The two went back, and so were the other lieutenants.

"In front of me, do you have to use the methods that you [cp] are good at forcing charges against people who haven't committed any crimes? And it's still the sailors who have just made great contributions." Sengoku looked at Adelaide indifferently.

"After all, it's the usual method of [cp], isn't it?" Karp said with a smile on his face, but when he finished speaking, the corner of his eyes turned to Adelaide.

"Su Qiu looks like this even in front of us. If you have the ability, force him to go to Mary Joa. However, it's best not to annoy that child." The 'big staff' He squinted at Adelaide. said something.

Adelaide, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the three people who didn't stand up, especially when he heard what they said, he clenched his fists.

"No one wants to incriminate that child! Warring States!"

But at this moment, the old man's voice suddenly came from Adelaide's arms.

Hearing this voice, everyone present was stunned, because all the people present except Brannu, the two marines, and Ain were familiar with it.

Adelaide, who heard this voice, immediately took out a phone bug from his arms.

"Is it Su Qiu? The child who left, brought him here."

Su Qiu, who had already walked to the door, heard the voice and looked back.

Then he saw everyone looking at him.

"It's the five old stars."

Zefa explained to Su Qiu who was on the other end of the phone bug.

Su Qiu still had an indifferent face.

On the other hand, Brannu and the two sailors took a deep breath at this moment.

Because if the phone bug is always on a call...

So doesn't it mean that [Five Old Stars] heard everything said here! ?

Adelaide held the phone bug in both hands and looked at Su Qiu over there.

"I'll see you on Monday, and now I'm off work. I'll rest tomorrow and the day after. So, I'll take my leave."

Su Qiu pushed the frame of his glasses, shouted at the phone bug in Adelaide's hand, then turned around and left.




Looking at Su Qiu who just left, Brannu and two sailors blinked and asked a question mark.

And it's not just them, even the others in the room, including Sengoku, Karp, Crane, Sakaski, Polusalino and all the navy...

This time, Su Qiu's decisiveness made him a little stunned...

Even Zefa couldn't help but put on his forehead with one hand on his forehead, the corner of his mouth raised, this stinky boy! !Well done!

But Zefa is like this, but it doesn't mean that other people are like this...

For a moment, after the urgency the whole office had just experienced...

Now only...


So embarrassing! ! !

And it's the embarrassment of the phone bug in Adelaide's hands...

And that end of the phone bug...

It's the five old stars!


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! !

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This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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(Event time: August 6 to August 25)

Chapter [-] Then fire me. (For collections, for flowers, for evaluation tickets)


The whole office became extremely quiet.



Finally, Karp couldn't help laughing anymore, and there were tears in his eyes, and he just burst into tears with laughter.

At the moment when Garp burst into laughter, Adelaide pursed his lower lip and glanced at Garp, then looked at the phone bug in his hand.

At this moment, the phone bug's expression is serious, and it looks very scary.

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