Warring States reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. Although he thought Su Qiu was a little cute in the scene just now, the other party was five old stars.

And as a marshal, he couldn't keep silent at such a time, so after coughing softly, he glared at Garp and said in a serious tone, "This is not a funny thing! Garp!"

Then, he looked at the phone bug in Adelaide's hand: "I told you a long time ago that the child has a very strange personality. But the child has no malice. I will take him to Mary Joa on Monday, so..."

When he said this, Sengoku looked up at the door.

And it wasn't just him, everyone else in the office looked towards the door.

because there...

Su Qiu is back.

Looking at Su Qiu, many people looked puzzled.

On the other hand, Brannu and the two sailors were deeply relieved, thinking that it would be good to come back.

Because just now they saw with their own eyes how terrifying the phone bug's expression was, and the phone bug would imitate the expression of the person on the phone!

On the other hand, there are people from Adelaide and [CP]. When they saw Su Qiu, the surprise in everyone's heart just disappeared completely, and what they had was just gloating. I'm scared, you just left just now...

"Cough, Wu Laoxing, Su Qiu is back."

Adelaide immediately bowed his head and respectfully opened his mouth to the phone bug in his hand as if he was robbing him.

"Well, got it. Move the phone bug close to Su Qiu." I don't know which old man's voice came from the phone bug.

After receiving the order, Adelaide naturally walked towards Su Qiu, who had already entered the office.


Just when Adelaide was about to speak...

I saw Su Qiu glance at him, and then passed him just like that, and even passed the phone bug in his hand.

He walked straight to Warring States, and said after salute: "I was interrupted just now, so I forgot to mention that, in addition to the overtime pay, my personal belongings were also damaged during this mission trip, and I will submit it with the report later. to you."

After speaking, he bowed slightly towards Sengoku, turned around again, and left towards the door.

Just like before, after completely ignoring Adelaide and the phone bug of the Five Old Stars in his hand, he walked directly towards the door.


Looking at Su Qiu's appearance, everyone in the office fell silent again.

Blanco and the two sailors opened their mouths and looked at Su Qiu...

So you came back just to declare personal losses?And it is to report this matter to the Warring States Marshal...! ?

Would you mind giving the Five Old Stars a face? ?

Although the lieutenant generals were a little stunned, they were no longer surprised, and some were just helpless and silent.

"Wait...wait a minute!" Adelaide looked at Su Qiu and shouted loudly.

Su Qiu stopped and looked back.

"Didn't you hear Wu Laoxing calling you just now!? And let me bring the phone bug close to you, that is what Wu Laoxing wants to say to you!" Adelaide looked at Su Qiu with a few more accents. .

Su Qiu tilted his head, "Because I heard it, I also gave an answer. As for getting close to me... I said, I will go to see them on Monday, and now I'm off work, and it's my personal time."

After listening to Su Qiu's words, Adelaide's face became even more angry, "You guy, you are actually attacking the five old stars one after another..."

"Adelaide, step back."

On the other end of the phone, the voice of the Five Old Stars immediately came out, and the voice was very different from the one just now. It was obviously another old man.

"Su Qiu, right? You know what you're doing right now!?"

I just heard the old man speak to Su Qiu like this.

Su Qiu looked at the phone bug and pushed down his glasses, "Because you need me to work overtime just because you want to see me, sorry, I refuse. So, I'll take my leave."

"You should know that we can remove you from the Navy at any time!!?"

Another five old star's voice came from the phone bug.

"If you are going to threaten me with dismissal, I will be forced to obey your orders, and because of your own selfish thoughts, I will work overtime to go to see you in Mary Joa..." Su Qiu pushed his glasses, "I'm sorry. , then fire me."


PS: Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, and all kinds of support! ! !

PS: Evaluation votes, target [-], rush duck! ! !

(Event time: August 6 to August 25)

Chapter [-] Unannounced Appointment Letter (for collection, for flowers, for evaluation ticket)

Had to work overtime because of work, because that was the source of income that survived.

In the previous world, Su Qiu had been working overtime and living because of this. Even if the boss made things difficult for him, he could only bow his head to implement it.

Just for fear of being fired.

But in this life, when Su Qiu decided not to work overtime, he had already thought of this...

And his choice, of course, is casual.

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