Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 200 Temporary Calm

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"Please allow me to discuss with my brother a few minutes." After listening to this sentence, Hermione immediately called the company, and then took the rain to go to the room for another business.

After all, once it involves a lot of things, Hermione feels that it is necessary to discuss with his brother.

The result of the discussion is naturally a contract to sign a contract and learn these magicals. Because Hermione is aware of the relationship between Hugo, the company is still in the United States. Professor Deng is in school. All the teachers said that she is a very reliable person.

From another aspect, many knowledge of the magic world are indeed full of danger, and it is easy to make a lot of trouble in the case of no one's guidance. So companies set conditions in this regard before teaching knowledge.

After that, after all, there were no different strange, and there were two and businesses of Hugo signed a magical contract. Then, the company has taken out the ancient as Nikin knowledge that is summed up from O'Don to teach it from the most basic place.

"I remember that Hogwart seems to have been teaching these things." When Hermione asked when he was resting during the class. "What is the difference between this and school?"

"This is the original version of the original version found before our previous venture. The most important thing is that there is a magic usage of Nican, and this is already partially lost in the current wizard world."

Say that the company has exposed a proud look. "So now I can learn from the ancient magic text in the school is only some of the translation of ancient text, and I can't use these ancient runes like the true ancient wizard."

"Of course, this does not mean that this kind of knowledge is now completely lost. For example, Hogwarten is still teaching some magic in the genius classes opened in the senior grade."

"And we must learn now is about the role of these ancient magic text usage, according to I know, now in addition to Demrrand, there are some knowledge of this, no longer exist. Aspect. "

In this course, the company only introduced the characteristics of these ancient Nichen Magic, and simply introduced the meaning of each ancient Nicin rune.

But just put these simple things, a few hours of teaching time is complete, so Hermion can only don't want to do anything else and the corporate warning, followed by Huguo left the company's office and returned to Rave Wenke tower.

"I really didn't expect such a magical magic in the world." Back to the road of the dormitory, Hermione's little emotional. "But I hope that I can have the talent that corporate sister said."

"Sister, I think you should have no problem in this regard." Yungui turned his head and looked at Hermione. At least according to those content in the original, Hermione will definitely belong to the top of the top in magic talents.

Unlike the general world, the Wizard's school has a large number of practical courses in addition to teaching some theoretical knowledge. Even from a certain perspective, practical courses are more important than the theoretical courses.

In this case, Hermione can only explain one thing in the forefront of the annual exam, that is, although she is not born in the wizard family, talent is stronger than the little wizard from most of the wizards.

This is not a strange phenomenon. At least in the medieval period, the Wizard World often believes that the wizard of the wizard has an advantage in talents. But with historical enlargement, this statement gradually tired out in some propaganda.

However, according to the conclusions of the rains and the maidies, at least in the Hogworth's masonry cents in the bottom of the pure blood family. This is, for example, Sletlin's Krabu and Gello.

"Yes, my mission is definitely worse than other wizards." After listening to his younger brother, Hermione suddenly relaxed. "So I can learn this magic."

Time will live a month, and the atmosphere in the school seems to have recovered the calm of the past. Although the murderer that was previously attacked was not caught, everyone seems to think that the attacker should be scared, will not start attack.

The problem is, not everyone thinks. For example, Hechpaci's Erni is insisted that it will not stop before the Harry caught it. And the Pipi who specially likes to do things will not give up any chance to sing on the top of the crowd when people have more people, grab all the opportunities to sing his first "Oh, Potter, you, this hate ..."

"Really, Harry. You really don't have to pay too much attention to others' views on you." Hugo seems to look at Harry and Ron sitting opposite himself.

It may be because these things have made Harry feel a bit upset, so we will always hide in the library. As his iron buddies, Ron naturally has been pulled.

It may not be believed that Harry is the reason why Harry is the so-called Sletan, so Harry is sitting on the side of Hiimi every time Harry.

But in this way, Granger's brother can not look at their ancient Nicone books in the library, which is why Hugo persuaded the reason why Harry leaving Harry.

"I don't want to be like this." After watching the lady there around, Harry smashed the sound to the rain. "But there are too many people pointing me points, this feeling is very uncomfortable."

"In addition, Luo Hase will find a boring content of the so-called a boring content as soon as I have a chance, just like a mosquito, just like mosquitoes. That is too annoying - "

Obviously, the degree of annoyance of Lohart is not only reflected in the celebrity of Harry. For example, the fireflies told Hugo, she saw that Luohart boasted to Mc., recently the castle is peaceful, because of his credit .

"Even him feel that the school should encourage the drumming. Eliminate those things in the memory!" Firefly said with a slight exaggeration tone. "We all know what he has finally made -"

"But it is true, relative to the kind of brain disabled in the original text, he played really more terrible." When the company joined the network to the network.

"Don't forget what he is good at, I believe that if he really wants to eliminate those things in the student memory, I don't want to do it."

"Okay, I suddenly think that Luo Hased likes to be a benefit." After listening to the hidden meaning in this sentence, the huddle hit a cold. "At least this whole method will not cause any fatal danger."

When I had breakfast on February 14, Hugo walked into the auditorium. After all, this paragraph has only a description of the novel, and the movie does not take this paragraph. So what he wants to see what is the situation.

But the fruit did not expect that even if he had already made enough psychological preparation, everything in the auditorium still made him feel shocked.

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