Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Hogwarts Express 023

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At about 12:30, there was a loud noise from the aisle. A woman with a smile and a dimpled face pushed open the compartment door and asked: "Dear children, would you like to buy some food in the car? ?"

Although everyone in the room was full in the morning, they were a little hungry after talking all the way.Not to mention that everyone here is more interested in snacks in the wizarding world, so the two sides each took out five Sicos and bought a little bit of each snack.

"The taste is okay, but it may be a bit irritating for you." After tearing open the packaging of Bibi Duo and ate one of them, Firefly commented. Bibi Duo is worthy of claiming that every bite will have a special taste. For example, what the firefly ate just now was a bean that smelled of engine oil.

In most cases, Jian Niang's sense of taste is not very different from that of humans, but there are some minor differences in some cases.For example, when facing the necessities of warships.

"The book says that this thing has 700 flavors, and some of them will be replaced every few years." Veneto took a bite of the multi-flavored bean in his hand and said, "Ha, the taste of mozzarella, The taste of hometown."

Just as everyone started to taste and comment on these unseen snacks before, the fields that drove by outside the car window became more deserted than before, and a neat farmland was gone.What followed was a forest, a winding river and dark green hills.

At this moment, the door of the compartment was knocked, and a boy with a round face stood outside the door with tears in his eyes."I'm sorry," he said, "I want to ask, have you seen my toad?"

"Sorry, there should be no toads in this place." Hugo said very confirmingly, because after entering this compartment, the ship ladies subconsciously checked the compartment carefully.It's hard to say that some are too tiny, but the toad about the size of a bullfrog like Neville is absolutely impossible to escape their search."But if we see it, we will find a way to notify you."

"Then bother." The boy twitched his nose hard and walked towards the rear of the car, while his mouth was still beeping."How many times has this been? Laifu always wants to run away from me."

It seems that this should be Neville Longbottom who almost became the protagonist.Only this time, because Hermione was chatting with the two new friends who had just made a contract, she did not propose to accompany him to find the proposal as in the original text, but left the matter to Hugo. deal with.

"Get 0.5 Destiny Points." The voice of victory rang in Hugo's mind.As the existence similar to the system elves that can follow the links of the admiral's network and appear at every ship's mother and admiral at any time, although she is by Hood now, she can still perceive Hugo's current changes..

"Why is there only so much?" Hugo felt something was wrong with the fate points he had obtained."If I remember correctly, the encounter of the original book on the train can be said to have laid the foundation for the iron triangle, the core of the book's future. How could it be possible that I have only given me so many destiny points now?"

"I think just like you said, this encounter laid the foundation for the future Iron Triangle of the whole book." When Shengli mentioned this place, he emphasized the word future."But the future is only the future, and nothing has happened. I think this kind of destiny point calculation will only calculate the direct changes you make to what is happening now, and will not calculate the series of changes caused by you. Indirect changes caused by the butterfly effect." 77 e-book

"For example, your sister’s current ginger raising can bring you so many offset points. It is probably because ginger has replaced a supporting role, and your sister started keeping pets in the first grade. It did not calculate the changes that the cat in the original text might cause in the future after being replaced."

"Well, this means that I got 0.5 fate points after changing a small party in the original text." After some explanation, Hugo finally understood how this system works.

In addition to this episode, the rest of the journey time was spent in the chat with Hugo and the others.They didn't stop until the sky dimmed and the lights on the car turned on, and they were a little dry talking.

"Now we should put on the robes." Hugo said after taking a look at the sky outside. At this time, the sky had turned dark purple, and undulating mountains and woods appeared on both sides of the railway.At the same time, the speed of the train seems to have slowed down. It should be approaching school.

Changing clothes is naturally a priority for women, especially when there are three women.So Hugo can only change his own clothes after the three ladies have changed.As a result, when he finished the change, he heard the sound on the train: "The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage in the car and we will send you to the school for you. of."

"It's great to not have to carry the luggage by yourself," said Hermione, who was sitting back in the cubicle at this time. After all, the luggage on the way that was bigger than her would cause him a lot of trouble."Just don't know what kind of school workers in the magic school look like? Will they use magic to carry luggage—"

Just as Hermione was thinking about a series of things about the magic school, the train slowed down very obviously, and finally stopped at the end of the track.The passengers pushed and shoved, rushing to the door, and descending to a dark and small platform.

Although the train was named the Hogwarts Express, it took nearly nine hours to get from London to Scotland at an average speed of about 90 kilometers per hour.It's not an exaggeration to call the express for the slow trains in the UK, but it seems a bit too slow for the Hugo high-speed rail in the previous life.

"It's still a bit cold here in the Scottish Highlands." Hermione shivered after getting off the car, and then subconsciously moved towards Hugo."I hope I can quickly enter the school building to warm up."

"Fluorescence flickers." Hugo took out his magic wand to light up a space around him because it was too dark, which made it easier to walk.At the same time, the voice of a middle-aged man echoed on this small platform."First-year freshman! First-year freshman come here! Harry, come here, how are you?"

"It seems that Harry Potter, the boy who survived the catastrophe, should be the same level as us this year." Hermione whispered to Hugo after hearing Hagrid's greeting."When I enter school, I have to see how he is different from ordinary people?"

Hugo smiled slightly after hearing his sister's words, this kind of competitive spirit was indeed very Hermione.

"Come on, come with me, are there any first-year students? Watch out for your feet, okay! First-year students come with me!" After the last greeting, Hugo and the first-year students followed Hagrid to another He walked in the direction and parted ways with the other six students and walked into a dark path.

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