of them looked at Su Qiu and their group members deeply. Because of Su Qiu's absence two days ago, they were not afraid of that group.

But now that there is Su Qiu, this is different. Everyone shows deep fear without concealment.

But thinking that Su Qiu might be a devil fruit person, plus Jello, there are two devil fruit ability people in that group!

Many members of the group were also slightly relieved, but when they thought of Su Qiu's terrifying strength and the strength of natural ability people, there was still a trace of fear.

And not only the students, but even Dunbar took a deep look at Su Qiu.

However, unlike the students, Dunbar was not afraid of Su Qiu, but rather gloated.

Because only Zefa has the right to read the student's information, the entire Naval Academy believes that Su Qiu's ability is the Devil Fruit of the Nature Department. The fruit is right.

And, Dunbar thinks so too, and thinks it absolutely!

So he made a special trip to swim around Marin Vando today!

Looking at Su Qiu, Dunbar snickered in his heart, what's wrong with being valued by Teacher Zefa, don't forget that I'm an instructor, and there are ways to deliberately harass you!And... even if you are fine alone, but this is a group competition, because of your relationship, your group's current score will definitely be the bottom one unless you win the first place today!But the two devil fruit powers... huh, first place?is it possible! !

At the same time as thinking so, the laughter in Dunbar's heart also changed from hilarious to wild laughter.


PS: The addition of flowers! !There's more in the back! !I am working hard to code words, and once again roaring for flowers, asking for evaluation tickets, and asking for all kinds of support!

PS: There is no way to stop the problem of following the trend. Everyone is worried about me, so I said a lot. Thank you, but it’s nothing. I will increase the update speed. In the future, I will write a little more every day and stay up late, so everyone in the book review area Praise me, don't talk about following the trend, hurry up and praise me! !

(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] Devil Fruit Ability?

"Forget about the training grounds and equipment in the academy, as for the toilets, there are twenty-seven toilets in the academy, and...although most of them are clean, there are a few that are open to all sailors in the academy, and It's outside, so it's dirty." Crofts explained softly in Su Qiu's ear.

"It was Ron's group who cleaned yesterday, and they said they didn't want to experience the second time." Jello added on the side.

"But we were lucky, because yesterday and the day before yesterday weren't the bottom group, so we didn't go to clean the place, but if we don't do well today, we'll probably be the bottom one according to the score, but, do you have any countermeasures? After all, you and Jero are both Devil Fruit users, so I don't want to clean the toilet."

Crofts looked at Su Qiu's helplessness and headache, and even had a hint of despair in his tone.

"Absolutely! Don't go to clean the toilet!" Although Tiffany is a girl, she has short black and red hair that goes past her ears. She is not particularly delicate, but her beautiful facial features are full of heroic spirit, and the sleeves of her clothes are probably torn off by her. , revealing the arm with a strange red pattern, and the hands are wrapped with bandages in addition to the weight that each student has.

But just when Tiffany was extremely rebellious and meant to have a word, she heard Dunbar speak again, "Now! Everyone has five minutes to prepare, and five minutes to gather at the pier at the rear of the college! In these five minutes Inside, you can discuss with the group instructor how to proceed, but remember one thing, no matter what means you use, you are absolutely not allowed to cheat or cheat, otherwise the score will be zero, and all members of your group will be repatriated directly! Navy Headquarters, no We need someone who steals and plays tricks! Disband!"

Dunbar's voice just fell, and all the students looked at the instructors who were standing in Dunbar's deep position, and immediately went to the instructor to discuss countermeasures.

As for Su Qiu and the others, Instructor Dunbar walked over by himself and looked at Su Qiu, "Your group's result is now the second-to-last, there is a 4-point gap from the third-last, and the last-to-last is only one point away from you. The difference in points. That is to say, unless they get the first place and surpass the third-to-last group, even if the last-to-last group is the last in this competition, because of the points obtained, their points will also be the same. will exceed your points."

Although he was looking at the table and analyzing it towards Su Qiu and the others, in his heart, Dunbar didn't know what to do with his smile, because he really wanted to see Su Qiu cleaning the toilet now...

Get off work at five?Sweep the toilet for me! !

But in his heart, Dunbar concealed his face very well, frowned and said solemnly: "After all, there are two devil fruit capable people, so I can't ask you anything, in short, don't be the last. One will do. Also, because you will know later, I might as well tell you that the weight you are wearing now will become heavier after encountering water due to the material problem. You have to be prepared. It will probably be more. A kilogram, but since everyone is the same, it's not unfair."

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