Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 205 New Attack

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After the business ended the call, Roago put the attention on the court. Maybe because the time just talking is a little longer, so the seat around the stage is full of people, and I will send a burst of cheers.

In the cheers of everyone shocked, the Quei team of the two colleges walked into the game.

After entering the game, the captain of Grandfen and Hecepi two teams will first ride a broom, while flying around the goal column to do warm-up exercises, and make some provocative actions on the opposite side.

Mrs. Huo Qi put the ball out. The team members of the Hecepi team wearing a light yellow dress, at this moment, gathered together, and asked the last minute asked to discuss tactics.

Just when Harry was riding his own broom, Hugo suddenly saw that McGrang suddenly walked through the game, holding a huge purple microphone in his hand.

"It seems that there is something wrong. Is your carrier?" Seeing Professor McGrang rushed into the game, and the racer immediately contacted the company in the castle.

"No, I can swear at this point." Enterprise is full of confidence. " "I am absolutely impossible to miss such a big guy with the snake."

When it comes to, the company suddenly paused, then explained the rain in a few seconds.

"Just Dunbilos principal uses his Phoenix guard God to let me go to the hall collection, I will go to see, wait until I know what happened this happened."

"The game is canceled." After the connection between the company, Hugo saw McGranga said through the microphone to the crowded open-air look. The crowd issued a dissatisfaction and shout.

Oliverwood seems to express some different opinions on his dean, but obviously Magger is not ignored at this time.

"All students must return to the public lounge of this college, where the head of the college will tell you more situations. Please leave as soon as possible!" Professor McGe is serious, and the tone is not doubtful.

Ravenclars returned to the public lounge of the tower, and then found a mature companion discussed what happened. A nervous atmosphere quickly filled in the room.

Soon, Professor Feliwei, who is a serious, climbed into the public lounge from the ladder below, and then determined the students to start their own speech from the students.

"All students must return to their own college public lounge before six o'clock in the evening. Any student must not leave the dormitory building after this time. Every time you go to class by a teacher."

"If there is no teacher accompanying, any student may not use the washroom. All Qiyi Training and the game have been postponed. No events are not carried out in the evening."

Ravenk's students are quietly in the public lounge or sitting or sitting, listening to the Professor Professor with sharp voice with sharp voice, printed on the content of the sheepskin paper in the seal of Hogwart .

"A serious attack, attacked the magic defense, which broke through Profess Profite, destroyed all the Mandara grass in the greenhouse."

Take the sheepskin paper in your hand, Professor Fliwi looked at everyone, and waving the wand showed a phantom.

Among the phantom, it was the third part of the class in the class, and even a clear collapse. Obviously, this attack is much more violence than everyone.

According to Venus, it is clear that the problem that can be solved by a bullet is not to use 381 heavy guns, and this behavior does not find other reasonable explanations in addition to provocation and showing the power of the attacker.

"Anever!" Several high-grade students quickly attacked the traces of the scene on the scene, and recognized which type of spell used by the attacker.

"Yes, it is the trace of the fire, and the attacker is not a low degree of skillfulness. It can even be delayed for dozens of seconds. This is what we can't find the attacker after we arrive. - "

In the public lounge of Flivi sharp voice, the surrounding Rawkk's small eagle did not express his own point of view as usual, but quietly listened to the dean's explanation, while everyone's face It has been a serious expression.

Now that the situation is very obvious, the attacker should be the behind-the-scenes behind the so-called monster attack, and now I choose to burn only one of the Mandara grass, that is to avoid the identity of the exposure of the attacker after living.

However, in this attack, the other party exposed the skill of the black magic fire. And this naturally causes the attention of the school.

At the same time, because the other party uses a sharp attack, the seriousness of those attacks is immediately enhanced, at least no one now is just a mischief.

However, corresponding, Hogwartz is also facing the risk of being closed. Because the culprit is not caught, the teachers and students of the whole school may be under certain life threats.

At the time of Furwi Dean warned to the school students, Hugo started to contact the company and find a way to obtain a piece of information on the spot.

This company has already arrived with Dumbledo's principal, in addition to them, in addition to them, Luohart's ruins on the scene.

"Yes, this should be a dragon destroyed here." Looking at the company and the prime minister standing on the ground, Lohart smile.

"I think this is the septic used by Professor Spron to lead the dragon because Julong often divides the respective territory with feces, and the manure here is clearly a strong provocative role in dragons. Naturally. Dragon's injection - "

"- Well, Yudero, thank you for your analysis, but I think you are now best to think about how to appease the scared student -"

Even if Dumbledo's good temper, he can't stand the full mouth of Luohart, so I think a means of supporting Luohart.

After the waiting Luhart left, Dumbledo asked the company to check and straight-up, "Miss Harps, what are you discovered here?"

"Only a little discovery, because the fire ruined too much traces." The company looked at Dumbleo shake his head.

"Although the other person consciously erases most of the traces, the position of the hierarchy of half footprints on the ground and the position of the attacker should come from the interior of the school."

For Hogwart, you can kill your father and grandparents and put them to your own volts. When you start attack, you will definitely won't forget to eradicate your own traces.

Even so, the guy who has no nose will definitely think that there will be a biological life that is more than human beings, and can find the half of the footprint that is ignored by him.

"The school interior -" Dumbledo suddenly got serious, "In addition, what do you find?"

"There are only some gues I made in the scene." The company said seriously, "therefore the content below is for reference only."

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