Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Meeting with Veneto

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Are you going to buy a Hogwarts school uniform, dear?" Just entering Mrs. Morkin's robe shop, a short and squat witch dressed in purple greeted her.Without waiting for the Granger family to open their mouths, the witch proactively introduced: "We have a lot of different kinds of clothes here, and there are many people who buy them. Now there is a young man trying on clothes in it."

At the back of the shop, a young girl with short silver and white hair is standing on the footstool. A witch is measuring her body data with a measuring tape that can run by herself, while whispering in her mouth: "You young people buy clothes. You still have to buy a slightly larger one, because you grow very fast, so you have to leave room for growth in many places."

Of course, when the witch spoke, she didn't notice that the girl she was measuring was looking at her with an extremely depressed and resentful look.

"Okay, move faster, which of you two will come first?" Mrs. Morkin said in a rush after confirming that Hugo and Hermione are both new students this year.

"Ladies first." Hugo said and made a please gesture, and then Hermione led Mrs. Magic King to the back of the shop, and then stood on the other footstool next to the silver-haired girl as instructed. She was put on a robe and pinned to fit her length.

"Are you also a freshman at Hogwarts this year?" the girl asked directly, seeing Hermione standing next to her.

"Yes." Hermione first raised her arm as Madam Morkin asked her to measure her arm length, then turned her head slightly and said to the young girl next to her.

"Great, then we should be classmates of the same grade this year." The girl said, "Let’s introduce yourself first, my name is Veneto, Vittorio Veneto. Seriously, I received this. Before I wrote the letter, I didn't expect that there is such a miraculous thing as magic in the world."

This girl is the ship's wife Veneto that Hugo summoned before, and she is not here now by chance, but a carefully crafted encounter between Veneto and Hood.After all, if you want to stay with Hugo after entering the school, it is very important to meet him before entering the school.

Although it is a bit strange to say that this name was originally a place name as a girl’s name, because Europeans originally had no certain rules for naming names, Hermione just slightly felt that this girl was a bit special and did not go to Think about other directions.

"Are you here alone?" After chatting a few words, Hermione looked at the lonely Veneto and asked, because from her clothes and what she said just now, Hermione knew that she should be the same as herself. Born in an ordinary family.It is difficult for her to imagine an 11-year-old girl coming to such a completely unfamiliar place for the first time without family accompany.

"I am alone!" Veneto smiled and said, "After all, I only have one sister in this world, and she has some important things to deal with recently, and she can't accompany me to buy things. So I just I can come here alone."

"Ah, I'm very sorry." After hearing Veneto's words, Hermione immediately apologized from the bottom of her heart."I don't know these things--" Funny Biquge

"It's nothing, I haven't seen my parents since I was born, so I'm used to it." Veneto waved his hand quite coolly.This kind of free and easy comes from the heart, because as the mother of a warship, Veneto has no parents at all.But Hermione, who saw this scene, felt even more sad.

"It's been tried, dear." At this time, Mrs. Morkin's words saved Hermione who was a little embarrassed because of the rash question just now.She quickly jumped off the stool, greeted Veneto and ran back to her parents.

"Then—we'll see you at Hogwarts." When Hugo stepped on the bench and began to tailor his clothes, Veneto happened to have finished buying clothes, so after exchanging sights with Hugo, he took the clothes and installed them in In the suitcase, then dragged the suitcase out of the room.When leaving the room, she said hello to Hermione.

"That child is really pitiful." When Hugo went to tailor the clothes, Hermione had already walked to her mother and talked about the content of the chat with Veneto. After learning about Veneto and that she and Hugo are new students, Also after enrolling this year, Mrs. Granger's motherhood broke out."If you meet her at school, help her if you can."

It was noon when the purchase was over. After raising his hand to look at the hands on the watch, Mr. Granger felt that it would be more appropriate to go back after lunch in Diagon Alley.As a result, when they came to a small bar on the side of the road that also sold simple meals, they realized that it was the meal now, and the tables were full of people.

"It seems we can only eat outside." Mr. Granger said with a slightly frustrated expression, because he was a little curious about the food that wizards who can release magic are different from ordinary people in terms of food, after all, if He felt that the food was no different from the food he usually eats just by looking at it with his naked eyes.

However, both novels and movies show that the food that wizards usually eat is not much different from that of ordinary people. On the contrary, the snacks that I eat seem to be completely different and more representative.So Mr. Granger wouldn't have much regret for not eating here this time.

For Hugo, this trip to Diagon Alley can be regarded as a rewarding trip.The only regret is that maybe because my time was a little inappropriate, I didn't meet any classmates who were recorded in novels other than Hermione.

When they reopened the passage and walked through the broken cauldron bar to the street belonging to ordinary people, they happened to see the girl Veneto who had just been shopping for clothes sitting on a small table outside a restaurant on the side of the road. Eating, and across from her sat a young woman with blue eyes and long blonde hair.

"Good noon, Miss Granger." After seeing Hermione come out, Veneto waved desperately at Hermione.And this also allowed the Grangers to get to the side of the big table simply and neatly.

"This is my sister Hood, Victoria Hood." Veneto introduced that in order to facilitate life among ordinary people, the ship ladies would often give themselves a more normal-looking one, with a name and a surname. name.However, when they choose their own names, they tend to be more arbitrary, as long as they embed their ship's name into the name.It doesn't matter whether the ship's name is on his surname or first name.

After hearing the two obviously different surnames of the sisters, the Grangers immediately filled up a lot of stories about them besides Hugo. If they were all written out, at least two or three soap operas would be more than enough.

In the following time, the Granger family and the Hood sisters enjoyed a pleasant lunch together.I have to say that as the navy of the noble arms, the kind of education they showed from the inside out made them quickly chat with the Granger family.

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