Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 24 Hogwarts Castle

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This path was not only narrow and steep, even if Hugo used the magic spell of fluorescent flicker to illuminate the road below his feet, it was only slightly easier to walk, but many places still slipped and stumbled along.On the contrary, Veneto and Firefly may have a better balance because of their long-term at sea, so they are much more stable than others on the same road.

In addition to Hugo, Veneto and Firefly also light up their wands.This also inspired other little wizards, many of whom had previously previewed their textbooks and also lit their wands.

Although there is magical lighting, it barely illuminates this small area under the feet.And the two sides of the road are still towering black shadows, and it looks like it is probably a dense forest.Because of the ruggedness of the road, there was basically no one talking on the road, only one or two sobbings from unknown origins were heard occasionally.

"Turning this turn, you will soon see Hogwarts for the first time." Hagrid shouted back.Then there was a burst of loud "Oh-!" A black lake suddenly spread out at the end of the narrow path.On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle. The top of the castle is lined with spires and windows are shining under the stars.

Hugo also uttered an exclamation sound like a soil bun. Although he had seen this scene more than once in a movie in his previous life, when Hogwarts Castle really appeared in front of him, Hugo could still feel it. The kind of extreme excitement of his own.

"Each boat cannot exceed four people!" Hagrid pointed to a group of small boats moored on the shore and said loudly. Hugo and the four of them got on a small boat together. After they sat on the boat, Hagrid's voice came in again. In everyone’s ears."Are you all on the boat? Well... go forward!"

A team of small boats immediately drove forward across the flat, mirror-like lake, without oars or sails.However, at this time, the new students on the ship did not pay attention to this, but were silent, staring at the huge castle high into the sky.

Hugo is no exception, but when he looks at the castle that is getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision, he is still thinking about the rule that Hagrid just said that a boat cannot sit more than four people.

It is not difficult to understand the stipulation that a boat cannot exceed four people. After all, the rugged path taken by the freshmen and the crossing of the Black Lake are all to pay tribute to the Big Four who built the school at the time, so it is restricted. It is normal to have at most a few people in a small boat.

But Hugo was a little curious about how these boats used to determine the number of people sitting on the boat. According to his observations, these boats are no problem for the younger first-year students to get five or six people in at once.So it's definitely not calculated by carrying weight.

"I think this should be determined by the total number of magic powers of the people sitting on the boat." Veneto's voice sounded in Hugo's mind."After all, wizards generally like to rely on magic to calculate a lot of things to show their specialties, and have you found that these ships are very similar to another ship."

"You're talking about the boat where Voldemort used to hide the pendant box." Hugo has always had a sense of familiarity after seeing these boats, but it's not all the feeling that the scenes from the previous life movies come true.And now Hugo realized it immediately after Veneto reminded it.

"Yes." Veneto said proudly."Don’t you think the boats in these two places are very similar? And according to the original author’s many sources, Voldemort has always had a special affection for Hogwarts. So the impression of the boat that brought him into the school Profoundly, even subconsciously imitating these boats in the place where I hid my Horcrux and created that boat."

"You're just a guess, not necessarily true." Although Hugo said so, he subconsciously thought in his heart that the situation should be like this.

"Everyone bow your heads." At this time, Hagrid’s voice came from the front and interrupted Hugo’s thoughts. Hugo lowered his head subconsciously, only to find that the hidden hole behind the ivy tent covered on the cliff was actually It's pretty big, and only Hagrid himself needs to bow his head among so many people in the boat.

Following this tunnel, everyone reached a place similar to an underground dock, and then climbed onto a ground of gravel and small pebbles.After waiting for a few minutes, everyone climbed up a tunnel in the rock under the light of Hagrid's lantern to reach a flat and damp grass in the shadow of the castle.Then they climbed the stone steps together to a huge oak gate.113 novel

"Everyone is here now." After confirming that everyone has arrived, Hagrid raised a huge fist and knocked three times on the castle gate. The gate immediately opened to the left and right, and one was wearing emerald green. A tall, dark-haired witch in a robe stood at the gate.This is Professor McGonagall who visited Granger's house before.

This is a very serious-looking professor, so after she appeared, it was as if a cold wind swept across the hall.The first-year freshmen who were chatting just now closed their mouths, and even lowered their panting.

"Freshman, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Let me take over when you get here." Professor McGonagall nodded.Then he watched the big man walk past her towards the auditorium.

Hagrid seems to be walking in a hurry, because for normal people, a very serious colleague often gives people a sense of oppression.Not to mention that he used magic several times in violation of the rules during the holidays. Among them, the practice of conjuring a pig tail on Dudley’s ass was obviously against the law, so he was guilty of conscience after seeing Professor McGonagall and hurried to the auditorium after simply handing over. Up.

But McGonagall probably didn't know these things, so she opened the door wide to reveal the hall behind the door as usual.The area of ​​the hall, which should be the entrance hall, is not small, with the high ceiling almost invisible.Hugo felt that this foyer alone could fit his small two-story building in.

In addition to being big, this foyer also reveals a low-key luxury.Both times in the hall were stone walls with a burning torch hung on it.On the front is a luxurious marble staircase that leads directly upstairs.

The first-year freshmen followed Professor McGonagall along the stone floor, and Hugo could hear the buzzing sound of at least a few hundred people from the door on the right.

But Professor Mike did not open the door, but led them to a small empty room at the other end of the hall.Everyone rushed in, rubbing their shoulders and squeezing together, staring nervously at everything around them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said. "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the restaurant, you must first determine which college you enter.

"The branching of the college is a very important ceremony, because while you are at school, the college is like your home at Hogwarts. You have to take classes with other students in the college, stay together in the college dormitory, and stay together at the college. Spend spare time in the common room."

"The names of the four academies are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each academy has its own glorious history and has cultivated outstanding witches and wizards. During Gwartz’s studies, your outstanding performance will earn your college points, and any violations will deduct points from your college. At the end of the year, the college with the highest score will receive the College Cup, which is very high. The honor. I hope you can win honor for the college no matter which college you are assigned to."

"In a few minutes, the branching ceremony will be held in front of the teachers and students of the school. I suggest that you organize yourself and be more energetic while you wait."

Professor McGonagall said that he scanned the freshmen in the first grade, and finally told: "When there is ready, I will pick you up. Please keep quiet while waiting."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall turned and left the room.

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