
People in the surf were also noticed, as well as the screams of men and women.

"Brother, you said it was Su Qiu?"

On the high platform outside the lumber mill, people from the entire lumber mill were basically watching the huge waves, and among them were Revel and the others.

Revel bit the cigar in his mouth and nodded, "Although I didn't see it clearly, it was the guy who was swimming in the sea, and he was dragging three people. The woman was crying, and a little fat man had vomited. There is another one who is not moving, probably fainted."

"No matter what, it's really strong, it's just swimming like that, but...why does he take people to swim like this." Revel's little brother Gaunt sighed on the side.

Leifel squinted at the giant waves that came over again, and took a deep breath, "How would I know!"

There are not many people in the headquarters such as Revel who can see Su Qiu, but they are not a few.

Among these, many people just squinted their eyes, and probably knew that it was a training mission in the Naval Academy. After all, they were all people who came out of it.

At the window of the Office of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Warring States squinted at the huge waves outside, reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, and then didn't bother to take a look.

On the other hand, Garp laughed, "What an interesting kid, why don't you let him go to Sakaski's place and come to me. Hahahahaha."

"Go and talk to Zefa yourself!" Warring States rubbed his brows, but he did this kind of thing at school, and later...

The Warring States period gave me a headache just thinking about it. After all, it's enough for you to just take care of other people now.

But the next moment, Warring States noticed that when Garp was eating the senbei, the scum of the senbei was spilled on the ground, and he scolded directly: "Don't give me food here and eat everywhere, you old thing!"

"Hahahaha." And Karp didn't care at all, he said with a big laugh, "It's getting easier and easier for you to get angry. If you go on like this, you'll grow old faster."

"It's not a bastard like you! It's you! What's the matter with Fire Fist Ace! It's been concealed until now, if it wasn't for the fact that the kid was too high-profile to investigate it, he would have been deceived completely! "Sengoku growled at Garp angrily, but at the end he suddenly became serious.

But when he heard this, Karp said casually like no one else: "It's the path that kid chose by himself, you just need to help me hide it."

"This kind of thing actually found..."

boom! ! !

But at this moment, a loud bang sounded from the window.

"No, that guy hit the warship!!"

"Is that guy alright!"

"Warship!! Save the warship! The warship is sinking, it is General Sakaski's warship!!"


Along with the loud noise, the voices of the sea soldiers in the port also sounded.


PS: There are more to come later! !But I need to take a break and keep writing! ! !You don't have to wait, just wake up tomorrow morning and watch the update directly! ! !

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for all kinds of support, and ask for more praise in the book review area!


(month day to month day)

Chapter Thirty-One

Hearing this voice, Sengoku and Garp immediately stood up and went to the window.

I saw that in the port, where several warships were originally docked, it was completely messed up at this time!

One of the huge warships was directly in two halves, and it was because the fallen three-masted sails implicated the smaller warship beside him.

The strong impact directly knocked down the mast and sail of the smaller warship.

And as a result, a total of three small warships were affected.

However, in any case, the small warships were only downed by the sails or hit by the sails of the huge warships and injured the deck and the fence.

But the huge battleship was directly in two halves at this moment, and even the keel was completely broken.

Including Sengoku and Garp, everyone who heard the movement and saw this scene at this moment all opened their mouths.

"Everyone save people immediately!"

Just above the port, a Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters immediately shouted.

But the people around him were still in a state of confusion.

"Everyone save people immediately!"

Then the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters shouted again.

"The kid who hit the warship is all right, he has gone ashore, and the people on the warship have also been rescued safely ashore!"

Some generals responded immediately and reported loudly to the lieutenant general.

"There are a lot of materials on the battleship, rescue the materials immediately, activate the crane, and absolutely cannot let him sink like this!"

The scene that was completely stunned, because of the presence of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, all were sober and orderly and quickly took emergency measures.

"Hahahahahaha!! What a pretty good guy."

In the marshal's office, Garp burst into laughter after seeing this scene in surprise.

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