Dunbar's face was full of regret and encouragement, and he reached out and patted Su Qiu on the shoulder, but God knows how he could hold back the ecstasy in his heart.

"I'm sorry, everyone." Jello bowed his head apologetically.

Crofts smiled helplessly, but still rubbed his chin, trying to figure out what to do.

Tiffany on the side frowned and said nothing, but just by looking at it, she knew that this female swordsman who only knew how to fight every day and was trained was in a very irritable mood now!

"Instructor Dunbar, can you show me the rankings and scores?" Su Qiu looked at Dunbar with no sway on his face.

Dunbar shrugged and gave the ranking list to Su Qiu.

"The first place can get [-] points, which means that after we get the first place, can we get to the [-]th place?" Su Qiu said softly, looking at the rankings and scores of the [-] groups on the ranking table. on.

When Dunbar heard this, he immediately said: "If you are swimming, as a devil fruit person, you can't win casually. Even if you are very strong, this is a group competition."

"Devil Fruit Ability?" Su Qiu returned the form in his hand to Dunbar, "Although I just wanted to say it, you all think I am a Devil Fruit Ability."


Dunbar, Crofts, Gerald and Tiffany looked at Su Qiu at the same time.


PS: Flowers Plus Chapter [-]! !There are more evaluation votes in the back! !So I will do what I say, but please hand over how much stock you have!I suffer! !Praise me in the book review area~~~


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] Team members must also complete the task of special enrollment

What did this guy mean just now, isn't he a devil fruit person?

But his ability, the ability to control qi, is the ability of a natural devil fruit no matter how you look at it.

At the end, Coach Dunbar watched Su Qiu's back as he walked towards the small port behind the Naval Academy.

Behind the Naval Academy, there is a small port.

Compared with the huge size of the Crescent Bay Port, this port only has three warships of the Naval Academy docked here, and it is very leisurely. Except for the daily maintenance of the seamen, there is no one else.

But this time, it has become very lively here.

All the students have come to this small port one after another, and they have begun to look for the best starting position.

Dunbar walked last, and his eyes were always on Su Qiu.

Because he thought that if Su Qiu was not a devil fruit person, then in this competition, considering Su Qiu's strength, it is entirely possible that he would win the championship.

Moreover, although Su Qiu's words just now, although there is no explanation, no matter how you listen to it, Su Qiu is saying 'I am not a devil fruit person, it is just what you think. '

Seriously think about it, it seems to be the case, no one has any evidence to prove that Su Qiu is a natural devil fruit, just because of his ability and so on...

However, no matter what Su Qiu's ability is...

If you can't let Su Qiu be treated like this.

So what is the meaning of this game that I want to deliberately adjust Su Qiu...


Absolutely not!Now that it's all implemented, it's absolutely impossible to make that guy feel better so easily! !

Dunbar clenched his fists and stared at Su Qiu while thinking about what to do.

Multiple people, multiple groups of Naval Academy cadets are ready.

Everyone stood on the port as a group, and it was completely as long as they gave an order, they would immediately jump down to start this game.

[-] laps around the island of Marinfando!

To say it is difficult, it is not difficult at all.

After all, all the people here are elites from naval bases around the world.

So it would be tiring to travel ten laps around the Marinfando Island, but it is not impossible.

And what's really hard is that it's a game.

And it is a team-based competition, not an individual, so it means that the team needs to work together to succeed together, and it cannot fall behind in the ranking.

Especially the group with Devil Fruit abilities in the team is even more difficult for them.

However, they should have all thought of the countermeasures, so there was a group of sad faces just now, but at this moment, there is no anxiety at all, only the nervousness and impulsiveness waiting for the command to be issued.

"I forgot to announce something just now!"

Dunbar came over a large box and looked at everyone present.

When they heard Dunbar's sudden words, all the students looked at him one after another, waiting for Coach Dunbar's next words.

"This matter actually has nothing to do with everyone, but about Su Qiu's special enrollment. Because of my mistake just now, I forgot to announce this matter. Su Qiu's team, because Su Qiu is a special enrollment relationship, they need to complete it. Just circle."

When he said this, Dunbar's eyes fell on Crofts, who was astonished, as well as Geralt, Tiffany, and of course Su Qiu.

"In the past two days, because of Su Qiu's absence, the three of you only need to complete the tasks that ordinary students need to complete, but now that Su Qiu is here, you can't treat them equally. After all, as special enrollment, you can't enjoy normal treatment. , and the three of you are on a team with him, and this time the mission is a group action, so you need to complete the task of special enrollment with Su Qiu."


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