Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 199 New Knowledge

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Although I have a holiday, this castle with thousands of years has not changed too much. With the returns of little wizards and the school's normal teaching tasks, the whole castle will become lively again.

Due to previous consecutive attacks, there were not a few people left in school in this holiday. After staying away from the school and spent a happy Christmas, most of the students have disappeared a lot of fear of the room.

For the most obvious example, Navi has returned to the original clean look, not like at least one pound of amulets like the previous array.

But there is no relaxation of Hugo because he is now in a deadlock. In addition to determining that the person is indeed not in the student of Ravenk, Grawfen, the rest cannot be determined.

For Hugo, a self-unknown, and the volt demon of the semi-clad semi-clarified is actually very dangerous. Because he may rush from and launch attacks at any place.

Although the company has set the necessary alarm facilities in the Taojin Niang's female toilet, it doesn't think this can completely put an end.

At least the snake who left in the pipe can explain that the snake blame has been growing, and from the snake blame, it is impossible to achieve this creative, it is impossible to take a mouse.

Therefore, according to the judge of the ship, except for the lacycloth, there are some other exits that can be used for snakes to hunt.

As for the last life, some people analyzes the family of Hogwarten's domestic elf in feeding snakes. This kind of conjecture has been completely vetoed by everyone.

Because the family's small elves are directly in Dumbledo, Dumbledo will definitely not tolerate the snakes like this may cause fatal damage to the students.

Therefore, if the real household minus knows about the secret of the secret room, it will report this report to Dumbledo, not now.

During the Christmas holiday, the attacker as if I knew that the rain and the ship were directly detected to detect his falling, and did not launch a new round of attack.

Now, the sun begins to be weak, Gogworth. In the castle, people's emotions become optimistic. Especially after Mrs. Ponfray learned that Mandara grass has begun to have a mature message.

"As long as their acne is healed, you can re-transplant it." When Hugmhemia was going to enter the enterprise, he heard the business news of the business news of the business in the corporate office and the business chat.

"Then, how long does it take for it, we can cut them, put it on the fire. This is the petrochemical you can recover."

"I think it should be a good news." After the Mrs. Ponfray left, Hugo smiled and said to the business.

"Jazz, Collin, Kick Nick, is likely to see the attacker, and after the petrochemical effect on their body, there should be a big probability to tell us who attacked them."

"I can not be so optimistic, because there is still half a year from Mandara grass." The company sides showing the brothers of Granjie. "And this time is already enough to attack multiple attacks."

"Then they don't let you find a way to buy a petrochemical agent?" Hermione asked the company, "I remember that Ferci's cat was attacked, you said you can buy it."

"You are right, but now the problem is that the school directors have been batching." Enterprises said some news that recently and professors were communicated.

"Especially Lu Xusi Malfoy, he firmly believes that this extra large spending is likely to trigger the outside world's unnecessary attention to the school, which in turn affects the reputation of the school."

"But there are four vaciats that have been continuous." Hermione's disregard. "Is this still not enough to explain the seriousness of things?"

"Most of our school Directors can not look at it." The company revealed a disdainful look. "Whether your ginger is still Fairchi's lady is just a cat, and Nick is just a ghost, so they will not cause too much attention from petrochemical."

"Nalanfen's first grade new Colin. Krevie?" Hermione has been shocked by the expression of the face after listening to the company. "This is a living student, isn't it important!"

"I am sorry, for the collections of the pure blood wizard family, there is no difference between the wizards or ghosts like our wizards and cats or ghosts."

The company's face is hidden, and at least the news she gets from other professors is not very pleasant.

"What -" The company's answer is such an incredible, so that Hermione has to determine it again.

"Yes, in the eyes of a lot of pure blood family wizards, we are actually not the same, to low them. The only thing worth gratifying is that at least the professor of the school has not held this view. "

After all, Hogwarts' professor is Dumbledor's personally hired, and for Professor Dumbledor, he will naturally avoid the extremely blood disciating people enter the school poisonous students.

"This is really bad." Hermimin frowned. "We are clearly the same as people, but why there are some people who always see another person because there is such a reason.

"Okay, don't think about this problem now." Enterprise patted the arm of the sensitive arm as a whitening sister, and then said, "At least in my opinion, this is not your student, this age should be considered. thing."

After skipping this, you have a bad thing that everyone feels unfortunate, and the company guides Hugo and Hermionics. Today, the content of training is related to ancient times.

"I think you have already understood how to use deformation in battle." The company looked at the brothers of Granjie showed serious expressions. "I am more satisfied with your academic level in my time."

"At Christmas, I found some interesting knowledge in the trip of Nordic, taking into account your level, I think you should have enough levels and will learn this knowledge."

"It's so much thank you, Professor Harcy." After listening to the company, Hermione suddenly became excited. Because after a whole year of the wizard, she also knows how precious knowledge in the wizard industry.

So when the company said that he wants to teach himself to some knowledge, it shows his attitude.

"Don't thank me first, I have to declare one thing in advance, that is, these knowledge has a certain danger. If there is no corresponding level, self-study will only cause some serious, even deadly threats."

The company looked at the brothers of Granjie and said a meal. "So in this case, I have to make a magic contract with you to avoid leaking these knowledge to unsuitable people."

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