Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 63 Hood's Wizards

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Hugo admired Hood's actions.Because even these people under her are using magic to deal with ordinary people-related matters, but from a certain perspective, it is not illegal.

This is because the place where the wizards work is in the magical place belonging to the Hood, and at the same time they did not perform magic in front of the Muggles, so it fully complies with the preconditions of the wizards in these secrecy laws.As for the work they did, the Ministry of Magic did send someone to inspect it, but it was successfully prevaricated by Hood.

Of course, Hood's prevarication is related to Arthur Weasley who came to check.He once heard his children tell stories about Veneto and his sister, Hood, who raised Veneto, so in this inspection he was naturally inclined to Hood and subconsciously put water in the inspection.

According to Hood, she hired these down-and-out wizards to work for herself as a wizard.As for the content of the work, unless she is caught with conclusive evidence of a serious violation of the law, she has no obligation to report her trade secrets to the Ministry, even if everyone knows what happened here.

As Arthur who has worked in the Ministry of Magic for so many years, Weasley naturally knew these doorways.Although Hood's current practice is a way of scoring the ball, it has violated the confidentiality law strictly speaking.But Arthur said he could open one eye and close the other.

After all, those pure-blood families and Gringotts still maintained their Muggle-drinking world trade after the secrecy law came into effect, they just used a series of means to circumvent secrecy laws.As far as the Ministry of Magic is concerned, as long as the actions of these wealthy people do not seriously expose the existence of the magical world, they will ignore it.

Most of those arrested for violating the secrecy law are just ordinary people who accidentally violated the law, except for some pure-blood family members who can die.Even in many cases, those pure-blood family members who died will be quietly let go by the Ministry of Magic.

Mr. Weasley has always been upset about this situation, but because he has always been on the edge of the Ministry of Magic, there is no way to change this even if he is upset.But now what Hood had done showed him the possibility of a certain change.

Because in Mr. Weasley's view, those unemployed people are an obvious destabilizing factor in the magic world.And because of the existence of magic, these people are not starving, so they have enough energy to do things.Although Hood’s approach is not well accepted by everyone in the wizarding world, and even suspected of violating the confidentiality law, he can at least provide work for everyone as much as possible under legal circumstances to prevent more people from becoming Dark wizard, and this is already very good in his opinion.

Mr. Weasley feels that compared to those pure-blooded families taking advantage of loopholes in the law, the practice of reaching out to help others like Hood is much better for the wizarding world.Therefore, he felt that he could let Hood's slight violation of confidentiality a little.

So after the inspection, he proposed to set up guard magic outside the room where the wizards work to avoid being discovered by the Muggles and fully agreed with Hood and their cleaning team working for Muggles to continue.And when she left, she especially encouraged Hood to hope that she would continue to do this kind of work.

"We should indeed thank Mr. Weasley for helping us." Hugo said after listening to Hood's introduction, and then he asked with some curiosity."I think this way of using magic to make money in the world of ordinary people shouldn't be difficult to think of, so why has no one done this before?" 113 novel

"Who said no." Hood said with eyes wide open."Those guys who do physical or technical work in the world of ordinary people will use magic to assist themselves while avoiding ordinary people. But it should be the first to gather a dozen people like me to work. "

"As for the reason no one did this before, it's also very simple, because those numb and desolate half-blood wizards do not have enough capital in the wizarding world or in the world of ordinary people, and the long-term life in the wizarding world has also changed. Some of their ideas, so even living in the world of ordinary people is just going to be alone."

"For example, now this group of wizards gathered under my command also gathered during this semester. At the beginning there were actually only one or two people. Later, after I identified my identities and arranged more suitable jobs for them, they were one of them. A lot of friends were brought in, so they gathered to the current scale."

Speaking of this, Hood showed a proud expression on his face and said."Of course, this is only the first step. After the wages, these wizards will certainly not be satisfied with the lives of ordinary people, but will hope to continue on the path of wizards. At that time, I can use these wizards We are starting to penetrate the magical world as a springboard."

It must not be said that Hood’s plan is indeed very good. At least compared with the practice of rushing into the magical world to cause a series of unpredictable results, Hugo feels that her approach can be said to be steady and stable, and can be the least noticeable. The practice slowly completed the penetration of the magic world.

"This plan sounds very good. I have really worked hard for you recently." Hugo immediately praised Hood as he looked at him with an imploring look after he finished talking about the plan."By the way, when do you think those people will take the initiative to suggest returning to the magical world?"

"I think it will be very possible after Christmas." Hood said after thinking about it."Because they now have this fixed job, all their daily consumption can be paid in pound sterling, and all the exchanged Gallons can be used for magic-related matters. But obviously, the annual exchange quota alone is definitely not enough. They cost it."

"You are right. Once many things have started, it is difficult to stop. Especially for those who live a good life, they definitely don't want to go back to a bad life." Hugo nodded. Agree with Hood."At least for wizards, if given the opportunity, they would be happy to fight for a future in the wizarding world for themselves. Even if not for themselves, at least for the children."

According to some news that Hood received, the probability that the children of wizards are wizards is very high, and it has nothing to do with whether they are of pure blood or Muggle.On the other hand, the probability of a wizard in the descendants of wizards and Muggles is more than half.Under such circumstances, unless you are determined to be single or DINK, the wizards under Hood will definitely make some plans for their future.

In the next little time, Hugo and Hood probably discussed the future development direction.With the addition of five new Soviet ship maidens, Hood will redact the work for the next semester, and the progress of various plans will be greatly accelerated.

"By the way, I remember you have 3 destiny points left. Do you have any plans for these points?" After learning from the Admiral’s network that Hermione was about to go downstairs, Hugo and the others quickly ended their discussion and prepared to leave gaming room.But when he went out, Hood suddenly asked him an important question.

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