Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 203 Easter holidays

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Obviously, because a person's death is not an exclusive thing, it is not a glorious thing, so riders decide to organize the language in the past few days, waiting for a few days to prepare and then go to Hague.

But after that day, Hermione began to inquire about how to be in Haigna was expelled. After all, her cognition, Haig should not be the person who deliberately killed people.

"According to the record left by the Magic Department, Haig is only a suspect that is listed in the murder, but has not been convicted." The fireflies said the information from Hu De.

"And the reason why he is expelled, because in school is a magical animal-eye giant animal that is recognized as XXXXX level in the school, this is the fact that it is confirmed, and it is not planted."

"This is something like Haig, and our big-headed friends always have a different cognition of normal people in magical creatures." Venus said.

"I found this when I helped him to modify the notes last year. He used the words similar to cute or attractive, which was labeled before many fierce beasts.

"If this is, Haig is eliminated by the school." After taking the law of the wizard, Hermioni listened to the fireflies, and then looked with the lips, and then he helpless.

"Because for the private feeding of XXXXX magic animals, the highest law can be sentenced to the farmer Azkan lifetime imprisonment."

"More importantly, Haida is in Hogwarten's private breeding people to eat people's eight-eye giant spider." Hugo has been added soon. "Considering the threat to the surrounding small wizards, Haig is only being opened to say that it is already punished."

Since this time I discussed the end of the balance, the days have passed one day. Almost everyone thinks that the next attack will come soon, but until the Easter holiday is coming, everything is quiet.

For Hugo, this time the biggest harvest has slowly mastered the use of ancient people, and Hermioni has a divert deviation caused by Hermionic information.

It may be because these days are calm, and it seems that everyone thinks that attacker, no matter who he is, it is already washing hands.

The Pipi finally sings his first "Oh, Potter, you." Harry also told Hugo in a library self-study, and now everyone is willing to deal with themselves.

Better news comes from Professor Spruit, in March, she told everyone in the classroom to open a hot, noisy dance in the third greenhouse in the third greenhouse.

That is, as long as it is still a short period of time, these Mandera grass can complete the last transplant, and then make drugs to save those petrified people.

However, all of this is not the most important for Hugo, these second-grade students, because the Easter holiday is coming, and the second grade of these second-grade selection class is selected.

"This class will be related to our future, so I think we have to consider and choose very seriously." In the public lounge of Ravenk, Hermione is serious to sit in his opposite. Reserve.

"Okay, okay, I know the importance of the class, but the old, this sentence you have said five times today." Hugo looks helplessly analyzed his curriculum list.

As an admire, there will be no employment pressure after Hugo, so he is purely in accordance with his interest in the class.

However, Hermione's idea is different from Hugo, because she believes that since it has come to this magical world, then naturally cannot let alone learn the opportunity to learn magic.

Different from Graffen, after the third-grade class choreographed class, after the second grade of students, the school sisters of Ravenk's school sisters began to guide these schools, and also told everyone to choose in some courses. Some tips mastered.

"Right, old sister, do you decide what lesson?" After a few minutes, Hugo broke the quiet atmosphere asked Hermight.

"I plan to choose all the lessons other than the classroom, although if you choose the class's magic course, you will have the conflict with the Muggle research class, but the seniors and school sisters say that the school has a way to solve this problem."

When I said that Hermione took the curriculum of Hugo, and then nodded. Because the curriculum of the rage is only a slippery study than her, this shows that the fruit is indeed based on his own needs, not the light map is easy.

Although Europe and the United States traditionally educated the mainstream of education is the so-called happy education, this education is just a young man who is born for those grassroots families. For homes or more, they are not lower than those in Northeast Asia.

The brothers of Granger came from a dentist family, which means that their home is a top-tip part in the middle class, so it will not relax for the child's education.

At least Hugo memory did not have a small number of extracurricular classes, so they were admitted to the famous private high school after graduation of primary school.

So, as a sister, Hermione naturally felt that he was obliged to check the choice of your brother. It was very good to check the results. Hugo did not relax himself.

"Sister, do you want to choose a Muggle research lesson?" At this time, Hugo also took the opportunity to put forward his own problems. "Don't you find that the courses are full of quantities?"

"But I think that the wizard is very important for the Wizard to see how it is very important because it makes me understand the difference between the two worlds." When said this problem, Hermione suddenly got serious.

"To know that according to my observation, the Wizard's world has always had a sense of superiority to the ordinary people, and this superiority naturally brings a worse racism and full of discrimination against the entire magic world."

"And trying to change this, then from one of these problems, the wizard begins to be more appropriate for ordinary people's cognition, so I think I should learn this lesson." "

Of course, I don't intend to learn too long, just intend to collect information through this opportunity, so the big probability will only last year. "

Seriously, if you don't need to take into account this problem, you don't actually choose a very simple thing.

At least according to the information you hear from the senior school sister, all the two classes who have elected ancient magic and arithmetic dresses and people who can pass the exam will never have any big problems in the future.

Because of the three courses relative to divination, magical biological protection and Muggle research. The wizard industry believes that the ancient magic and arithmetic divination These two classes can also reflect a wizard's level.

Fireflies and Venoco are chosen in the course of the course, because they don't like or good at these elective courses.

So they think that the same courses in this case are naturally the best choice, because this can be more along the way.

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