You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"According to this statement, the remaining two media have nothing to do with the warship?" After learning that the media needed to summon the ship mother is not just some parts of the warship or those carried by the people on the warship After some of the things, Hugo pointed at the remaining two things and asked.

"Yes, it doesn't matter much." Hood nodded, then pointed to the bronze shard and said."This fragment comes from the bronze statue of Dzerzhinsky in front of Lubyanka. It was torn down and destroyed in August this year. This piece originally belonged to the heart of the statue. Found in the waste collection station."

"What about this red flag?" Hugo asked, pointing to the contents of the last box. He noticed that this box was different from the others, it looked like a box with that flag."This red flag doesn't look like the flag of the Soviet Union. There is no pattern on it, it's just a rough red cloth."

"Ha, don't underestimate this piece of red cloth. This piece of red cloth is our most expensive one." Hu De said with a chuckle, "It is a dozen or so prepared by the revolutionaries who rushed into the Winter Palace. On the other side of the red flag, we spent a lot of money and energy to get this thing out of the archives. From a certain perspective, this thing is one of the few things that can best represent the spirit of this country. "

"Well, you're right." Hugo glanced over the media one last time, stepped back a few steps to make room, and then began to summon.After a dazzling white light flashed, five girls dressed in rich Soviet-style costumes stood in front of him.

"Comrade commander, I am the USS Soviet battleship. I am very happy to be back under your command with my comrades." The leader looks like the youngest of the five, the silver short-haired ship girl stepped forward. Hugo gave a military salute and said that she didn't look tall, she looked a bit like Veneto's sister.This may be related to Veneto's influence on the design of the Soviet battleship.

The Soviet Union stood up with the remaining four navy girls.Then introduced them to him one by one."This is Comrade Stalingrad battlecruiser, this is Comrade Kirov, this is Comrade Dzerzhinsky, and this is Comrade Sverdlov."

"It's nice to meet you." After the Soviet Union introduced all the newly-appearing naval girls, Hugo returned them a military salute, and then said to these straight Soviet naval naves standing in military posture, "Well, everyone. Relax, find a place to sit down. Let me use the admiral network to send you the latest situation as a whole."

"Understood." The Soviet Union, the leader of the Soviet warships, waved, and then all the warships directly sat on the ground.Fortunately, there is a thick layer of carpet on the floor as a game room, so you can sit directly on the ground.

After everyone was seated, Hugo immediately activated the Admiral’s network to start information transmission. This soul-based method of transmission has far more information transmission capabilities than words or other methods. After only 30 seconds, the Soviet Union was the first. He opened his eyes and looked at Hugo.

"Comrade Commander, I already understand the current situation, please assign me a task." As soon as the Soviet Union's voice fell, the other ship maidens opened their eyes and nodded in agreement.

"You just came here, I think it's better to rest for a while." Hugo, watching these Soviet ship women who can't wait to get into work, exhorted."The work we will face is a long-term job, so a day or two of rest will not delay anything." 33 Tingshu

"No, many things as soon as possible." The Soviet Union declined Hugo's kindness."Especially at this time the entire international situation is undergoing drastic changes. For us, every minute and every second is very important."

"Well, if that's the case, do what you want to do." After seeing that he couldn't persuade these navy girls, Hugo chose to respect their ideas."But please remember that the body is the capital of the revolution. Don't fight too hard when doing work."

"Thank you, thank you for your concern." After listening to Hugo's words, the faces of the Soviet Union and the ship maidens behind her broke for the first time the image that had been stern-faced since they appeared and gave Hugo a smile.Although they are different from the fragile flesh and blood of human beings, they are unlikely to be exhausted by those jobs, but they are naturally very happy after hearing Hugo's heartfelt concern.

Then, Hood, who was specifically responsible for the development in the ordinary world, began to inform these new ships of the current situation and some plans for the future through the admiral network.Soon, these ship ladies understood their next mission.

"Okay, I think we should also act." After understanding his next move, the Soviet Union once again bowed to Hugo and said."Please allow us to begin our mission now."

"Well, I wish you all the best." Hugo, who knew that they were all ready at this time, also gave them a gift, and then waited for them to change their clothes and sent them all the way to the door.According to the plan, their next task will be to integrate Eastern European immigrants from the London area and the entire UK, while extending their influence as far as possible.

"Is the problem of Eastern European immigration really troublesome now?" Watching these Soviet ship women turn a bend away from their vision at the end of the road, Hugo slightly raised his head and looked at Hood and asked, "So much for you. He even gave up calling his compatriots and chose to call them."

"It's really troublesome, because you know that the immigrants over there are not ordinary immigrants at all, but immigrants after the collapse of the entire society." Hood spread his hands gracefully."This means that the influx of immigrants will far exceed the local reception capacity, and there will be a large number of unstable people inside. If I don't handle it well, the situation that I have managed to stabilize will surely turn up again."

After clearing the scum in the Whitechapel District, the ship ladies did not let it go, but re-established order in that area.Thanks to their efforts, they used the wealth seized from the scum to establish many small and micro enterprises related to the secondary and tertiary industries in the region, and converted the unemployed or illegal occupations into real workers.

Of course, many problems will definitely be encountered in this process.Fortunately, the ship ladies have solved most of the problems with their own intelligence and ability to understand the human heart, giving those who wish to be able to eat with their own hands and brain a chance.Then use your own fabulous force to get rid of the rest of the troublemakers who don't want to work hard, but only want to get their own benefits through various crooked ways.

"We have now established a comprehensive investment company." Hood briefly introduced, "Although the funds seized from the gangs are not enough to support our next move, we can use your memory of the previous accumulation for writing novels. Data We successfully made a lot of money through investment, and then completed the economic integration of the entire Whitechapel District."

"It's really hard work for you." Hugo bowed deeply and said, although Hood only said a few words lightly, but how much Hugo's own ship ladies paid behind.

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