Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 25 The Sorting Hat

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!As soon as Professor McGonagall left the room, the murmurs of some first-year freshmen came from the room again.Of course, what everyone is most concerned about at this time is the branch hospital for a while.So the words that Hugo hears now are basically asking how the hospital was sorted for a while.

Except for the little wizards who asked the students next to them, most of the little wizards either remained silent or muttered something. Perhaps because the atmosphere became dull, the students who asked about how the school was divided also closed. Mouth.

Hugo heard Hermione chanting something next to her, as if she was reciting the texts and spells he had memorized before.Seeing his sister so nervous, he habitually reached out and took Hermione's somewhat cold hand.This is a way for the two siblings to comfort each other when they are nervous.

This was quite effective. Although Hermione didn't stop reciting the contents of the textbook, at least she didn't tremble slightly with excitement.

"Oh my God--" A few exclamations suddenly came from the first-year freshmen. Hugo raised his head by the startled breath, only to find that twenty or so ghosts suddenly appeared from the wall behind them.These pearly white, translucent ghosts glided across the room, whispering to each other.

This group of ghosts paid little attention to the first-year students below, as if arguing about something.A chubby little monk-like ghost said: "Should be forgiven and forgotten. I said, we should give him another chance--"

"My good monk, don't we have enough opportunities for Pippi? But he gave us all ugly nicknames. You know, he can't even reach a minimum ghost—I said, What are you doing here?" A ghost in a corrugated collar tights suddenly spotted a freshman.

No one answered, including Hugo.After all, seeing a ghost on a computer screen and seeing a ghost in reality give people completely different feelings, so Hugo is now in shock.

"Newborn!" The chubby monk smiled at them."I think, maybe you are going to be tested?"

It may be because the monk's ghost looked very kind, so a few bold new students nodded silently.After seeing his own question getting a positive response, the fat monk ghost looked a lot excited."I hope you can be assigned to Hufflepuff! I used to go to that college."

At this time Professor McGonagall returned, and the ghosts wandered through the opposite wall in file and disappeared."Now, in a single row," Professor McGonagall said to the first-year freshman, "follow me."

Everyone silently followed Professor McGonagall out of the room, through the hallway, and through a double-opening door at the back into a luxurious restaurant.The students in the remaining six grades were already sitting around the four long tables by the college.Thousands of floating candles above the table illuminate the entire restaurant.

"This candle must have been enchanted." Veneto stepped forward and whispered to Hugo, "If it is the ordinary candle we used before, even if the number of candles above doubles, it is impossible to This place is so beautifully photographed."

Hugo admitted that what Veneto said was right, at least if it is an ordinary candle, it is impossible not to drip at all.So it shouldn’t be difficult for the wizard to lighten the candle on this basis.

On the four tables were glittering gold plates and goblets.There is another long table on the top table of the restaurant, which is the seat of teachers.

Hugo recognized Principal Dumbledore at first sight, because his silver-white beard looked so dazzling, it was difficult for everyone who entered this restaurant to ignore the past.Then he recognized other professors one after another.After all, the professors at Hogwarts are quite distinctive in appearance, which makes it hard to be confused.

Professor McGonagall took the first-year freshmen over there and asked them to face all the senior students in a row, with the teachers behind them.The candlelight flickered, and hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns.The ghosts were also mingled with the students, shining dimly in silver.Look at the book novel website

Then she gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year freshmen, and then she did not know where to take out a top wizard hat and put it on the four-corner stool.

The hat is patched, worn out, and extremely dirty. Hugo has always suspected that this hat has probably not been cleaned for more than a thousand years, but theoretically It shouldn’t be too difficult for wizards to release a spell to clean it up.

So Hugo suspects this may be because as a magical creation that has gone through more than 1,000 years, even the hats that were released by the Big Four are now extremely fragile due to the long passage of time, and they can't even withstand any magic or purely manual cleaning. .

Unlike Hugo's habit of repairing cultural relics in the motherland in his previous life, Europe and the United States are more accustomed to repairing cultural relics as new.Just like for bronze wares, Chinese archaeologists usually leave rust and patina on the top that do not affect the strength of the ware when repairing them, but in the West, archaeologists will clean the surface of the ware.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, as such an important magic item that is even representative of the entire British magic circle, neither Hogwarts nor other British institutions will allow the Sorting Hat to be broken into this way.Unless they really can't clean it up and fix it.

When Hugo was thinking about this problem, the hat trembled slightly, and then the frequency of the shaking became greater and greater. At the same time, a wide seam was split on the rim of the hat, like a mouth-and then began to use a Sing in a strange tone:

You may think I am not pretty, but don't judge people by appearance. If you can find a hat more beautiful than me, I can eat myself.You can make your bowler hats black and shiny, and make your top silk hats smooth and crisp, but I am the magic hat used in the Hogwarts test, naturally higher than your hats.

Any thoughts hidden in your mind can't hide from the golden eyes of the magic hat. Put it on and try it. I will tell you which college you should be assigned to.

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is the bravery buried in the heart. Their courage, boldness and boldness make Gryffindor outstanding;

You may belong to Hufflepuff, where the people are upright and loyal. Hufflepuff’s students are persevering and honest, not afraid of hard work; if you are shrewd, you may enter the wise old Ravenclaw, those wise and knowledgeable People will always meet their fellows there;

Maybe you will go to Sitlin, maybe you will make sincere friends here, but the cunning and insidious people will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Come and put on me! Don't be afraid! Don't panic! You are absolutely safe in my hands, because I am a thinking magic hat!

After the song ended, there was thunderous applause in the audience, but Hugo felt that this should be the song of the hat just now. It was too ugly, so everyone seemed so happy when it stopped singing.

The magic hat bowed to the four dining tables one by one, and then stood still.Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in his hand.

"Whoever I call by name now puts on a hat, sits on a stool, and waits for the sorting house."

The most important branching ceremony of the school is about to begin.

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