Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 201 Chapter Valentine's Day is scared

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Valentine's Day, the decoration of the auditorium can be said to be completely broken, the lower limit of Hugo is the lower limit of the aesthetics, because it is exclusted solemn four-sided white marble walls full of large big dazzling pink flowers.

Worse, there are many heart-shaped confetti to fall from the light blue ceiling.

After the fork, the shredded paper in the milk was carefully removed from the cup, and the fruit of the rain was immediately a sandwich.

"The liar is indeed a liar, but it is necessary to have some specialties in this extent." Looking at the big-style auditorium, Hermion said that the first comment from the United States is the first evaluation of Luohart. .

Sure enough, the girls still like this kind of romantic arrangement that seems to be a pink bubble, even if Hermione knows that the real face of the Rockhart is no exception.

However, when Luohart wears a pink dress in the UK symbolized and Dumbledo, there is a sandwich that Hugo took himself directly biting half of the sandwiches.

Because he really don't want to see the next Lohart, even if he is reading his life, it feels embarrassed to the foot finger.

"What is these things?" Hermione who didn't want to listen to Luhart's speech came out and then pokedly a group of little demon asked with them.

"Little demon, I think we should introduce this in the book before," Hugo replied, but he also realized what his sister would want to ask.

"As for those golden wings in them, the harp should be the decorations sent by Luohart, and it is estimated that they want to imitate the love of love."

"I really don't know if there is a problem with the aesthetics of Luohart, or the aesthetic problem of the entire wizard world." After listening to the guess of Hugo, Hermimin shook his head helplessly.

For a whole day, the elf keeps into their classrooms, deliver Valentine's Day card, and make teachers tired.

At the same time, because these elf are unclear, the romantic love confession is more like a sense of a sense to the recipient.

In this case, these small demon hired by Luohart quickly became the existence of most of the teachers and students aversion. But there is still a little idea to keep these short demon runs to run.

For only one morning, Venus received a dozen love letter or a hand of music. This happens, because the yards are now eloquent, and now they are eloquent.

So many people can see the friendship of Hugo, which will also try to send her a love letter with such a chance.

For guys who send love books, Venus is basically a smile. After all, for the UK's wizards, the marriage object is basically found in these college students, so the campus relationship is a very common thing.

So in this context, although she is somewhat uncomfortable, I can understand the idea of ​​hormible guys.

So, she is quite polite in the public, but she naturally throws the incoming thing in the trash can to show her attitude.

In the afternoon, Hugo, they were going to go to the classroom on the third floor, and the result saw a short figure ran over a distance.

At first, Roo thought that this is another guy who intends to send a love letter to the Venus, but after the guy is coming, Hugo has not heard him sing or , but issued a fear Scream.

"Dead, dead -" I saw this word in this little demon, and then quickly ran in the direction of the auditorium.

"Snake is coming?" Hugo asked the Wendo to the Vitalo, while consciously took out the wand up with a half step.

"Reassured, my tenth, there is no trace of large animals around." Viovin vowed to Hugo's guarantee. "So, either this guy is very shocked, or it is true that there is something here, but now I have left."

The cry of the short demon surprised a lot of people, but they didn't have time to make a good decision to see if they were watching the lively decision, and they could only go to the classroom as usual.

"What happened?" After sitting down in the classroom, Hugo asked by taking the network. "Is there anyone who is unfortunate?"

"Of course, I didn't have, my dear commander." In a classroom upstairs, the corpse of the company while the corpse of a serious examination is said to the rain.

"Dead is the owl in a school, according to the examination, it can be sure that this owl is not injured or poisoned, it is like the soul suddenly left the body."

"How, do you check it out?" After watching the company's completion of the test, the dead owl in his hand was given to Snape, Deng unexpectedly used his own pair of blue eyes to see the company inquiry.

"Basic inspections have been completed." The company nodded, "At least according to the current situation, this owl is only two possibilities. Either it is a labeling for life, or it is the secret room. The name of the monster. "

When I listened to the company, Dumbledor's president nodded, and then quietly stood there. After a few minutes, Sneps also concluded a conclusion that the company is almost almost.

"Al don't think, ... you must know ... Who?" "The oldest except for the president, and the professor of McGi, who has been understood by the school, listened to the analysis of the company and Snape.


Other professors at the scene listened to Maggi Professor and Dumbledor's conversation, all foggy water. But the company knows what the two elderly professors said.

Because this owl's death method is really like the cause of the Taojin Niang, which is crying. It is also like the young Vulid Magic for doubts. Now, even Dumbleo is not clear how this attack is One thing.

After a few seconds, the principal gave the professors left. And he returned to the principal and in accordance with the regulations to communicate this new attack to the Ministry of Magic and the School Documents.

For Hugo, he is that the group of small demon has been hidden after the attack, so that there is a lot of his ear.

However, after the incident of the owl died, the school's atmosphere became nervous again.

In a short period of time, those accentors and magic defense props that have been hidden before, once again appeared on everyone.

Then I don't know which day after the attack is started, a message about Haig is a black hand on the scenes, it has passed it in the school.

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