Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Summary

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In Ravauk, there are not many people who have made three grades in two or Venus, as Venus.

If you put your eyes on the entire Hogwarts school castle, you will find that for most little wizards, the choice of this course can take a long time and a very complex process.

Little wizards like Hugo, which may ask the little wizard from the Macao family, may need to ask the seniors, the sister is even professor, and then select the next year's elective course through a series of their own methods.

As for the little wizard from the wizard, it is more troublesome. For example, Long Barton will receive the relatives' letters in the holidays, which is all about the elective proposal.

And such a case is not just one. However, at the end of the Easter holiday, all the second-grade students all fully completed their own class tasks and submitted the selection courses to the professors of each college.

After the holiday, all the work returned to the right track, and at this time, Westley twins suddenly found the raid.

"I remember the first game after the holiday, you should be your pair of Hechpaci. You should be very busy recently. How can I suddenly look for me today?"

After leaving Hermione who went to class with him, Hugo came to an empty classroom asked in the classroom door to find his own Wesley brother.

Because the previous cooperation, the relationship between Hugo and Wesley twins is really good, sometimes it will come together to discuss some interesting things. However, they are not common to Hugo, waiting for their own things like this.

"I heard that you have recently learned ancient nicen, and have begun to learn to make Runshi, this is true?" After listening to Hugo, Fred immediately asked.

"Where did you get this news?" Hugo was a little surprised, because he remembered that he did not tell someone else, and whether it is his own sister or the company is not the kind of people.

"Of course, Professor Harsea is there, we saw a few rustic stones there, then she told us that this is an apprenticeship." George shrugged his shoulders.

"And I and Fred recognize the slippery of you and your sister from the next few papers, so I wanted to ask and touched my luck today."

It turns out that the Wesley brothers just pass some things they saw and the company's only speech guessed rose, now, now, I will ask him just to hit the luck.

However, Hugo didn't think this matter needs to be kept secret, so they have directly admitted this matter after being asked by the Wesley twins.

After Hugo admitted this matter, the Westley twins immediately issued a request, and hopes that Hugo can help them solve some problems encountered before the study.

"I remember that the current deformation and the magic can meet your requirements, why do you have to come to me?" Looking at the fireworks samples placed in front of him, Hugo asked some unconnected.

"Compared to variants or prices, the ancient Nikin magic involves many and alchemy related knowledge, this kind of cost is much higher than original."

"It is obvious, fireworks are consumables. In this case, if you use the Nichen Magic, it is estimated that it is difficult for these fireworks to be sold."

"You are right, but the problem is that Dr. Dr. is too long in the traditional way, so it is much smaller in his basis." Fred quickly said. "Fred quickly said. I have helpless.

"We did make some samples, such as what you see now. But compared with the old products, these new products and old products have not made people's eyes."

"So if we want our fireworks to be knowing, then you must make some big changes. And the top fireworks that have nothing to do." There is a good propaganda. "

"Yes." George also patted the shoulders of Hugo, "But if you want to do that, it is not simple, at least but the magic, transforming or even the content of the curse is difficult to solve this problem - - "

With the twin, you said that your own ideas, Hugo has also got a lot of information on its own meaning.

For example, twins are indeed a more detained in terms of exam, which is mainly because of a serious budai, which makes them neglect a lot of knowledge. Relatively speaking, for those who are interested in, Wesley twins can learn very deeply.

Take this firework as an example, the twins are discussed in the discussion of academic capabilities but some special modifications or seventh grade students of the priests are more than.

Obviously, Hugo, which is directly infused by O'Dodia, may now have a lot of problems in actual operation, but in theory is no more than a lot of masters.

So Hugo quickly took out a design plan for twins, of course, in order to avoid scaring twins, in this discussion, only the alchemy of these problems was mentioned in this discussion. Nysin content.

Even so, Wesley twins also realized the powerful capabilities of Hugo far more age.

So after the discussion ends, Wester twins are formally invited to raid to join their research and dedicate some of the content related to alchemy.

Hugo naturally agreed to their invitation, because this job is not difficult to say to him, and the fruit of the familiar story is naturally knowing how good the prospects of the Wester twins.

In addition to this occasional event, the next very calm. Soon, the first game after the holiday is coming.

Because this game is Grandfen to Hece Pacaci, the atmosphere in the Ravenku Academy is very good, everyone is full of happiness to meet this game.

"Ah -" After breakfast, I am ready to go to the Quiiti Stadium to take a good location, they just step on the marble stairs, I heard a scream.

"What happened, Harry?" Found that the people who have called the sound is Harry, I just worked in Hermioni who was shocked by the call behind him.

"No - Nothing ..." After seeing the people who came to ask, Harry shook his head and shook his head. "It may be that Wood of Wood puts our training too much, let me have an illusion because of exhaustion -"

"It's okay." Looking at Harry, it seems to have some tired Harry, and the rain they can do, only to comfort a few words.

Several people walked together outside the courses of Quiiti, followed by each other and visited their respective locations. After looking at a good location on the desk, Hugo has contacted the company in the first time.

"Just Harry should hear the snake scream." After contacting the company, Hugo immediately said that he had just observed the conclusions after observing. "So are you ready?"

"I'm ready, I have already arranged my carrier machine in all points in the castle." The full voice of corporate confidence immediately came into the network, "If the guy really has a quiet, I will be able to catch Live him. "

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