You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Do you say the remaining three destiny points?" Hugo frowned and said after thinking for a while."Of course I will continue to summon your companions. Anyway, I will definitely not return to school with these three destiny points. Because you know, there is no use in school with these points."

"If that's the case, I suggest you call on the last day of the Christmas holiday." Hood made a suggestion."After all, as long as January 1st, your annual destiny points will be credited, and this year because you entered Hogwarts and started participating in the main storyline, the destiny points earned will double."

"In other words, I will have five points of fate at that time." Hearing what Hood said, Hugo immediately understood what he was going to say to himself. For him now, if he can be After waiting for time, it is naturally better to summon a large ship's ship mother than a medium ship's ship mother.

Just after the two people had just finished communicating, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs.It turned out that Hermione had also finished talking with Veneto and Firefly and walked down.She looked very excited, because the decoration of the rooms of the two ship maidens combined the style of ordinary people and wizards, which made her feel very novel.

In the following time, Hood prepared a perfect afternoon tea for everyone.As the navy, especially the navy of the Daqi Empire, at least in terms of afternoon tea, it should be said to be unmatched.

And while drinking tea, Firefly sent out invitations to Hermione and Veneto, inviting them to come to their side to learn magic together during the holiday.She said that she is a family of wizards, so there is a place where you can practice magic, unlike Granger's, because in the world of ordinary people, they can only study theory when they learn magic.

Hermione was obviously attracted by the firefly's invitation, especially when Hood still said that he and Belfast had learned magic through some kind of master-disciple relationship, and he had never studied in certain magic schools.So I hope I can communicate more with Hugo and other academic wizards.

This reason is not surprising. According to the information obtained when Hermione was chatting with several pure-blood seniors in Ravenclaw before, in fact, the earliest form of education in the magical world was mentoring and family inheritance, even if the current enrollment rate At the highest level, many people in the UK will choose home magic education.

In other parts of Europe, this kind of mentor-apprentice inheritance is more popular than in the UK, and it has more vitality.Especially in Southeast Europe, where there are no prestigious schools in the country, and Germany and Northern Europe, which refuse to admit hemp wizards.

Especially after the former Death Eater Igor Karkaroff took office, as an unprincipled and conceited person, he deliberately promoted fear and intimidation among the students, so that many parents learned from Dem during his tenure. Strong picked up their children.Apart from transferring schools, some of these children have returned to traditional family education.

On the public resume, Hood himself had been wandering in Europe while studying everywhere, and Hermione also learned this from Veneto.So after hearing what Hood said, she nodded slightly.

Of course, in addition to this reason, Hood also made some supplements to the invitation of the fireflies. After a simple exchange, Hermione discovered that the house where Hood could practice magic is located in the west of London, even far from home. The house is on a street, and the straight-line distance will not exceed 200 meters.If you want to go, you only need to walk.

Of course, this house was specially bought by Hood, and by the way it was also used as a place for the wizards to clean up.On the one hand, Hood hopes to be closer to his admiral, and on the other hand, because they are after all cleaning up certain luxury goods, it is obviously more suitable to be placed in a middle-class area than other places.Wanbar Novel Network

The most important thing is that at this distance, Hood can ensure that the ship maidens there can use their firepower to support the admiral at Granger’s house at any time, and clean up without harming Granger’s buildings. Those enemies that might appear around his house.

"We, we are also willing." After Hood finished her invitation reason, Hermione naturally stopped twitching, but directly expressed her thoughts."But this matter still needs our parents' consent in the end."

Hood naturally understood Hermione's approach, after all, she and her admiral were only 11-year-old children now.This situation must be discussed with the family.So after listening to Hermione's words, she smiled and started recommending his own blueberry sandwiches to three little guys and a lady pretending to be a little guy.

After Hugo and the others got home, Hermione raised the matter at the dinner table.After listening to Hermione's explanation of the cause and effect, Mr. Granger put down the height difference and showed a thoughtful expression, and then said, "No wonder they can clean my briefcase so clean. If it is magic, then It makes sense."

It turned out that after the previous shop opened, Mr. Granger cleaned up his usual leather bag out of curiosity, and found that the results of the cleaning were better than he thought.So now after listening to Hermione say this, I immediately remembered this matter.

"If this is the case, you can go to this place at your classmate's house and study with them." Mr. Granger nodded and said, "Although I can't figure out how you should learn magic, I think it should be different from ordinary knowledge. Not too big. In addition to theoretical knowledge learning, more practical exercises are needed."

"Thank you Dad." After hearing their father's permission, Hugo and Hermione thanked Mr. Granger at the same time.Then on the second day of the holiday, the two of them came to the underground secret room of that room to complete the homework assigned by the professors and practice magic and fighting with Veneto and Firefly.

Taking this opportunity, Hermione also gradually completed the first part of the basic training of the body under the guidance of several ship maidens, and then began to formally learn combat skills.

What she should learn from Hermione also made the ship wives think about it. After all, it was different from Hugo, who could continue to receive reinforcement.Except for the ability to master magic, Hermione is only at the level of an ordinary girl in terms of physical quality, even after intensive training, it is only slightly better than an ordinary person.

Therefore, she must consider the specific physical level in the process of learning, and cannot copy the Hugo training program.So after some discussion, they decided to let He Min study with Veneto.

After all, compared to the moderate military combat methods that Firefly and Hood mastered, the various small-scale chaotic techniques of the Sicilian Mafia in Veneto's hands were more suitable for Hermione.

Therefore, after studying for this period of time, Hermione began to learn various fighting techniques from Veneto.Although Hugo couldn't see her progress in this aspect, the most obvious change in her sister's body was that her body was much better than before. At least this winter did not catch the cold like in previous years.It can be seen that this kind of fighting learning can be said to have many benefits.

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