"Shut up and eat your senbei in peace!" Warring States turned his head and scolded Garp, then looked at the movement in the port again, pressing his hands on the windowsill, and the back of his hands even had blue veins bursting out, "It turned out to be Another mess like this!!"

"It's just a little thing, Warring States, and it's just a few warships. Don't forget that every time I go out, I will destroy one or two of them. But I'm more and more liking this kid, it seems I have to try to get someone from Zefa." Garp put his hand on Sengoku's shoulder, and said it indifferently, but when it came to the end, he looked at the young man standing on the shore in the distance. full of anticipation.

"You bastard!!" Warring States turned his head to look at his old friend for many years, gritted his teeth, "Do you know the value of a few warships!"

at the same time

It's in an office down the floor from the Admiral's office.

Sakaski was also standing by the window of his office at this moment, with an angry expression on his face, the hand on the windowsill had turned into magma, and the slate on the windowsill was engulfed by the high temperature of the magma and black smoke billowed. .


That is, at the moment when Sakaski looked up at the port with a serious and indignant face...

There was surprise in his eyes...

Not only is he...

This time, even if it was the Warring States period, Garp and the others all showed expressions of astonishment at this moment.

These people are like this, not to mention the navy and ordinary people above the port or on the high platform of the square...


Just above the port, they saw the wreckage of the two halves of the huge battleship that was slowly sinking and had not yet been controlled by the crane...

fly up...

To be precise, it was suspended in mid-air.

There are also broken masts, masts on small warships, and broken pieces of wood floating on the sea...

In short, at this moment, all these things were suspended.

And it was Su Qiu who did this...

I saw Su Qiu floating above the two halves of the warship. Whether it was the warship, the mast, or under his feet, there were looming cyclones.

And it is precisely because of this cyclone that the huge warship and many masts floated up.

boom! ! !

A loud bang.

Just above an open space, Su Qiu put down the warship that was divided into two halves.

And those masts that were originally broken horizontally and vertically are placed on the side of the warship in a very neat manner.


The next moment, Su Qiu fell to the ground.

"Please instruct everyone to move the supplies on board." Su Qiu looked at the vice admiral who was in command before.



At this moment, compared to when the warship was crashed just now, the entire port was even more silent.

Because it's easy to destroy a ship, but to fly a ship and a whole bunch of stuff like this...

It's not difficult or difficult, it's easy and not easy...

All eyes were on Su Qiu.

How did you do it...

Devil fruit ability?But wasn't he still in the sea just now?



Even if everyone didn't say it, from the eyes they looked at Su Qiu, they could see what everyone was thinking when they looked at Su Qiu.

"Please also instruct everyone to move the supplies on board."

Su Qiu noticed that the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters did not move, so he spoke again.

But this time, the lieutenant general was sober, and after taking a deep look at Su Qiu, he immediately looked towards the marines and issued an order.

The marines, who were still in surprise, heard the lieutenant general's order.

No matter how shocked you are in your heart, you will execute it immediately.

Not needing to salvage from the sea naturally saved a lot of things from their work, but when they passed by Su Qiu, everyone looked at them deeply.

"He has incredible power, that child. I remember, that child is not a devil fruit person." Garp looked at Su Qiu and said with a smile.

"No matter what, it can't change the fact that several warships have been destroyed! Moreover, one of them is a huge warship that has been transformed by a scientific version." Warring States stared at Su Qiu and responded to Karp's words mercilessly.

"Tell Zefa about this immediately and let him and Su Qiu come to my office!!" Warring States turned to look at a rear admiral behind him.



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