You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Through the admiral’s network, Hugo learned that his sister was chatting upstairs with Veneto and Firefly.So he took advantage of this opportunity to chat with Hood.Although this kind of thing can be obtained through the admiral network.But for him such face-to-face communication is certainly indispensable.

During the chat, Hugo also understood the reason why Hood went so smoothly throughout the operation.First of all, as the ship maidens who obtained a lot of information from Hugo, they easily used this information in their actions, and then smoothly used the advantages of these prophets to grab as many benefits as possible and avoid traps.

Secondly, as a ship's mother who is extremely powerful and can understand people's hearts.They are much easier than ordinary humans when dealing with most things. Whether it is grasping the other's psychological weakness and persuading them or directly destroying certain dregs physically, they can always find the most suitable solution to the problem.

Finally, although Hugo is not sure about the laws of the entire system.But he confirmed that this system can indeed do some things that can completely reverse the fate by using the destiny points, for example, it can make these purely obtain completely legal identities, and even allow those who have contact with them to have corresponding memories.

In addition, the identity that this system assigns to each ship's wife is related to their previous era as a warship.For example, the name of a ship like Hood is to commemorate the British admiral Samuel Hood in the 18th century, so now Hood, as the ship's mother, naturally has a certain connection with this family.

According to Hood, she now has an identity as a member of the Hood family.To Hugo's surprise, this family still exists today, and it is a hereditary aristocratic viscount family with a high status in Britain.For example, the Queen’s butler is the contemporary Viscount Hood.

Although Hood is only a member of the branch of this family, but this name alone is much easier than ordinary people when doing many things.To give the simplest example, Hood’s ability to buy real estate in this place is related to her current status as the Hood family. After all, such a community is difficult for ordinary people to live in even if they have money.

"It's nice to hear you have achieved such an achievement." Hugo congratulated him from the bottom of his heart, and then he asked as if thinking of something."By the way, I saw you on the Admiral Network before and said that you recently recruited a few wizards. Can you tell me what happened?"

The ship’s mother habitually reports their day’s work to Hugo through the admiral’s network every day. Although the speed of direct transmission of this report through consciousness is very fast, a ship’s mother only needs two reports for a whole day. It can be received in three seconds.But because of his trust in the ship's ladies and the habit of trying to fish, he just took a hasty look.Generally, they will not give any other opinions on their decisions.

After all, based on his experience, the handling of various incidents by these ship ladies can be said to be perfect.At least in his own experience, it is basically impossible to make a better decision.The reason why he asked this question today was because he was a little curious about why there are wizards working under Hood, who usually pretends to be ordinary people.

The law in the wizarding world in the UK is relatively lax and does not prohibit wizards from working and living in the world of ordinary people.It's just that most wizards can't accept the days when they don't use magic.But this kind of self-discipline is just a trivial matter for Jian Niang.

Before, Hood had always pretended to be an ordinary person outside, even if she had a magic wand, she would still cast spells, but she usually didn't use magic in other places except at home, and did not show that she was a wizard in front of ordinary people.So Hugo has always wondered why a wizard came to serve her under his command.

"Actually, they are just some really poor hemp seeds and half-blood wizards." After hearing Hugo's question, Hood shrugged his shoulders and said."And what I did was to find a way to provide them with a bite of food to eat." Food Novel

Listening to Hood slowly telling the stories of these people, Hugo also figured out what happened.To put it bluntly, this tragedy can be said to be completely caused by some flaws in the wizarding world itself.

In the British wizarding world, various pure-blood families occupy most of the resources.At the same time, because of the size of the wizarding world in the UK, the economic scale of the wizarding world as well as the employment population that can be accommodated are all very limited.

Under such a premise, there are naturally very few jobs available for Hogwarts graduated wizards to freely choose each year, and both the Ministry of Magic and those shops tend to recruit those pure Blood or half-blood wizards who are related to their parents as wizards.

In this way, only the top students among the hemp wizards and some half-blood wizards can get a job.The remaining part naturally faces the problem of graduation and unemployment.

It is not easy for these unemployed to even want to return to the world of ordinary people, because to the world of ordinary people, they are just people who only hold elementary school diplomas, and also because they have been studying in the wizarding world for several years. For this reason, they are completely out of touch with the outside world. In this case, even if they are employed, they can only find some physical work to do.

Although adult wizards can use magic outside the school, they still cannot use it in front of Muggles.So for them, the only effect of magic may be to make them a little easier when moving bricks.Life cannot be said to be bad. After all, the income of British manual workers is definitely not low, even higher than some white-collar workers.But this kind of work is totally incommensurate with their education.

And such a status quo will cause many serious problems. For example, hemp species who live with some mixed-race wizards who have some ideas and are bold enough will embark on the road of illegal crimes.At least half of the dark wizards in Knockoff Alley were from this source.

This is different from what Hugo had previously guessed. He had always thought that the black wizards in Knockdown Alley were mostly pure blood, but according to Hood, whether it was a black wizard or a white wizard, they wanted to obtain magic. Achievement must be supported by sufficient knowledge accumulation and resources, and pure-blood families can easily accumulate a lot of wizardry wealth.

Therefore, among the criminals who fell into Knockturn Alley, except for a very small part of the pure-blooded wizards who did fall into the family.Those half-blooded and hemp sorcerers who couldn't get mixed up outside took the majority.

Most of the wizards that Hood currently contains are wizards who live among ordinary people, but there are also two who have been in Knockturn Alley after graduation for a year or two, feeling uneasy in their conscience and ran out thinking about ordinary people. The guy who lives.But now they have only one identity, and that is Hood's subordinate.

"So what is their current job?" Hugo asked curiously.

"You know I'm involved in the service industry now, such as opening a series of laundry rooms and car washes." Hood said with a shrug."Seriously, the magic spell of the wizard is much better than non-magical means when cleaning things. It can not only clean things up more cleanly, but also won't harm the original quality of things. So now those high-end clothing and high-end cars They are mainly responsible for the cleanup."

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