Su Qiu stared at the phone bug indifferently, "However, remember to report my salary, overtime pay, and damage to personal items to me."

After saying this, Su Qiu turned around and continued walking towards the door.

"You are provoking us, young man!"

Before Su Qiu took two steps out, he heard another old man speak.

"Provocation?" Su Qiu stopped and looked back at the phone bug, "This is a provocation for you guys, for me I'm just doing what I have to do, have to say yes, then that's it Understand. Anyway, I don't have to be in the navy either..."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the office.

Working overtime for personal reasons, such as the previous assessment of the Naval Academy and the battle with Whitebeard, although the former was forced and the latter was voluntary, there were reasons why Su Qiu had to work overtime.

But this time...

From Su Qiu's point of view, it's just the selfishness of the five old stars, just like when the bosses left people to work overtime because of boring things...

This is the class that Su Qiu doesn't want to overtime, and it is also the class that Su Qiu doesn't want to overtime the most!

So, never agree!

Even if you get fired...

When Wu Laoxing said those words, the expressions of the senior executives in the office who were just watching this scene all changed.

And now hearing Su Qiu's words...

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Especially Ze Fa, the double fists around his chest, completely clenched, and the aura on his body is extremely cold.

During the Warring States Period, Karp and the others did not make a statement, but their expressions were completely different.

The atmosphere in the room changed instantly because of Su Qiu's words.


Branno and the two sailors swallowed at the same time.

Fire Su Qiu...

Stop it!

This is an existence that can fight against the Whitebeard Pirates! !

If it is fired like this, how big the loss of the Navy will be, one can imagine!

And in the navy, so many people with peculiar personalities live in peace because of the combat power they represent!

Although what those people did was not as serious as what Su Qiu was doing at this moment.


If you really want to fire Su Qiu, even the little characters like them will definitely disagree!

"As a marshal, I will handle matters in the navy, so this is the end of the matter. As for the matter of the Five Old Stars, you want to see Su Qiu, I will take him to see you on Monday, and it has just been executed. He is also very tired when he comes back from such a task."

As the Marshal of the Ministry of Warring States, he walked to Adelaide at this moment, took the phone bug in Adelaide's hand into his own, and said to the phone bug: "So, go down and rest first. , Su Qiu."

Talking to the phone bug, but talking to Su Qiu.

After hearing this, Su Qiu walked to the door, turned around and saluted the Warring States and responded with a "OK", then left the office again.


And the Warring States period also directly hung up the phone bug at this time.

Even if the other party is the [Five Old Stars], it is the supreme power of the world government!

But he's also a marshal of the military! !


at this time...

I saw Sakaski sat up from the chair and walked straight towards the door. When he walked to a [CP] member, Sakaski looked at the [CP] standing in front of him with extreme indifference. Member, "Go away!"

Looking at Sakaski in front of him, especially when he heard Sakaski's words, the [CP] member immediately walked to the side after swallowing his saliva.

And Sakaski continued to walk towards the door, and when he reached the door, he said, "I also leave, Mr. Warring States."

"I also advise you to leave now, [CP] people, because I'm very upset right now."

After speaking, Sakaski took a deep look at Aledley and the others and strode away.

Adelaide looked at the phone in his hand that had ended the call, and looked up at the Warring States staring at him coldly.

Adelaide clenched his fists, "Go!"

After that, he turned around and left immediately, followed by the other [CP] members.

Su Qiu left, Sakaski also left, and those [CP] members also left, so it's useless for others to stay.

At the moment, everyone in the office left one after another.

For a while, in the office, only Sengoku, Garp, Crane, and Zefa were left.

As for Brannu and Ain, they were also ordered to go out and wait.

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