Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Big Purchase

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The wand chosen by Hugo, or according to Ollivander, he was chosen by a wand with a 12-inch silver linden wood wand with a dragon's nerve core.

"Silver linden wood? I seem to remember that this kind of wand is suitable for a prophet or a wizard who is good at contemplation." After learning the texture of the wand in his hand, Hugo recalled what he had seen in the previous life."But this is also right. After all, I can be regarded as a prophet in this world."

Hermione's wand was an 11-and-a-half inch walnut wand, and the core of the wand was also the nerve of a dragon.After both of them successfully chose their wands, the voice of victory rang in Hugo's mind."What did you just do? I found that your destiny points that you had cleared before are now a bit more."

"Maybe it's because we have chosen the wand just now." Hugo said."Originally, my sister’s wand was supposed to be made of vine wood, but now it’s turned into walnut. For wizards, the wand is an indispensable item. So I think this should be what I suddenly acquired Some reason for destiny points."

"What you said makes sense." Victory said with a little frustration. "Unfortunately, I didn't follow you. Otherwise, I might find more opportunities to get Destiny Points."

Because Hood wanted to reorganize the group of illegal immigrants in the Whitechapel district is not a simple matter, so after the victory in the last few days, he stayed with Hood to help her with the debris, so she didn't follow. shopping.After all, according to her idea, things that have not been written in this novel should not cause any fluctuations in fate.

"It's okay, I will enter Hogwarts soon, and there will be a lot of opportunities to get fate points." After hearing the words of victory and frustration, Hugo quickly comforted."And next I think whether it is buying clothes or dry pot, it shouldn't affect fate."

"You are right." After listening to Hugo's comfort, he thought about it and replied."After all, the most important thing in this world for ordinary wizards is the magic wand. And other things of the level of the Three Hallows of Death will not be able to be touched by you."

After finishing the conversation with Victory, Hugo discovered that Ollivander had already received 15 Gallons and 6 Sicco wands from Hugo's parents.Then he handed the two boxes with magic wands to Hugo and the others.

Obviously, the magic wand as a must-have for wizards only charges a little more than 7 gallons per person, which is a significantly cheaper price.Hugo suspects that there should be a subsidy from the Ministry of Magic as one of the benefits of the wizarding world.

"Walnut tends to choose those very intelligent wizards first, while silver linden wood represents a certain mystical tendency. According to the legend of the wizarding world, the holders of silver linden wands often enjoy a high status." While handing out the box, Ollivander introduced the characteristics of these wands to Hugo and his brother.

"The dragon's heartstring as the core of the wand is often thought to make the wand stronger, and the spells used are more gorgeous. On the other hand, this wand has the worst loyalty, and it is easy to turn to black magic. So children, you must keep your bottom line when you learn magic!"

After listening to the wand master’s admonition, the Grangers left the wand shop and started shopping on the street for everything they needed to go to school.According to the purchase order attached to the notice, they visited a series of shops such as bookstores, pharmacies, and crucible shops.

When they passed by the Quidditch shop, Hermione and Hermione didn’t have any interest in the light wheel two thousand in the window, but Mr. Granger bought the cauldron, the necessary suitcase and the designated potions. While waiting for the two ladies, he ran back to the door of the Quidditch shop and stared at the broom for a long time.Renren Read Novel Network

"I think flying in the sky on a broomstick must be more exciting for a Harley." After watching mother and Hermione walk out of the bookstore with a thick dozen of books, Hugo took his reluctant father from I opened the window to meet my mother and them.As a result, on the road, Mr. Granger was talking about the data of the broom first, and then he talked about the high-horsepower motorcycle he had ridden when he was young.

Hugo expressed his understanding of his father's behavior. After all, the pursuit of speed was carved into the bones of many people.It doesn't matter how old and gender they are, whether they master magic or not.

"How can I buy so many books?" Mr. Granger asked, feeling a little strange after meeting the two ladies, "I remember that there are not so many books on that list."

"Because Hermione bought some extra books, her quota is now basically spent on these books except for the money left to buy all the necessities and .." Mrs. Granger looked at her daughter and smiled. Shook his head and said."Just this she still has several books that she hasn't bought yet."

"My quota can be given to my sister. As long as she is willing to share the book with me, then half of the book money can be counted as mine." Hugo volunteered to say after hearing his mother's words.

After all, in my own impression, Hermione has always been a person who loves reading and learning.This is true whether it is the one I read in the novel in my previous life or the impression I have in this life.This is why she is only an ordinary person's smart but can achieve a high level of learning.So Hugo recognized his sister's taste in choosing books.

It is a very good way to know a strange world through books that record the knowledge of the world. Therefore, Hugo is willing to share the new books with his sister by sharing the money for books.

"Very good." After hearing Hugo's words, Mrs. Granger nodded with a smile. She was very happy that her children could maintain a good sibling relationship, and then counted out some of the money from her pocket. Passed it to Hermione, "You can now buy the book you just didn't buy."

Because this time I bought a book that I had read before, it took only five or six minutes for Hermione to walk out with seven or eight books, and put them on the two bought by Mr. Hugo and Granger just now. Expand the curse in the suitcase.

Because the sun was slowly rising at this time, the Granger family, who had been shopping for more than an hour and found their mouths dry, sat under a big umbrella on the roadside after each bought a frozen ice cream ball that could float in the air. Looking at the purchase list while eating.

"We only have clothes and pets left." Mr. Granger said while looking at the list. "You just said that you don't want to buy pets for the time being. Then we will go directly to buy clothes after eating these freezing points."

"Where are we going to buy? Just now, I saw two places selling clothes." Mrs. Granger said.

"That shop called Mrs. Morkin's robe specialty store, right?" Mr. Granger thought for a moment and said, "Our family is not going to buy those second-hand clothes, but I saw it when I passed by the door of the clothing store. One of the customers inside looked at me very unfriendly. I suspect that was the place where the racists among the wizards concentrated."

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